Bridge to Terabithia

Was it kino?

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Made me fall in love with a 12 year old girl and then cry for her, so yes

It also spawned thousands of threads on Yas Forums in the late 00s

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I jerked off to this movie as a kid
and then as an adult

i fucking hated this movie
>wait for something to happen
>something happens
>suddenly credits roll

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She dies because the boy was mooning over the roastie old teacher when he shoud have stayed and fingered his loli in the tree house like a real man

>character development = nothing happened
brainlets ladies and gentlemen

the eternal dilemma: boys want women, men want girls

>and then as an adult
as god intended

the eternal dilemma: all pedos aren't currently hanging as we speak


>total cutie loli
>turns into brapqueen as an adult

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I saw this in theatres when it came out and had hardly thought about it since. All I remember is the girl dies offscreen and it was sad

That's really all there is too remember. Well, that and that they marketed it like a fucking Narnia movie or something, so there were a lot of upset parents which was pretty funny

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best asr movie

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My dad liked it more than I did desu

Uhh, that wasn't a roastie old teacher it was PRIME zooey

To this day I still haven't been attracted to a girl this much. Literally my 1st waifu, the 2nd half was a cruel gut punch for me as a kid. Was depressed for at least year.

Same, she is what got me interested in tomboys

Damn right

For the same reason my GP liked Gymnastics and roller derby

shame about what happened to the actress tho

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this, it was second only to her role in Almost Famous

I wish I was hanging out with a cute little girl too, breh.

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whats the difference?

correct, this was right before she went wall mode

You guys see her in "The Act" good lord that was depressing.

One is a burnt out W girl, the OTHER is prime zooey

die in a fucking fire pedoscum

I distinctly remember dragging my parents to see it because it had those "ENTER A WORLD OF WONDER" commercials playing on Disney Channel, when we finally saw it there was like 15 seconds of fantasy shit and the rest was a bunch of miserable bullied kids contemplating death

The thing that always stuck with me were the ads for McDonalds toys with the random fantasy shit


kid was a faggot. he should''ve put down his gay little colored pencils and picked up a hammer. main whore was a typical incel mary sue "hot girl who is somehow a social outcast," and i'm glad she died. maybe the kid will get a job now instead of drawing queer shit to impress some tumblr proto-dyke.

i wish i had an army of lolis so i could teach them to make fun of faggots

Based and redpilled

ok boomer

She wasn't a social outcast she was the "new girl" who was bullied by an older ugly chick who was jealous of her looks. Pay attention next time

maybe she'll fuck you now that you stood up for her online.

this guy is a bot btw no respondy

No I don't think a fictional character will fuck me. Imagine seething about a 14 year old family film lmao

Girly tomboys are angels

that shit got me sad af when i was like 8

First I cried when she died, then I cried because girls like that dont exist in real life. (loyal)

yes i am seething. seething because you simps are letting your cocks decide what's kino to you. this movie was trash.

She looks so fucked up now



Young girls can be like that, before they become roasties.

Imagine little me watching this movie completely unaware and seeing that ending.

>she loved you, yknow?
>yknow leslie, she never had much luck making friends at her old school
>we were hoping that when we moved out here she would
>you're the best friend she's ever had, I want to thank you for that

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I had a second cousin with a very similar personality to Leslie in the film, cute and tomboyish, fun to hang out with, always playing outside, had a huge crush on her.

Then by high school she was a full on Stacy who always talked about her boyfriend, did cheerleading, and wouldn't even give me the time of day.


I remember those threads

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Imagine putting your daughter into school to be turned into a prostitute

I'm literally scared to watch this movie again considering how hard it wrecked me the first time.

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>would always move around
>knew a few girls like this growing up
forgot most of their names. always wondered how they turned out

>yeah, my hot daughter never could manage to make friends, let alone get a boyfriend
>she was just too quirky so no one wanted her, even though she was so sexually attractive
>but you were selfless and befriended my sexy lonely daughter out of the kindness of your heart
>who else would have done such a thing? who would ever want a hot, lonely, virginal little girl all to themselves?
>you're a hero, son

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Saw it in theater with my dad when i was like 13. Kinda made me regret my whole childhood up to that point for not having had a cutie gf to go on adventures with. Hasn't really stopped since. Dad cried at the end too.

Lots of hot girls don't get friends, especially if they're weird

mother fucking pedos give me your address so i can put a bullet in your heads. i will personally strangle each and every single one of you disgusting freaks and watch the life leave your eyes. i can think of no greater pleasure than seeing a pedo die, i want to play around in your blood and smear it all over my body smiling knowing theres one less pedo in the world. i hate you people like no other person. do us a favor and die just fucking die!

most normal fags have awful taste its almost sickening

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share my your wishes had it happened

normal fags love this movie you retard. its peak normal and simp

>Made me fall in love with a 12 year old girl
I don't need a movie for that

the only thing better than bathing in a pedo's blood is bathing in the pussy gruel of a sexy 11 year old.

you know what?fuck you you stupid normalfaggot of a bitching cunt,when i am king by divine right you will hang from a noose you fucking coon where the fuck is my tomboy gf

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Your little cringe ass bitch would get your skull caved in if I saw you near my home, you worthless piece of cuck shit.

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157 E 35th St
Hamilton, Ontario

You're a sad larping noguns euro filled with impotent rage at something you will never, ever have the courage to act upon.

I still haven't recovered and I saw it 12 years ago.
Kino to the max

God would never make a simp like you king.

The levels of cringe emanating from this post are beyond anything that we have ever seen before, we will have to reinvent the laws of physics to account for this phenomena.

you serious nigger?simp?thats all you got?
Lame and Tame

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