What is it about horror films

that scares you? What causes that unsettling feeling? I want to know what creeps you out Yas Forums

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Feeling like it could actually happen

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Trouble with me is I think even the supernatural stuff can happen, I get creeped out locking my back door at night because I think the werewolf from The Howling could easily be in my large and overgrown back yard lol

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Same here but for me its the werewolf from Silver Bullet. My back yard has rows of super thick tall hedges and i have an irrational fear that that furry fuck is behind one of them just staring at me, and at any moment is going to come running at me and easily break through my shitty glass doors.

But to answer op's question what most scares me is absolutely supernatural stuff. And its always been the invisible entities. And the malevolent ones obviously. That's why The Entity (1983) is the scariest movie of all time to me.

These. It's why I'm afraid and refuse to watch stuff with Demons and whatnot. Aliens are light years away and stuff. But I can't deal with some shrieking spirit from the depths of Hell. I've always struggled with my faith, so these themes just scare the hell out of me. Even now I feel that something's gonna jump and start shrieking. I cope by wearing a plastic Green Lantern Ring, and having Batman music playing. Hell, it's how I've always coped. I pretended I was a composite Batman/Iron Man/Doctor Doom character and could use my great willpower to stop being afraid. Come to think of it, ever since I was a kid, pretending to be Batman has really helped me...

Fuck, you wanna know why I went into physics? To see if I can prove metaphysics and have some proof about God, Demons and all that. I scour through hundreds of GBs of Occult bullshit in my spare time, on the off-chance that I'll find some genuine piece of info.

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based. i sleep in a batman pyjamas at night. it makes the night terrors less intense.

They don't

i know you fags love memeing about this shit but i unironically hate jump scares. they're the only reason i don't like watching scary movies

Aw. Hope you get good night sleeps user


>i know you fags love memeing about this shit but i unironically hate jump scares. they're the only reason i don't like watching scary movies

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I like watching horror films because they make me feel like I'm stronger after overcoming my fears and enduring them until the end.

I only watch horror movies for the atmosphere. If you get spooped by a movie you're literally a baby.

Alright we had a good 11 posts, see you next time fellas

>he can't enjoy the pleasing terror of true immersion in a story
Pretty heckin sad desu ne, guess you haven't watched any good horror movies that immerse you.

What do you think atmosphere means you absolute twat?

Name 2 movies that do this

I just put my GL ring next to my Icons of the various Saints and such. Honestly, a couple of comic book characters have stuck with me after all these years, and I'm not ashamed of it. Pretending that I'm Batman or Doctor Doom or Iron Man or Green Lantern helps me push through and overcome stuff. It's childish, but hey, it's personal.

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You aren't receptive to the primary job of a horror film, you're literally not enjoying it right.

I think that's actually cute and based

jump scares are startling, but very rarely scary. A lot of contemporary horror films don't seem to understand the difference. I can't remember a film in the past 10 years that's used a jump scare to actually scare, and not startle me.

You want to be less afraid? Buy a fucking gun. Does wonders for fears of darkness, rapists, black people and monsters.

You can't shoot ghosts.

I'm not cute, I'm a big and serious man! I jsut get scared sometimes...
...I'm scared of Demonic Spirits from the Pits of Hell user. Do you have any spare Spirit-Repellent Shotguns laying around?

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i don't know, a lot of things? they make me feel like shit and i don't like feeling scared. that's why i avoid watching them unless i'm positively interested in the subject matter. i genuinely don't understand, or am able to resonate with, people who like horror

I don't like watching a movie and having to anxiously anticipate a jump scare instead of the horror elements. I'm already a pusy with horror movies as is and this shit just makes it worse.

I don't watch horror films but fat people scare me. How anyone could do that to themselves.
t. 6'4 180 lanklet

I found the part in SotL where Clarice is talking about the lambs screaming p chilling.

sinister. the film series. i literally can't stand it. the concept of the corruption of youth, mind control/influence. i fucking hate it so much. the exploitation of jungian archetypes in such a way is fucking terrifying.
is that what you wanted to hear?

Only the shitty horror movies are centered on actual horror.

The unknown, that’s why movies that show the full monster in all it’s shitty cgi/puppet glory destroys whatever tension there was

Come to /fph/

Packs of feral niggers pillaging, unpatrolled, in a country where you cant have guns. Niggers causes more evil than any entity of hell ever caused.

Im afraid of niggers powered by the government, running free, unpatrolled.

Oh my god imagine that hand wrapped around your neck as this werewolf is riding your cock
Or if it gives you a handjob and gently runs its long nails up and down your cock

Let me guess, you like the films of Jordan Peele.

I had a dream where I was being chased throughout a houseby some woman, remembered I had dakka irl and ended up chasing it

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Proof that Wolfags are LITERAL faggots. VAMPCHADS RISE UP!

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>sexy girl werewolf
Go watch Alucard get buttfucked, homo

>literally admits being into bestiality
Wolfniggers aren't even human.

>actually seething
vampirecucks might as well be women they're so sensitive




based self improver

>begs the devil for a magic belt so he can turn into a wolf
>not even a wolfman
>just a wolf
>kills some sheep and pisses off the french
>no good werewolf novels

>unholy avatar of disease and corruption with an arsenal of demonic powers
>scares slavs enough to stop them murdering each other
>rich literary legacy
>chadula was also a wizard

Since I was a kid and saw SIGNS, aliens. Even watching Alien Abduction: Incident at Lake County as a teenager was still bone chilling. There isn’t very much good alien found footage, but the last movie to actually make me feel “scared” was Hereditary. Maybe scared isn’t the right word, but definitely uncomfortable and incredibly anxious.

Based irrational retard, God speed you imbecile.

Horror movies aren't supposed to be scary, retard.

Supernatural stuff mainly is scariest, but I love creature features for the fun.

Slow burn films like vvitch and hereditary were not scary, but fun films.

really cliche'd stuff like le creepy black haired pale girl. things jumping out of dark corners, forests at night, faces coming around doorways, bodies moving in unnatural buglike ways

I hate them too, despise them in fact. Spoils horror films for me big time.

>Alien Abduction: Incident at Lake County
That shit's legit spooky. Try Phoenix Forgotten if you haven't seen it.

>To see if I can prove metaphysics and have some proof about God, Demons and all that. I scour through hundreds of GBs of Occult bullshit in my spare time, on the off-chance that I'll find some genuine piece of info.
Literally just look into Tesla and Pythagoras.

I love those movies. The second one is especially comfy though less creepy

I'm neither a retard, nor an imbecile or irrational. I'll show (you)! I'll show you all when I find the answers.
I'm trying to go deeper.

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I wasn’t a fan, I thought the 10 minute alien abduction short in VHS 2 was way better

It might be childish but scary faces get me. I find that movies, despite having lots of OH MY GOD WOW A REALLY UGLY THING JUST JUMPED OUT AT ME, moments they dont really cause that lasting fear.
I think generally monster/demon design in horror movies has always been pretty lackluster for me in that regard.
Other than that, any movie that features someone secretly living inside walls or a basement freaks me the fuck out and some nights its all I can think about. Even Parasite, which is by no means a scary movie at all, had me a little restless because secret basement dwellers are in it.

>no good werewolf novels
Cycle of the werewolf is pretty good though.

Kek, I like you user, you’re alright. Don’t look out of any window after 10pm tonight tho user, he see’s you and knows.

>VHS 2
Oof. There's two other Phoenix movies, one is okay, one's really fun but not scary, can't remember their names lol.

That red faced fucker in Sinister or one of those types of films can fuck off tho.

>Other than that, any movie that features someone secretly living inside walls or a basement
i dare you

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Joke's on him, I close my blinds so I can't see anything. Plus, I say my prayers and my nightstand is filled with icons of Saints. And let's not forget my plastic Green Lantern Ring. I'd say I'm prepared well enough.

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