Characters meant to be attractive but actually aren't

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"well, hello beautiful" - Joe Kerr

Elbows too pointy
2/10 would not fuck

Julia Roberts has never been hot. Even her niece, who isn't that hot herself, moggs her.

That Julia Roberts in every movie, a 7/10 that everyone treats like a 10/10. I did like her in Notting Hill tho

and I thought *my* jokes were bad

What a waste of digerinos

Excellent post epic get we need more guys like you.

angelina jolie in any movie. she is just not that good looking except in lara croft

She looked best as a 90s trashy babe but yeah I can see why some don't find her particularly attractive.

Very distinct look that some won't be interested in. On the pretty/cute/beautiful/hot/sexy question she definitely falls heavily into the "beautiful" category, which is common for people with unique and bold features. She also seems kind of refined, like she's the type of woman you would proudly bring home to meet your parents.

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To be honest...

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I'm not sure if the audience was supposed to find her attractive or just Arnold, but whatever

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triss and fringilla

Nah she's hot in Hackers and in Mojave Moon

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Maggie gyllenhall

Yeah Julia Roberts isn't ugly but she's no bombshell

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At least I found Julia somewhat hot in her youth. She was unique looking, but attractive to me back then.
Meanwhile, Sarah Jessica Parker always looked like shit and I lost the count of how many movies treat her as if she was some 11/10.

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Did she even do movies?

zoom zoom

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obnoxious post-wall wine aunt

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>unironically her most attractive role is the one where she's supposed to be an ugly witch


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Oh yeah. At least she fits as a witch.

She was ugly-hot when she was young, like a weird slag you fuck then pretend you don't know

This she always been hideous

but post-wall milfs are my fetish

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Well anyone looks attractive standing next to Bette Midler

That mirror truly was a lying hoe, wasn't it?

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she looked damn good in that movie. i dunno what happened. she didnt take the mommypill


i honestly had no idea sjp was the ditzy witch, i dont really read credits


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yeah, I never really got the hype of this scene. Her body is great, I suppose, but that man face accentuated by the short hair cut, not good at all.

She's not that attractive but a buddy of mine has worked on the set on one of her films and she's supposed to be super nice and down to earth. So she has that going for her.

wew lads

Fight me

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Lynch expects me to think she's hot?

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Her husband killed people and got off scot-free. Then they had children by using a surrogate so she didn't ruin her body. These people are literal vampires.

just because shes a fat slob now doesnt mean she wasnt attractive back then

not user, but this is garbage

Nah, she was incredible in the 90's and early noughties. Sure, she's a leathery faced lizard now, but that's the wall for you.

Lynch had so many god-tier women on this show and you're complaining about one? you seem selfish

all the millie fags should look at what a beautiful 15 year old really looks like


Compared to Charlize Theron in Huntsman, she looked like shit. Especially since she was meant to be the Snow White in that movie, and she looked like monkey compared to so-called evil queen.

This one is hot, even tho she's Asian

umm sweetie his name is amanda meiwerd

I always get her and Sandra bullock confused. I don’t know why cause Sandra is way more beautiful.

i busted so many nuts to this chick.

Yeah Sandra is fucking hot

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I think they are both hot. Why do I like horse faced girls so much bros?

her attractiveness is directly proportional to if you have a mommy fetish
safe to say i really liked her

fuck outta here

Thanks for the (You) user.

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Is this supposed to be a nice ass?

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She made my pp feel weird when I was little

Nope, it's Joe Kerr. He mentions his dad in one scene and they have the same last name.
'My father was Adrian Kerr, and a fiend'


Imagine 2.0

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Her niece is hotter

I think she is very attractive in The Mask and that's it. She becomes a 6/10 immediately after then drops to a 5/10 in 2000.