Movies about betraying your ideals for love?

Movies about betraying your ideals for love?

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He’s fucking finished

>hey guys wanna see my gf naked? thanks

Imagine doing all that just for a used up 7/10 league of legends whore.

but he's gay


Nobody loves whores, he's just a pathetic scrawny faggot who doesn't think he can do any better.

He's been a lazy faggot forever now. He hasn't made a single good video since his last content cop and kickstarter crap.

dude please just trial her onlyfans


I hope Leafy comes back and destroy him


that would be kino

Is this guy the actual literal manifest of the simp/cuck?

Have you seen her OnlyFans pics? There's always way better free girl pics up than her

Women are like children, they are constantly pushing boundaries in a relationship as far as they can looking for someone to control them

They WANT to be told no, they want to know the limits. If you "respect" women you will just end up paying for their tit job so they can do softcore porn until they finally leave you because they don't respect your soft ass

Leafy is and will always be a whiny bitch. Just because Ian fell off doesn't give Leafy any credibility to shit on him.


you didnt watch airsoft fatty?!!?!

Yeah but she's not just any girl is she? She's the girl of idubbz. Every coom to her is a coom against idubbz

what a fucking pathetic ass simp cuck bitch

She's fucking Lebanese too. Arabs are hardwired with men telling them them fucking no. All idubz had to do was slap the bitch the first time she put up a titty pic up and guarenteed she'd be deep throating him on the reg after. What a faggot

Why would he do this to his friends?

>quit making videos with your friends for a music career
>one is resorting to making consoomer videos about Pokemon
>the other is literally whoring out his gf to make ends meet

What went wrong?

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Actually this dude is a chad and everyone is jerking it to HIS gf so who’s the real winner?

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>resorting to
max loves that shit and his podcast with the fat fuck is a hit

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Didn't he get seizures or some shit from doing videos. It also fucked up his throat.

He adapted and survived. Although I think his zoomer depression music is faggy, it was the correct choice.

>idubbz girl
She'll be fucking niggers on the side in front of dub before you can say simp and then she'll leave him once his JewTube subs go down. She ain't "his girlfriend"

Makes kino while leaving his friends in the dirt. Based.


Zoom zoom

A girl I really want to fuck thinks Filthy's music is good so he's probably on his way up

That actually sounds empowering for her.

Anyone here actually pay for only fans. For me it's Kate's Kurves and Crystal Lust.

Lmao idubbz is such a cuck.

>Paying for porn
Ultimate degeneracy

Idubbz and Filthy Frank are the new George Clooney and Matt Damon of this year get over it Gramps

he could dish it out but not take it.
similarily, he could tell others what to do, but not follow his own rules.
never likedthis guy.
max is 10x better

>that stomach
Ian needs to just suicide. I'll never understand a guy putting up with this shit, but it would make more sense if she was a LA 10/10 but she's just a midwest 7 WITH fake tits. Jesus christ have a spine

>jerking off to her pics
According to the fags that paid for that shit, there are 0 nudes of her

>Ian needs to just suicide. I'll never understand a guy putting up with this shit, but it would make more sense if she was a LA 10/10 but she's just a midwest 7 WITH fake tits. Jesus christ have a spine

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I'm a coomer

>crystal lust
that booty is the stuff of legends

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Yes, zoomer girls eat this shit up. Have you seen a the neighbourhood concert? Literally all girls 17-21.

He literally gets Stress Induced Seizures and having to deal with Youtube directly was fucking him up.

>Only fans and no nudity
All those simps got ripped off.

Go back

I know hes just an 'efamous' zoomer but why wouldn't he kick her to the curb? surely theres legions of thots for him to pick from? Why would someone be okay with this?

Even so, you can do better than paying to coom.
Your coom is yours alone user.

what the hell is even going on with that stomach?

I think if her personality was nicer she'd be a Hard 7.5 but she's a dumb toxic cunt so it does her no favors. You can tell she'll wall in two years even

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How sad is it that you've gotta simp for a 7/10 skank?

She just put out a video on her only fans today where the premise is that her son came home and told her that school is canceled due to the corona virus and they are out of toilet paper. She tells her son that she needs him to clean her ass with his mouth.

calm down virgins

white men are secured in their masculinity

if you care about your girlfriend having a onlyfans account, you are an incel

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Yeah but fatty was the real star there. Any idiot with a camera could make kino with fatty

>How sad is it that you've gotta simp for a 7/10 skank?

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>simp for
what even is that lingo


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Yas Forums - Television & Film

>mfw toxic masculinity is still allowed in 2020

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I do not aprove of this kind of shitpost user

Apparently not secure enough to leave a whore for something better.

frank is just as much of a cuck as he is

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His hairline has gone full coomer too even.

Here is the definition boomer.

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>Billie Eilish
>Filthy Frank
Fuck I hate this timeline

>why did he want to take a different path and try expressing himself with other artistic mediums?
The people that populate this board man

get with it granpa. i got asked by some kid if i got some squid. i pointed him towards the nearest store, got told i wasnt with it. but i used to be.

Jesus Christ the memes are true..

You forgot doja cat

>kind of queens

He saw that edgy content was dead on youtube and left while the going was good. He would have never survived adpocalpyse.

he's a hapa, what did you expect? Asian and white especially WMAF is the most degenerate type of relationship but all racemixing is bad (this is where the r/hapas crowd is wrong).

Just don't racemix

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That thot left that greasy manlet btw

An LA 10/10 is literally nothing but fake.

Just let your gf do porn, are you an insecure incel?

Save the squirrel is the best thing he has ever done


hes like 7 feet tall

wtf I thought that dude was gay

even max in one of his podcast episodes said that the time frank chose to quit youtube was perfect because it was the beginning of the oppression towards content creators like him

>wtf what a cuck. I'm so glad i never even look at women irl so i can't get cucked this hard.

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This, American white bitches are low tier women

he is. she's his beard

>I know hes just an 'efamous' zoomer
Unless you meant his fanbase, he's fucking 30 years old or something, well into being a millenial.

Guys I am out of the loop. What happened?

Jesus these racebait posts are so cringey. I like asian chicks, brown chicks, white chicks, jewish chicks. I have no desire for some kind of gay consolewar faggotry over them.

In fairness don't think she's white, even by american standards.

If Ian wants to save himself he’ll make a content cop on simps.

>you guys are idiots
>MY gf made 40k in a day so you could see titties when they are free everywhere else online
>you pay for porn you cuck
>I tuck her and you just see the emoji tits

It wouldn’t TRULY save him but could save face.

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Based nihilist retard


I didn't know a single png could generate this kind of seethe. Well done.

If its one thing women love and that builds a lasting relationship, is letting them walk all over you and show their naked body to other men.

Idddubz girl is an e-whore.

Regardless of what the pic says, it still is true that the average Asian is hotter than the average white.

The person you just responded to is a try hard fag of thinks is "based" to don't know shit about what the "kids" are into, just ignore that kind of post.

Who the FUCK are these people

no its not subhuman

i really like her leaks they have a really amateur kind of quality to them, and i like how she looks like a cute/fuckable normie. too bad whoever leaked them censored the titties

They're cannibalizing their own, just sit back and watch this one
who any of these people are is absolutely not important here

The only thing he can do now is nothing and wait for this bullshit to be forgotten like in a week.

>expressing yourself with an artistic medium
what a fag lol

>whoever leaked them
you know exactly who "leaked" them

Normally I get a good laugh out of a race bait post but this was cringe

No for every maybe ok decent attractive Asian girl there'll always be like fifty decent looking to very hot White woman. Caucasians won the looks lottery anyone who says different is a fag

>Find out your girlfriend sent nudes to a guy
>Consider it cheating and leave her

>Find out your gf is sending nudes to anyone with $8
>Completely support her decision

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Reminder that these threads are made by a discord group from

Wtf does this thread have to do with Yas Forums

Please shit post on Yas Forums

Pixelating in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ 2020 my fucking sides

giving money to a girl you aren't even fucking, and she has a boyfriend, is the true cuckoldry here