ITT: Movies only you remember

ITT: Movies only you remember

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webms of this movie are posted almost daily newfriend

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Try again, retards.

I remember both of these. Bedazzled is fucking kino. My super excited girlfriend was fuckin trash.

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One of the most underrated films of the last twenty years

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This film popped up in my amazon recomendations and I got halfway through before I realized I already saw it

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I saw and liked both of these flicks

Saw this movie tons of times. Fuckin kino.

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Oh I actually got one

Shame too because is fucking kino
Found out about it from a teekyu episode title lol

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I love this

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This film was absolute kino

>high school girl showing midriff
it truly was a different time

>headlight not even cracked
god i love shitty movie posters

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One of those forgotten crime movies that sat in Walmart DVD bargain bins for years.

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Every kid remembers this

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I use the gentleman quote from this movie on the daily despite the fact its' festecious

is it sadfu kino?

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holy shiiiit this movie was delightful. I have no recolection of it being longer than 20min

Hillary duff is like that wine aunt that you always look forward to seeing at family gatherings because you want her to sit on your face

believe dat!

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everyone loves this movie faggot

What an odd cast.

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joe's apartment

Had this video on vhs as a kid
Was never interested in watching it but I made sure not to record over it because I had this weird idea that it was my aunts vhs I dunno someone like that
I eventually watched it but I don't remember anything

We watched this in class in high school

I remember the movie the audience and critics just didn't understand

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this movie is such trash

Saw this one in school also

this movie was great

It's not that rememberable. But it has a great 2000 yr vibe

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Saw this for my 3rd grade birthday party

This film is considered a classic

Some of the ones I watched on Showtime/Starz/HBO routinely about 20 years ago.

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Kek I turned 20 the year Clockstoppers came out.

I remember Teletoon (Canadian TV channel) playing this a lot.

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Watch out for that coronavirus, its got a high kill rate among the elderly

Didn’t they make her boobs bigger for the poster

It's weird that I saw that movie plenty of times when it was on cable and it wasn't after years later that I found out that that was Bruce Willis.

It’s funny that the chicks name that’s not on the poster is the most successful now

She made her ass bigger for my dick.

>swn spend eternity brutally torturing you while you scream and beg for mercy
>swn use her super strength to beat the shit out of you and make you her bitch

I honestly do feel pretty ancient on boards like Yas Forums and Yas Forums but being a teenager in the late 90s/early 00s was amazing. I look back very fondly on all those Warped Tours I went to.

Hey, I used to love this movie.

I don't even know anyone else who's seen it let alone remembers it. The bonus aspect is that it's underrated kino too.

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what? bedazzled is still well known

Why didn't he just wish for her to be his wife and rule hell with her?

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I still have some serious questions about this movie.
1. Is Satan really a dude? When she shows her true form , it's a giant fucking dude. That's pretty gay
2. At the end, did they create an entirely new person for Brendan to fuck? That raises so many ethical questions. She was created just because some guy was a beta and couldn't get over his oneitis. Imagine what impact creating another human being would have on the world.
3. This person looks exactly like his oneitis. Does that mean that the new girl has parents that are exactly like the other girls parents to get the same genetics? Would that mean that Satan created a whole new line of ancestors just so one dude can get laid? Imagine the impact of that.

yea OK zoomer

ironically, Frankie Muniz is among the people that DON'T remember this movie

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Is she the only British woman who didn't hit the wall at 150 mph in her 30s?

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*sad kek*
The Wall is about more than just looks user, even women who stay physically attractive after 30 hit the wall.

I loved this movie. Couldn’t believe it wasn’t more well received

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Unfortunately, no.

Jane Seymour still looked fuckable well into her sixties m8

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What are you talking about? The wall is only about looks.

I fapped to that movie for years

I don't even remember much about it. I just know you asshats never bring it up

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Had this on vhs as a kid too. I didn't watch it for a long time but I eventually saw it on tv when I was older, and I remember it!

I remember thinking it was a really cool movie but then some show, I think it was family guy, made fun of the movie for its ending and I felt bad.

This movie had some existential shit going on

I saw this in the theater.

Friedkin is great

I've seen 90% of all these movies, and I complete alcoholic that barely remembers a fucking thing.

Up your game Yas Forums.

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I used to see this in the kino rental store all the time and always wanted to get it, but I never did. Is it good?


No wait, scratch all that. I just looked up the movie.
I had red planet on vhs but I never watched it.

I was thinking of some other movie about mars. Don't remember the name though, but at the end the Martians put some guy in breathable water and take him to their new home planet