Japanese cinema>> Modern Hollywood

Prove me wrong.

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The Japanese animation industry doesn’t really have a distinctive style. They have very poor writing (great characters though), they don’t have anything unique to say about anything and there are no philosophies to them. It’s all style over substance


it's good but i feel like this movie is insanely overhyped. I wonder how many people saw the movie Colorful, i find that movie way way better

Show flag.

I don't care whether I am a basic bitch or not: can someone recommend modern jap kino similar to summer was or your name? I've seen the old jap classics years ago.

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Maybe in part because Sentai dubbing Colorful hurt it.

Watch Patema Inverted. It's a weird sci fi anime film. Also watch Fireworks.


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Also watch Mirai and When Marnie was there.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

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imagine being THIS fucking wrong

still can't believe people watch japanese stuff dubbed, or anything dubbed for thatt matter

Holy based!

Koe no Katachi doesnt work as a movie. There was too much shit cut out.

Maybe because quality studios like NYAV Post do dubs.

your name. was better

Keep in mind - OP said
>Japanese cinema
You are dead wrong about the animation industry right off the bat, but even if you were correct, their modern live action kino is >>>>> than 95%+ of modern hollywood

Take your weeb talk outta here.

Fucking casual shit eaters all of you.
Watch Wolf Children.
Watch Maquia.

Thanks a ton

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What are some good live-action Japanese films? Are they as good as their animation?

I'll take it

I am interested in both of those movies desu. Chill.

Who is this lady?

>The Japanese animation industry doesn’t really have a distinctive style.
This will surprise 125 million Japanese.
>It’s all style over substance
That makes no sense in view of your first claim.

Koe no Katachi is fucking exemplary. Incredible animation with the perfect balance of KyoAni touch and recreation of the source art, a lovely tale of a boy realizing his wrongs and having been on the recieving end of exactly what he dished out, with a girl that tries her absolute hardest despite the obstacles she faces and breaks in the process, an accurate portrayal of teenage angst and the messes that accompany it, moments that evoke empathy and make you care about the characters, and most importantly an incredible life lesson to live by.
Watch first, then read. The manga is better, with out a doubt. But you do yourself a disservice by not watching Koe no Katachi.

Speak english, weeb.

Off the top of my head (and I'm only talking modern japanese cinema, even though old stuff is great):
>The Shoplifters
>Like Father, Like Son
>After the Storm
>Shin Godzilla
>The Taste of Tea

>muh photorealism
Way to completely miss the point of animation.

I really enjoyed Koe no Katachi when it came out tho, then people started hyping it like mongoloids, very embarrassing.

Maquia was even better and nobody is talking about it, I don't even feel like it's a hidden gem.

Shinkai is a fraud and Kon died too soon

Japanese "cinema" hasn't been good since the 60s and even directors like sion sono and koreeda have given up
also your Yas Forumseddit teen cartoons aren't cinema you Yas Forums and Yas Forums reject

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a single western film that came out last year is way better than anything your shitty childen cartoon industy produced in the last 10 years. anime industry is literally aimes towards losers who haven't achieved anything in life (aka isekai) therefore the content is extremely shallow and the reason why 99 percent of the setting in set in highschool

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>Patema Inverted
The whole reversed gravitational pull sounded interesting, but once I sat down and started watching it, it was clear that the whole concept was the only thing keeping it together, couldn't watch it to the end, just simply bad story/character/milieu-wise.

Weathering with you

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Fireworks was terrible, but I can't really say why

what's the point of animation

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>ywnh a deaf gf
why live

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Yep. Japs care more about entertainment than political correctness.
Something like Ishuzoku Reviewers. an Anime where a group of adventurers go and review brothels with different kind of girls in a fantasy setting, is impossible to be made by modern Hollywood standards in which everything is Political correctness over entertainment.
The modern western entertainment industry is nothing but a bunch of Iggy Catalpas with fear to be offensive or challenging.

And someon may say that "anime" also has modern far-left bullshit like LGBT and other things, but again, this is because of the freedom that the Japanese authors have to create whatever they want.
In America is. "Modern far-leftism political bullshit or nothing"

In Japan is "yeah sure, whatever, if it sells, congratulations, if not, keep trying and good luck in your next project"

>look up Maquia
>directed by Mari Okada
That's probably why it isnt talked about.

Why is that a bad thing?

>I'm not casual
>Watch Wolf Children

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She directed Hisone to Masotan and that was pretty homosexual

Wholesome af

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You're right. Your pic is wrong.

When almost every girls in the show find a boyfriend and others stay single?

Why is the current anime watching audience so cringe? Why doesn't anyone talk about Akira anymore?

Because practically everything she's directed/written is garbage.

You just wake up from a 20 year coma?

I didn't hate A Silent Voice, but I felt like there was some interstitial material missing with the side characters; the other kids who were bullies didn't really show up much as teenagers outside of two scenes and then surprise, they saved the guy near the end. Also the main character's snap at everyone on the bridge felt really weird. I don't remember exactly what about it irked me, I remember talking to my friends about that part a lot the night we watched it, but it was something to do with the sense of time being distorted and it feeling really jarring.

My favorite anime movies so far have been:
The Night is Short, Walk On Girl
Perfect Blue
In This Corner of the World
Tokyo Godfathers
Porco Rosso

Because we already talked about it years ago? There are new things to talk about maybe?

Why do normies obsess so much about some few series when there are tons to talk about?
If you want to talk about Akira, then do what everyone else, start a fucking thread about it and stop bitching.

>In This Corner of the World
This and Kaze Tachinu were easily my favourite animated films of the 2010s. Both got meme'd because it was a Japanese citizen's take on the war but it still offered two very interesting POVs from the technical military staff and civilian side of things.

Maquia doesn't tell stories people want to watch, that's why it's not popular or why people said it's trash.
I'm glad I saw it and I even cried, so fuck you.

>A Silent Shit
Why do people love tragedyporn so much?

I don't recognize the original names for movies and had to look it up, but I do also like The Wind Rises a lot. It's definitely in my top 5 Miyazaki movies though.


Naruto is kino

That's all.

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I never watched the wind rises because I feel like if I do I'll officially put an end to studio gibhli. Is the movie good?

A N G E L ' S E G G

What compels animation studios to create thousands of hours of filler shit episodes when they can just focus on creating a condensed and quality story with good fights like this?

>Prove me wrong.
there is literally no way to, op. you just made a pointless thread.

People liked it.
I felt nothing during the movie, there are sad parts but movie is literally meh whatever, but it's still way better than shit like Arrietty. I'd say it's "From Up on Poppy Hill" or Marnie tier.

Yeah I find this is a problem with some ghibli stuff. One of their great strengths is to not rush things and to let you just live in the quiet and take in the environment that feels so real and lived in. But this is also one of the great flaws in some of their movies that seemingly have so little going on in them that they become completely forgettable or never grab you emotionally. Then you have some that are absolute masterpieces.

Money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>japan """"""cinema""""

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Shit movie.
He should have boned the younger more delicious and notretarded sister.