Why is Hollywood afraid of making a big budget film adaptation of this?

Why is Hollywood afraid of making a big budget film adaptation of this?

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Tackle The Fountainhead first then do Atlas Shrugged

They made a trilogy, somehow, what else do you want?

We already have a president and an entire news channel dedicated to 24/7 right-wing propaganda. No need to create anymore.

can someone tldr this movie for me?

socialism bad

Terrible bait. Nearly every news station is leftists as is a lot of hollywoood. But muh fascism!

Explain me how objectivism isn't simply an excuse to be an asshole. You come up with whatever shit you want, claim it to be the objective truth and start acting like an asshole towards anyone who doesn't instantly accept your beliefs.
Here's an example: lemme say the objective truth is that there hasn't been a good movie since the 1970s. Anyone who likes any movie that came out afterwards is doing their part in murdering cinema. If you disagree you're a retard and deserve to be silenced. Am I le epic objectivist yet?

rand's books are so boring and girly, how does anyone read them

>babby's first """""philosophy"""""

have you talked to actual leftist what they think of wall-to-wall russiagate cover?

MSNBC has rehabilitated every single one of Cheney's neocons and CNN has white nationalists as regular contributors. The only mainstream news media that allows any leftist thought is Tucker Carlson's show.

Imagine btfo-ed by video game

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>right wing

because it aged like milk lmao

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Can you even imagine the average moviegoer being able to stomach, or understand Galt's speech?

No thanks

Who needs it when there's already musical kino for it

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>an entire news channel dedicated to 24/7 right-wing propaganda
You do realize that Rupert Murdoch is a democrat and FOX NEWS is controlled opposition, right? Newscorp espouses conservatism in word only, and funnels money to the democratic party. Murdoch himself lets conservative pundits have a platform because they were a market that wasn't being catered to. If most media didn't have a liberal bias, Fox News would exist as a left wing news channel, because the sole purpose of Fox News is to make money.

because it would send a cringe wave so big it would decimate the whole western hemisphere

because it's awfully written, beyond redemption

OP already forgot that existed, because if you're stupid enough to rate Ayn Rand, you believe you don't need to research anything.

(smug yank voice) There's actually zero difference between good and bad things, you imbecile

The Fountainhead was better and should be the one to get a feature film adaptation. Atlas Shrugged was preachy and derivative.

an American's communist is the rest of the world's far right, you effectively live in a one-party state

>Atlas Shrugged was preachy and derivative.

I think that's what young conservatives like about it.

So don't bother reading this is what I'm hearing

the only reason this person's shitty writing is "relevant" is because she was anti-communist when anti-communist was cool

One its going to be expensive and two there aren't enough actors or studio executives that aren't libshit retards.

I know just the gal to direct.

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The funniest part is that first 2 movies were a huge bomb(made like a million on a 30 million budget) so they had to crowdfund it, instead of, you know, let the market decide.

fake and gay

snooze, and also fake and gay

Being an asshole means deliberately fucking over people for your own benefit
Objectivism is about acting in your own self-service, including not having toxic relations

Contrasting how you had a former president who was further to the left than Drumpf is to the right, and he had the remainder of the media landscape on his side

Because it's terrible and Ayn Rand was a hypocritical retard femcel

beacuse the book sucks faggot


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Because Ayn Rand hated communism and Hollywood is owned and ran by commies.

crowdfunding is voluntary (i.e. capitalistic)

Trump's brand of rightism and Rands are pretty different. I always found objectivists fairly benign, as far as rightists go and as long as no one actually tries to implement their ideas. Rand was a cunt, but she'd have hated Trump too, if probably for very stupid reasons.

There are three of these movies.

Bc its shite

But were the movies any good?

Take a wild guess.

The book is terrible, that's a given, but what about the movie magic?

god I fucking love Rush RIP Neil

because it fucking sucks

How did Dagny know how to fly a plane when all she ever did in her life was work with trains?

Yes, I’m sure that was consoling to the creators

i'm 200 pages in and so far it's just Rand masturbating to D'Anconia and Rearden fantasies

Mediocre story.
Decent message of acting in your self-interest and being obligated to always improving and never decaying.
Great for redpilling people about leftists. So of course the Hollywood hates it.

I like the idea that Ayn Rand's stories can be described as Soviet propaganda posters portraying the many weak working together to topple the decadent, greedy and rich capitalist few, except the roles are reversed. It's instead about the few ambitious overcoming the tyranny of the mediocre majority who make a greater effort bringing others down than improving on their own.

She did'nt get btfo-ed tho. Andrew Ryan was a strawman, an unsuccessful one. He betrayed all of his own principles in order to get an unlimited power over Rapture.

AS is the literal origin of modern Gary and Mary Sues. The characters are supermen who either have “flaws” that are just unawakened virtues or are in complete self-actualized perfection. Literally as the book goes on you are introduced to progressively more one-dimensional wunderkinds, each more gigachad than the last and ever more one-dimensional, like an asymptotic line approaching infinite cope and constant seethe. I like TF because it at least tries to be a real book, but this is a turgid foray into the brackish headwaters of Russian prose and American self importance.

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It's ridiculous, and all the characters are basically superheroes who c as n do no wrong. Which is why it works in the book. But no, it is not to be taken seriously as a complete philosophy because people are complex. Also, according to the book's logic, if it was a book worthy of adaptation, some noble tycoon would already have funded it. But I guess it's nothing but a gallant gallstone after all.

prefer MiaRand

This guy gets it. Fwiw, I, too enjoyed the Fountainhead. But AS is very skippable.

Makes good points, but reads like something MovieBob would write.


yeah it's bad, the universe bends around the protagonists, every one they meet instantly knows they're special and gives them what they want

Right wing figures
>the president
>fox news (somewhat, they're only slightly right of center)

Left wing figures
>music industry
>video game industry
>most of the political establishment
>sports industry
>pretty much anything that isn't the two things i mentioned before

They already did. Keanu Reeves Starred in it.

The three tv-films they were good enough. Switching the actors was based. Also, Penn and Teller are CIA, like Rand was.

Don't Americans realize Democrats are just another face of the right?