/who/ - Doctor Who General

Previous: 12 wakes up in a psychiatric hospital, dazed and confused. He's taken in to therapy as part of his treatment where he starts bugging out, asking why he's here, what's going on. The therapist asks if he's feeling any better and explains he was checked in by "a concerned fellow timelord".

The course of the episode is explaining to the Doctor that his symptoms started with the Time War, the PTSD, 12 explains:
>"I'm over all that now, I, we, that is me saved Gallifrey."
>"No, we really did, we killed all the daleks too! Gone forever, it was incredible, truly!"
>"Yes, Yes, you keep saying this. That's what you believe."
>"I don't 'believe it', it's true!"
>"But it wasn't true, Doctor. You told yourself it was because that was your way of coping. You haven't been very well, Doctor."

It is explained to the Doctor that he has been going mad. 12's entire run has been a descent into madness, Gallifrey was never saved, the Time War killed both the Timelords and the Daleks.

>"Tell me, what do you remember from before you came here?"
>"The Master, she..."
>"Oh dear, dear, dear. Proceed."
>"Well she sacrificed herself for me, you see, then I became a woman, and also there was another me and she was a this strong black lady, and I was born on a different world as a little black girl, not from Gallifrey at all."
>"Textbook dissociative disorder. Very common with PTSD. You were never any of those things, Doctor, Timelords can't swap race or gender."

It's explained that the Doctor's madness manifested itself through 12's lifetime, with comments about how the future should be all girl, and history being a whitewash. He's been doing it to get away from his reality.

The Doctor is told there is only one way this can be fixed, he has to choose to regenerate. It will cure his mental illness and allow him to progress. 12 Reluctantly does so, and the series proceeds with a new white male Doctor.

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Shit they'd never do now. I'll start.


NuWho was never canon.

Of course there's no playback. Why would there be.

>Doctor depressed over Susan moving on
>calling for her only to realise that she is gone
>acting more elderly if possible
Feels. Especially knowing how many partings and losses the poor guy has coming across the next decades. I don't imagine Ian and Barbara will be with him much longer themselves.

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You think he fucked her?

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I'd hold it against him if he didn't.

Wonder if this will be the death of Susan

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Having a stabby companion.
Having a bomby companion.
Actually making a half decent programme.

I suspect so, though I'm hoping for a regeneration, assuming she is a proper Gallifreyan, but I never got the feeling she peered into the time vortex. She felt too childish and normal for that. They may also keep her around for further potential Big Finish stories.

Mummy on the Orient Express!

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A regeneration and a new spin-off with this "new & younger" Susan would be cool but the fact that it is know that she is likely dead by 12th's time

>Oh, yes, yes very interesting indeed. It says you are a faggot. Isn't that quite something!

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It would also be retreading Jenny's concept, even if Susan came first. The death thing doesn't have to be an issue if the Doctor *thinks* she is dead, but again, retreading Jenny.

I thought only Time Lords/Ladys could regenerate though, not regular Gallifreyans?

Not sure if the Jenny adventures did good enough to actually get a second volume so maybe this new Susan could be a second shot at that.

Yeah, forgive me, that's what I mean. It's hatd to tell whether Susan is a very young Time Lady, because she acts nothing like any that we know (but it was also a time in the series when the concept didn't properly exist, so who can say?), but then I find it hard to believe that if the Doctor was high-born that his granddaughter wouldn't be.

Is this actually confirmed canon?

in between bouts of explaining the universe to her, and trying to choke her to death? he didn't have time.

Pretty. Please be Susan's replacement and not just a throw away supporting character.

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I loved their short lived friendship :(

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Finally, Hartnell's Doctor is starting to feel more like the Doctor I'm used to. He's started to go off adventuring on his own, confronting enemies, and showing signs of the trickster hero.

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she's a better susan than susan.

RIP Sandi :(

Are you you're coming up to The Space Museum? That one has such a great plot. Also i want Ian to wrap a cardigan around me and tell me everything is ok ._.

Vick is fucken based

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Really? i couldn't make heads or tails of the space museum myself.

Four episodes to go. I'm just starting The Romans. I've been guilty of just a bit of scene skipping. Some of these early episodes seem to feel the need to drag everything out massively.

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Space Museum is this super meta story parodying the current state of Doctor Who, it's pretty clever and fun as fuck desu.
Also has prolly my favourite first part of any Hartnell story, that cliffhanger is GOAT

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Why is she in blackface?

He doesn't understand

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I'll concede that the first cliffhangar is utterly fantastic.

the bits about trying to prevent that future are pretty good too.

I really should rewatch at some point6

You're entering what's probably the best episode stretch of the Harntell era, from The Rescue to The Time Meddler, all around interesting stories with a lot of things to offer, and all featuring the GOAT TARDIS Crew

The Romans is one of my personal favourites, it's still funny 50 years later and the sheer balls of making a farce-comedy out of a story featuring a rapist, slavery, assassination attempts and the brutal burning of a whole city is something very respectable desu

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Ah I like the romans, its pretty funny for the time, also Ian as ever is a badass.

How did you find The Web Planet, if you've seen it, if you're scene skipping now

>I really should rewatch at some point6
Yeah, don't worry about it. Marathoning classic who and proper watching it are two different experiences that sort of complement each other.

Fro example, I wasn't really into Patrick Troughton and his era when I was just rushing through his stories to get to the end, but some time later on simple rewatches for the fun of it, I really fell in love with the guy.

What is the best way to watch Shada, i heard the 90s one with Tom Baker narrating is good?

New version with the animated sequences, or the audio one with McGann.

What did he mean?

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I know what you mean, I've marathoned classic who twice and after a point it all stars to blur together. For instance, I couldn't tell you anything about The visitation, or the time monster.

That's why i'm enjoying the bluray releases. it's a chance to view the stories on their own instead of a part of a greater whole.

The new animation is good, and the Mcgann audio is tons of fun

Interesting. Thanks for letting me know, I'm more interested now, as I'll admit I was starting to look ahead to the Pertwee era as correct me if I'm wrong that's where he starts to resemble the Doctor anyone born in the last thirty years would know.

I'm not skipping quite that fast. I'll try and remember to let you know, but I'll probably be turning in and finishing The Romans tommorow.

Not him, but I've struggled to find the animations, and the version of Shada I've found is... ah... might we say 'stuck'.

That if we engage each other in combat we become little more than primitive beasts ourselves.

Yes much better to set up an elaborate trap where the enemy defeats themselves.

>Hitler did nothing wrong
i doubt any Englishman who was bombed on a daily basis by the Luftwaffe would have that attitude, racist or not.

tism time: which version of Shada is canon, or are they all canon and is the event some kind of fated event that keeps repeating in slightly different timelines?

I have an announcement....


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the tom shada happened, then the events of the 5 doctors disrupted it, forcing mcgann to go back and fix it.

That actually works.

Do you thing Davidson and Tennant fight over if the Doctor should be a woman?

I imagine he hasn't watched the show since Tennant.

i disagree. i wish we would could hear adric's agonized screams and watch his body burst into flames and disintegrate into a million ashes. i never cared for adric.


Probably not, I bet Tennant goes along with it since he's his Doctor and he's banging his daughter. I hope they laugh at how shit its become

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Nah. No one actually thinks the Doctor should be a woman if they were previously a big fan. It's all a farce.

So how many doctors does it take to screw in a light bulb?


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Tennant prolly defends it because Jodie is his friend but I don't think they get into arguments.
Now, Colin and Peter on the other hand...

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Colin just wants people to like him.
I like him, but still...

Funny how the only retired former Doctor who doesn't need to please employers anymore is the only one who disagrees with the decision to cast a female as the doctor.

I want Adric to sit his smooth round E-Space bum on my face!