Tom hanks released

Tom hanks released.

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Woah it's almost like it's nothing

shouldn't they release him after testing negative?

It’s almost like they can afford exceptional proprietary treatment for millionaires.

I knew they were going to fake cases just to try and make people put their guard down. "Yeah he totally tested positive"
"Oh look hes better now! Come to the movies, everything is fine, give us your money."

Some people show no symptoms at all, other people drown in their own lung fluid

>be rich, iconic celeb
>receive best treatment on planet, around the clock attention, world-class environment

>be poor joe nobody schmoe

how is this fair again?

You cant shank the Hank-s

>Come to the movies, everything is fine, give us your money

movie theater is literally closed in any place that matters, shithead.

Maybe poor joe nobody should have become an actor.


*first world
Although he's lucky he got it early before the hospitals fill up.


who said it was supposed to be fair?

>be poor joe nobody schmoe
the only poor joes dying are 90 year olds with shitty 90 year old immune systems

>In any place that matters

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>>be poor joe nobody schmoe
Nice strawman nobody on this site knows anyone that has died.

whats proprietary?

your constitution

I have died

Did he get released in a body bag or something? Yas Forums said he was going to die. I can't believe the certified doctors on 4channel's Yas Forums- Television and Film board were screaming about how this wuhan virus kills everything, and then it turns out he's still alive. Oh man, I don't know what to believe anymore.

Lol this is the first conspiracy tard I've seen saying the narrative is to HIDE the virus. Pretty insane conclusion to come to considering the panic the media has been drumming up since this began.

>get free lung fluid
>complain about it

What's it like being a ghost?

Yeah but you recovered just like everyone else that died


That's only third worlders that never learned to swim in their own lung juice

I have to use speech to text to post

I think that means Tom Hanks owns a doctor

This whole virus shit has fried politicucks' and conspiracytards' brains. They can't decide whether it's being overblown or downplayed by the media.

My boomer co-worker was bragging to me about going to a packed restaurant last night. He said no one there was worried because they were all incredibly drunk
It’s over guys

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It’s almost like you’re reading different opinions from different people.

Literal retards.

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lol he will get reinfected because coronachan bonds to your cells like HIV

his heart will explode

screencap this

Do quote the line that states every man and woman will receive equal gibs no matter what.
Your parents should have told you life isn't fair.
You know, that stuff that's probably in short supply now that's reserved for millionaires like Hanks.

Maybe he'll die in a plane crash?

Fuck the constitution. Why america treats it like gods own word is beyond me.

>Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness

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Now go learn what that means.

Well technically it omly means the right to PURSUE happiness. Although, of coirse, if youre not rich you dont really have the ability to pursue happiness either.

Those pics of tens of thousands of people in Disneyland on the last day before it closes will be in history books

>go learn what life means

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The MSM has spent the last ten years destroying any trust people have in it, plus nobody watches that shit anymore, so it kinda seems like they're doing it for ratings. This would be the most people have watched the news in a long time.

Super IVs full of Vitamin C

Regular Americans get grape cough syrup. Us elites get one of a kind orange swirl syrup. Choke it down, fags.

Is this still a thing in 2020?

Did Doctor Uncle Nintendo tell you that?

The pursuit, you fucking nigger. Not the guarantee.

Yes unironically some Q bullshit got too comment on a Trump tweet it must be some kind of false flag to make conspiracy’s look retarded

>the pursuit of life

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Because it literally is

Is that supposed to be you?

I actually know a girl that’s probably in that picture somewhere because she was in that college kid program or whatever it was. Honestly this is starting to seem like a modern day Passover

>Is that supposed to be you?

Attached: 9AABAAED-46EC-4073-94A4-2CB950642539.jpg (601x508, 31.38K)

>March 2018

The United States is an authoritarian nation. Libertarianism is international economic Marxism. Marx was a libertarian

>>Is that supposed to be you?

Attached: 1583010343858.png (407x435, 117.57K) a body bag!

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>>Is that supposed to be you?

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Damn, when people say “you’re here forever” they weren’t kidding.

>not wanting infectious tom released to go back to hollywood and spread it

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>sleep, staying hydrated and resting is best treatment on planet

He was in the same boring hospital that most Australians who aren't neets would be in. Doubtful he's getting special treatment, it doesn't work that way.

>tfw happening averted

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