Have you taken the Bloom pill yet?

Have you taken the Bloom pill yet?

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Probably looked like milk was being spilled on her face.

Orlando Coom

i feel like coom would literally be leaking out of me

>no sex or jerking off for 6 months
>fucking Katy Perry
I would've lasted literally 2 pumps.

unironically would coom my pants

it literally would dummy

would have been quite an embarrassing show

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I hope he came on her face

A white sun rises.....

Coom has been split this night

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so this is the power of nofap...

haha wouldn't it be funny if her belly bloated up and made her look pregnant the first time he came in her because of all the semen he built up like that's hilarious haha

why would you date that trashy hoe, and why would you tell about your masturbatory habits and sex life to the media

Oh Orlando!

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very based if it was her idea

Dating doesn't start with sex. You masturbate a few hours before the date.

ok coomer

So this is what 6-month No-Fap gets you?

Because she more beautiful than anything you'll ever touch and rich.
And he's rich and famous and he doesn't give a fuck.

shes a trashy hoe

I wouldn't be able to cum Katy Perry is so ugly

>why would you date that trashy hoe, and why would you tell about your masturbatory habits and sex life to the media
so they'll stop saying you're gay

Their wedding won't last. She already said on Twitter she prefers black men. She literally said "BBC is the best" back in 2010 or 2011


how will she explain this to her son

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Its a lie anyway

Who doesnt wank at least once a week?

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the baby came out black cause she prefers black men. She might have settled down with him just for stability tho since her BBC days are over

>MFW its real

>nofap turns you into a simp
I knew it

Alright bros im ganna do it. Im finally ganna nofap and make it more than a week this time. Im ganna do it. Ill keep you guys updated on my progress

Katy prefers black men. It only makes sense she would settle with a white dude for stability but fuck BBC on the side, or at the very least she got the BBC out of her system

Only time I did no fap was when I was a teenager in secondary school and it actually worked

Within two weeks I had hit my stride

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Considering Katy actually prefers BBC you probably aren't too far off, she actually has a tweet out where she professes her love for the BBC

Orlando Bloom is young, handsome, rich and hung like a horse.
You could probly go 6 months too if you were getting any pussy you wanted for 20 years beforehand.

lmao based and coompilled

american women love big uncut english dick

he's a cuck

he's australian retard

No, they prefer BBC. They only marry whites for stability

>obsessing some BBC joke she made 9 years ago
I think you guys have BBC on the brain

Clearly she meant Big British Cock.

>ctrl+F BBC
>9 results

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my girlfriend said she looks like she fucks black guys lmao
she's a blatant whore

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She literally dated a black guy around that time too, retard. She's been blacked and she is proud of it.

Nope, cause she literally wrote "big black cock" so she stans BBC

9 years
10 years
100 years
doesn't matter

she's fucking tainted forever. you know the old saying, once you go black we don't you back. simple as that.

Katy mentioned it first lol

She looks so bad with that hair and makeup.

Tell that to Orlando Bloom.

I-Imagine not having sex for six months hahaha!

This is like the least funny analogy ever why is it making me laugh so hard?

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Imagine not doing it for 25 years haha

What's it like having a dick that big?

>muh bbc
Why are americans like this?

inferiority complex

>Euros dump a bunch of big dick slaves off in the New World
>OMG whats with all the racial animosity over there?

russell brand got to smash that in her prime

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its not great

Based Ponderland hit it up before it was gone off

You mean your ancestors

ask your mother's bf

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oh yeah, you always want to show up to your dates reeking of semen

based englishman dicking down amerihogs

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thats such a dumb, retarded and counterproductive meme that got pushed to you by (((entertainment media)))

He probably preps the bull on a nightly basis. He seems like he'd be into it

Wrong, English but was born in South Africa ya dingus

Orlando is a Jew, then again anglos and Jews both have that crooked rectangular face.

>the fatso in the background

Or masturbate.
I'd go insane within a month.