
Make Money Motherfucker Edition


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why are we still here
just to see the spooning scene

>the app pays you in "Crime Coins"

daring, I like it.

yep, i hope it isn't just a 5 second cutaway too. as ugly as tessa thompson is i have a weird fetish for her and want to see her cute sensual feet up close

I can't wait for my hardcore bing bing wahoo lifestyle is made reality. It's gonna be so fun to go on missions IRL.

What went so right?

Well, only rich 1%ers who specifically wanted to be a cowboy even go there, and shes a generic blonde nice girl in the park if you just visit 1 week 5 years ago she isn't likely to make much of an impression, certainly not enough to recognize her in modern clothing.

why did those two niggers need aaron paul to collect the briefcase with the bomb if they have some electronic jamming equipment? why needlessly complicate it?

stop evading my filters.

and while im here,

fuck hbo
fuck season 2
fuck season 3
fuck Dolores
fuck maeve
fuck the butchering of eastworld
fuck shrink rays
fuck niggers
fuck jj abraham

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He had the explosive

I thought they were going to leave the reveal that Caleb isn't human until later

>fuck shrinkrays
you fucked up this time

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>What went so right?
Jessie made sure he had "stats of 3.0 or higher" before starting the mission. He's a grizzled, street smart war hero. /ourguy/ Jessie isn't "basic".

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Can i skip season 2 and go right to season 3 or do i seriously have to sit through hours are garbage?


from what show is this

In the post-episode thing, they just said something like

>"It's based on blockchain technology, so nothing can be traced"

You just fucking know that one of them just read the word 'blockchain' somewhere and just totally ran with it. How the fuck does incorporating a blockchain make you have a magical app that's just Uber but for crime that's just right there on your phone.

Unless it just turns out that the magical AI allows it because it's just using it to 'direct' people. Which sounds pretty plausible, but also a bit lame desu.

i think it was just normal war

Every season is confusing as fuck but you will be lost more than others

Look at you with your cute theories. Aren't you just an adorable fuckboi.

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Season 2 had the 2 best episodes of the show (s02e04, s02e08) and also the worst (s02e10)

I think it's definitely possible

Season 2 has its moments but not cohesive at all, just watch a summary

>that disgusting pinky toe on the other girl

and when are we going to see more of dolores' soles

>Hurr durr muh blockchain

That really was embarrassing to listen to. Jonathan Nolan clearly doesn't understand how blockchain works. It's literally the worst kind of technology to use for a criminal Task Rabbit app.

reminds me of incredibles 2 for some reason

Ayo Yas Forums talk to me

Where's your head at!?!????

Future World only belongs to Dolores. The whole Earth is her theme park.

>be in a war
>wear a helmet sometimes I guess
>carry what would be the future's equivalent of a musket
>wear regular clothes

Is this lazy filmmaking or will this all make sense, lads?

>"we wanted this season to be hopeful"
>nazi world
d r o p p e d

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Season 3 is so far even more shit, it's not even Westworld anymore, more like a spinoff in a generic le futuristic world. The whole first episode is basically Ray Kurzweil wet dreams.

except he eats lunch sitting next to a robot 40 stories in the air with no issue

It actually is a subtle notion that humanity refused to progress and forever got stuck in pre 2020s era. All because of the damn sex robots. Seems like a pretty accurate extrapolation.

You see, user. The Blockchain "can't be traced", so when you respond to a sidequest that says "meet here at 9pm to do this massively illegal crime", they can't get you. Checkmate: law enforcement

I think you don't get who won.

Big brained Nolan

>Ayo Yas Forums talk to me
>Where's your head at!?!????
It still hurts. I miss my gay black AI headmate like you wouldn't believe.

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George is hilarious

All incorrect.

Dolores timeline in this episode is entirely linear.
If Caleb's war had been the human/robot war then Dolores would not have still been trying to figure out Serac's name.
Rehoboam is older than the parks and the cradle.

Just all wrong dude, like not even 'far fetched theory' just completely factually incorrect and I have no idea why you would think any of that because it runs directly counter to every fact about everything related to any of it.
Just no.

>man face
>fridge body
>no ass

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It didnt really look or sound like a warzone.
It was more likely a small scale mission of some sort.

I hope MIB massacres everyone

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Why Naziworld, lads? I know you degenerates would go there, but why would the average 1%er? What is their market?

>"Isn't this magical, Stephanie, Nazi occupied France!"
>"Oh it's amazing, Steve! It's everything I hoped for and more!"
>"And look! They're rounding up the Jews!"
>"Oh how exciting, let's go take a look!"
>Achtung Juden, raus!
>"Oh honey, look! They're about to execute them by firing squad against this wall!"
>"I'm so glad you brought me here, babe, I'll treasure this trip forever"

Inb4 "sounds like a perfect vacation to me"

The creator is a Nazi, hence why strong Dolores brings him down. Looks like maeve has been killing Jews

>Why Naziworld, lads?
Jews re-create their own oppression everywhere they go. It's in their folklore and religious stories. It's integral to who they are. It stands to reason that they would build a shrine to it within a virtual world, where anyone could/should/will go for The Ultimate Oppression Experience™

i miss her bros ;_;

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My god makeup is such a lie

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The guests are probably resistance fighters or covert agents. The nazi setting is pretty much an inglorious bastards type of deal.
No way this show is going to show people going to nazi world and being nazis. If it does, it will probably be where the hosts revolt and kill the nazi larpers.

>I hope MIB massacres everyone
They know you hoped this, that's why they cucked him. The "___ did nothing wrong" meme ruined villains for ever once it was introduced into the wild. Now they turn every villain into General Hux -tier clownshoes or females so you absolutely can't have anything nice in your entertainment (even if you go to villains for it).

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>im going to save the fucking world
Hope Nolan sticks to this

he's still a bitch tho

Ed Harris looks like he's one step away from becoming a literal zombie.
I hope he doesn't get corona.
I'm gonna be kinda sad when he dies, dude has fucking talent and a singularly unique stage presence.

This episode

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It could be the bullshit explanation that the criminals themselves believe, that they can't be traced, while big AI is actually controlling crime through this app. We know the old guy that kidnapped Dolores ordered drugs to be delivered through the app, so it's not like it's that much of a secret underground thing. But crime idiots might think they're totally under the radar and getting away with it because "lol uh blockchain or whatever!"

Remember when Teddy kept having war flashbacks when Ford updated him with a new backstory, and they kept shifting as they merged with the actual happening of Dolores killing Arnold in Escalante? I'm curious if we're going to keep getting new versions of this war, if Caleb's memory has been altered somehow, and if part of this war wasn't somehow virtual or algorithmically determined.

I'm really digging the 'two Bernards' thing they have going on right now. The fact that he literally pushes a button to switch should be corny as hell and somehow it is actually neat as fuck.
I'm cautiously optimistic about Bernard this season, I hope theyve finally figured out something for him to actually do.

i don't even recognize clitoris withal all that makeup on

I'm thinking theres an 80% chance that Caleb's war won't be relevant to the main plot at all. I think it's just a bit of backstory for him and that's it.

I found his performance in Snowpiercer to be a bit... odd.

anything associated with snowpiercer qualifies as odd

I'd be surprised if anyone ITT could find a clitoris, let alone recognize it.

From a corporate standpoint? Because Nazis are always easy feel good enemies to defeat. The guests don't have to feel conflicted about blasting up some innocent robots if those robots are wearing Nazi uniforms. It's a great "I'm the hero!" power fantasy for their rich elite clientele.

Now with "Charlotte Hale" in control and working for Dolores to insist on Delos continuing manufacturing of the hosts and not selling off the parks, it's probably Dolores that chose this setting. Why? Because she wants a robot army at the ready when she releases them.

Gig Economy based on smart contracts using Chainlink.

I didn't see that, I meant to when it was new but I keep forgetting it exists.

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Caleb tells his dead soldier friend that he didn't have to be alive for the way the world changed. I think the war is going to be the tipping point for when humanity allowed the algorithm to take over their lives because of the desolation and despair this war caused. So we're definitely going to see more of it and what caused it.

Yas Forums here (i'm also a developer in tech finance)

from the screenshots they've showed of the app, it actually looks like it's meant to look like it's a blockchain app, but it's a bit more robust than current technology would be able to offer. as long as the physical device stays secure, it should in theory stay private between the parties. if you drop your phone in the lake or smash it though, I don't see a way to get into "trusted" status without there being a central authority that can grant that. the concept would be similar to chainlink like someone mentioned

Remember in the first season how they seamlessly integrated time skips and only hinted at them until the very end of the season? Remember when the show was good?

That makes a lot of sense, solid theory.

>I'm thinking theres an 80% chance that Caleb's war won't be relevant to the main plot at all.
I think my bullying of Aaron Paul's casting as a "war hero" will be subverted when its' revealed he has PTSD from visiting CoDworld and got danger close or something. He was never actually a soldier and his buddy that died was a toaster. He got "shot in the head" by Westworld ich luge bullets. Screencap this.

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Then stop going to these threads. Oh wait, see you next week

Just assume IoT is a thing by that point and Chainlink is able to verify he completed his task and triggers the smart contract.

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hop on buddy!!!!!!!!

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so lewd

I think Caleb is definitely somebody whose memories have been altered somehow. The woman saying "you're not my son" is probably not actually his mother. He's been shot in the face, supposedly, which would have been a great excuse to facially reconstruct somebody important and turn them into an average joe nobody without anyone recognizing him, then plop him down into a shitty slum job and send him through therapy to convince him of some made up backstory. Caleb was a threat somehow to Insite and Big AI's plans, which is why they're keeping him down and denying his job applications everywhere.

I wish that motorcycle seat was me

everyone rps as Nazies

really bro

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It's probably similar to the choose your white hat or black hat gimmick for Westworld.

any nudes in this