Whats this dude's favourite movie?

whats this dude's favourite movie?

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Կոմիտաս (Ասկարյան, 1988)
ボクサ(寺山修司, 1977)
Al primo soffio di vento (Piavoli, 2002)
వాల్మీకి (దుంగన్, 1945)
Игpoк (Бaтaлoв, 1972)
Galini (Markopoulos, 1958)
香雪海 (費, 1934)
O Desafio (Saraceni, 1966)
ምርት ሦስት ሺህ ዓመት (ገሪማ, 1976)
Ko puca otvorice mu se (Babac, 1965)


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The Draughtsman's Contract, though closely followed by the rest of Greenaway's canon

Definitely 300 or Saving Private Ryan

Black Hawk Down

Uncle Boonmee

>...so anyway babe, then he takes off the bag and says, "You're a big guy!" Totally rad scene, I'll show it to you when we get back to my pad

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What, movies about cheating baseball teams?
fuck the astros

Weekend at Bernie's

Godzilla 1998


They're still getting beaned left and right for it. I don't see it stopping.

The rock

that chick looks bemused, how much is he paying her for the evening, u think?

Does any of that really matter if they are not stripped of the title?

or Con Air. But Face/Off is too kino for him

i sincerely hate this guy. the epitome of douche face

this user is gay

Pulp Fiction, like every other spiked hair fake tan douchebag who stole my girlfriend

Men pay for ALL women every evening. Doesn’t matter if she’s a literal whore or not.

Top Gun
Especially the volleyball scene

i don't think i could come up with a more early 2000s image if i tried

He's based as fuck so probably Solaris.


so, what? 10 grand for a night of soulless pounding? that chick would never be with THAT douche FOR LESS THAN 10Gs.

half of these are just hiroglifics

I bet he's a man of class and knowledge. He's probably telling her about "Caesar Must Die".

>So you see, babe. They are rehearsing the play, they are doing the play at the prison's auditorium, they are acting it for the film and then there's the drama about the real-life prisoners. So it has levels. Levels, babe.

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I actually think this is 2010s

It’s hypocritical of roasties to want to be treated “equally” as men and not pay for my entire night as well. Why would I continuously shell out money for a used up retard who I only want for pussy?

I think this frat boy bought himself a russian escort. What it looks like

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>He's based as fuck so probably Solaris.

Post his take on Solaris.

Fast 5

i read somewhere (i think knowyourmeme) that it's confirmed it was taken pre-2009

because you physically want them whereas they couldn't give less of a shit about you. supply and demand


Lol, saw a meme where this guy was telling her about "Pickle Rick" from "Rick and Morty.

-Sent from my iPhone XR

>So the Decepticons straight up blast their way in the Autobot shuttle and totally wreck everyone.
>Everyone is fucking wrecked, except Ironhide.
>Megatron is explaining how their going to use the shuttle to bypass the Autobot's early warning system and wreck Autobot city.
>Ironhide still kicking crawls and says no, and that's when Megatron points his arm canon and wrecks his shit.
>Total boss, babe.

I couldn’t give less of a shit about them other fag nigger. It’s a symbiotic relationship except I have the power.

>for pussy
answered your own question

lol you don't have any power at all considering you're paying for pussy. the only time you can hold power is over yourself, if you abstain from sex altogether. but that shouldn't be too hard for you

Under Siege or Roadhouse.

>So the Emperor is this super psychic superhuman you see, and he's been secretly making this power armored supersoldiers to conquer post apocalypic earth 30 000 years in the future. And get this babe, he calls them 'Thunder Warriors', how sick is that?
>Anyway, these Thunder Warriors are genetically unstable. So once he conquered earth with them, he rounded them up on mount Ararat and get this, he had his personal bodyguards, the Legio Custodes, kill every last one of the Thunder Warriors! Can you imagine that, babe? We're not even getting to the Primarch project, Rangdan Xenocide, Edict of Nikaeia and the Horus friggin' Heresy!
>So anyway, back to how Makari can survive getting sit on by Mag Uruk Thraka...


he watches scarface every year among his pals drinking beers and smoking weed

Men At Work

One of the Fast and Furious films.

>So I shit in the shower once, one of the biggest I've ever done in my life too. It was 2 years ago. I had had a very bad perianal abscess and developed a fistula on my ass cheek, I had surgery and they slashed s giant gash in me from the fistula to my asshole, about 3 inch long and 4 inches deep and ran a plastic tie thru the hole, into my rectum, back out of my asshole and tied it together.

>After he surgery, they warned me about constipation and told me to take a ton of stool softeners. The anesthesia slows down your body and makes your poop hard. So I had a huge hard turd in me and a massive wound around my ass that made pushing out poop insanely painful like shitting a knife. Not to mention the poop would move the plastic ziptie thru the wound.

>I didn't shit for 5 days, became incredibly painful. Doctor gave me the choice between driving 30 min to him to do a "digital extractions' aka he scoops my shit out with his finger, vs me taking a few enemas.

>I started with one, waited 15 minutes and couldn't poop so I added another and another. Finally I let out a hard little painful nug of poop. I was crying from the pain and turned on the shower to clean myself off since I couldn't just wipe shit into the hash.

>As soon as the hot water hit my stomach, I felt an urge, and I couldn't get out in time. I shit a massive amount of feces into the shower, a huge mound the most shit I've ever seen in my life, it was a fucking ant hill. I used paper towels to try and pick it up and throw it into the toilet but then I just kept farting out water so I stayed in the shower until it was time to shit again and then dropped another massive pile of custard onto the shower floor.

>That was 2 years ago, now I use that tub to wash my 1 year old son in.

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one of the fast and furious kinos

Keep seething doyers faggot your tears are delicious.

Blue Streak (1999)

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non meme answer, something like Animal House or Tommy Boy. But in my heart....Saw 5

>listen, if you throw an old man in wheelchair off a balcony the movie has to be classified as a comedy, the context doesn't matter

I don't know where this dude came from but I like this meme picture that has been spammed the last few days


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god that looks like fucking torture.

This nibba has been nagged to death

this man and i are of one soul

"Nobody loves poetry like a Russian!"
This line from Dr Zhivago says all you have to know about Tarkovsky. He was a thinker and a poet. An artist who's work was at once smart, engaging and aesthetically beautiful! Solaris is a world that materialized thoughts and absorbs creatures into its own consciousness. "Solaris" is an allegory on man's place in the universe, the twisted concept of reality, the meaning of love, grief and - ultimately - life. Psychiatrist Kris Kelvin goes to the station orbiting the planet-entity to assess whether the madness of it's occupants means all exploration should be discontinued. What he finds there are all the demons he has brought with him. You the viewer shall experience the same thing, for Solaris is an inviting and questioning but never manipulative film. What you'll get out of it depends on what you bring with you.

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