Any kinos about what daily life was like under socialism?

Any kinos about what daily life was like under socialism?

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I don't get it is this Norway?

Man with a Movie Camera

>Praising capitalism

That was communism

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To be fair, you are comparing businesses to apartment complexes, dumbass.

Reddit is commie central you idiot.

He knows that, he purposefully conflates the 2 because he's terrified of Americans having healthcare, so he lies.

Just seek out movies from the countries that actually lived under socialism.
You should never watch political movies made by directors who have not lived in the political environment they're trying to depict. I hope I don't have to explain why.

Die from Corona already, chink

>Americans care more about business than places to live

I "conflate" the two because Marx and Engels used the terms interchangeably, and Marxist Leninists would tell you that the CCCP was socialist. You don't think social democratic countries like the Scandinavians are socialist, do you?

No they dont

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Reddit is a socialist circlejerk, moron


>most cities in america are just giant gas stations

I lived through nineties socialism. It was great. Money was abundant. Two working parents, a house, two cars, 2 travelling holidays a year. The promise you were going to make it as a kid.

Enough money to take care of the weak and elderly. Regular raises at work. Great education. Basically bulletproof. If you were a working Joe, you had it more than good. The poorfags and the ones without a job were looked down upon, but they got taken care of.

tl;dr : I experienced it as an era when there was a lot more money to go around. But that's just my memories.

WTF? I thought Ben Garrison was a MAGA supporter?

>Any kinos about what daily life was like under socialism?
4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days is good one.

>commies keep sucking Venezuela's dick and praisining it
>show "solidarity" with Venezuela when it's going down the shitter
>Side with Maduro when he suppresses the populace
>"But also Venezuela isn't really socialist, it's capitalist"
why support it then, fuckface

There's a reason all the Russian boomers want Stalin back.


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>nineties socialism
what the fuck are you talking about retard

the problem with that discussing socialism online is no one knows what it is

Critical support dumbass

>oh boy I sure love being free and making money for my boss

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political terms never have proper definitions, there's an Orwell quote relating to it.

>The words democracy, socialism, freedom, patriotic, realistic, justice, have each of them several different meanings which cannot be reconciled with one another. In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides. It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it: consequently the defenders of every kind of régime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning. Words of this kind are often used in a consciously dishonest way.

>I lick the boots of capitalists if they have the color flag i want
I know commies are all bootlickers, but you dont see the dissonance here?


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Socialism, at it's core, to me means: no one gets left behind.

Famous socialist organization Fox News.

>lick the boots
I just said CRITICAL support dumbass

It means you have a totally different definition from the rest of the world, and it also means your idea of "socialism" is completely different from any openly socialist state in the past. Nineties Murrica was not socialist in any way.

what you're seeing now is just failed capitalism
>also corona came from the USA, just 40 miles outside of DC topkekss

is this image supposed to imply that reddit is anti-communist? plebbit is the biggest pro-bernie hub on the internet and anything anti-capitalist gets thousands of upvotes

>i only lick them a little bit, im totally not a bootlicker!
Youre even more pathetic because you know the regime you're supporting isnt what you want.

OK, well the real definition is when workers own the means of production.
You are describing a capitalist economic boom (designed to always boom and crash, not good folks) and calling it socialism.

top kek

>capitalism is designed to crash and boom
t. retard

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Never said I lived in Nineties Murrica. I lived in a Wellfare state. Of course socialism is botched, but I love the idea of it. The thing is, it can only work when there is enough money. And in the nineties, where I lived, that was the case. Or seemingly the case anyway. Everyone could live it up.

Welfare states are social democracy, which is just capitalism with some regulations. And i dont believe there's anything wrong with that, but it's not socialism.

>americans think they can kill anyone in their home

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>capitalism is a natural law, like physical laws!

Is it just me or is Yas Forums seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yas Forums has turned against them.

What the fuck are you talking about? You're seriously delusional.

>wishful thinking of reddit tourist

"capitalism" is literally a pre-requisite for civilization and was probably the main reason for the development of writing (to record debts). it's an admin system.

Same shit, different smell.

Reddit is full of far left incels, just like you. Maybe you should go back there

It's been a long time already. Also, we're on 4channel, a board of reasonable centrist people, here we don't care about Yas Forums's poltards, incels, nazis etc. They have no power here.

>hmm let's build 3 gas stations next to each other a cvs next to a wallgreens and 3 wallmarts within a 10 mile radius
>what do you mean affordable housing land isn't cheap you know

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I'm not well versed in politcics and academic definitions. To me, socialism, from an ideological point of view was always very noble.

The strong take care of the weak. That's what I understood by it.

Marx believed his pseudoscience was akin to describing a natural law of historical processes, so the conception of capitalism as a natural process is completely acceptable within his system.
Saying capitalism is 'designed' to have ebs and flows is like saying ecology is designed to have extinctions. It's nonsensical.

This is what happens when you don't study your theory, guys.
This man thinks capitalism is when you trade things.

How it is going, Kab?

>posts pic of life under capitalism


It is
I see more memes making fun of Yas Forums here than any other website

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MLK and Nelson Mandela were funded by the soviets.

>t. redditor who has only been here for a day and never strayed outside the dr who general

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>life under capitalism

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how is this socialism when people are paying for it?

but sweetie, without capitalism how will we all be rich?

We will all be rich and free on life under socialism

These posts made me giddy like a little school girl
The day has come where Yas Forums lost all power. Glad to see I'm finally amongst rational human beings.
Oh and by the way, Yas Forums was always a leftist site. The right winged incel shit came about after ron paul

Fuck off, you degenerate nazi incel terrorist, I've been here on Yas Forums since 2012. Go shoot up your school or whatever you do in your free time, stupid frogposter.

umm, actually empty shelves in communism are a good thing because it means people are able to afford buying things

Venezuelan living in Venezuela here. Fuck Marx, fuck Engels, fuck Lenin, fuck Chavez, fuck Maduro, fuck Bernie, but above all fuck socialism. Nothing good comes from that shit.

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I only see Yas Forums even mention Yas Forums with any regularity. The other boards stay on topic but this place has a bunch of ass blasted Democrats on it who get their shit pushed in if they post on Yas Forums so they shit post political shit here.

Why can’t they meme bros?

How come leftypol threads always go like this:
>Make shitty point that depends on economic illiteracy
>then start bitching about Yas Forums when it's not relevant whatsoever
>then start dumping shitty infographics that no one reads anyway, often with facebook or reddit filenames
Like you can see in the archive that this OP has done this over and over again:

The following images were in that thread as well, often with the same filenames:
You're not fooling anyone, tourists.

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>this is our website you jew nigger
Yeah gtfo out Yas Forums bitch don't let the door hit ya on the way out

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Both are shit. Radcent gang rise up

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Ive seen this exact post multiple times now

lmao at all these seething 4cucks replying to this

Tak Zhit Nel’zya

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>hurr durr hurr

the word dates to the 19th century, well after the start of the Industrial Revolution, also thousands of years after people started manufacturing pottery on potter's wheels. it's just a label.

see my post here and the George Orwell quote and also don't forget to suck my ass and balls.

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wow chud maybe you need to spend more time outside


>t. Chapocel who keeps making the same thread over and over again
Which one of these are you, bro?

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Under socialism everyone would have gotten some toilet roll not just those in the advantageous situation

>umm, actually empty shelves in communism are a good thing because it means people are able to afford buying things
This, but unironically. My parents lived in Eastern Europe in 1980s, and they always told that there was enough food in their fridge and clothing in their wardrobe, even though they needed to spend some time in lines to get things.

>implying I'm a tranny
Nah go post your tranny humiliation fetish elsewhere

you can feel the Yas Forumstards are getting more and more nervous
they are coming up with all these psyops and nothing works for them anymore
you lost kek

...Except for the people that get purged or sent to gulag.
Capitalism and communism run on similar universal principles, except one uses the free market and lets the weak die off, and the other uses the state and kills the weak themselves.

>Woke people seriously pretend these things are female
Especially the bottom right is just a fucking dude with lipstick on.

Which one of these are you, bro?

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Yas Forums is inherently libertarian by design

im not white, so neither.

Is it really this bad in other parts of the US? I can go to the store right now and get literally anything I want.

>...except one uses the free market and lets the weak die off
that last part isn't true

I'm whiter than you and your future kids Yas Forumsfag

more like free of life lmao
useless layabouts like yourself will get gulaged.

Anyone who thinks the top examples are just "free market at work" doesn't understand a lick of planning or zoning.

Remember no refunds

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Go back to Tumblr!
