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I knew Netflix would fuck up Koichi casting

how do japs feel about niggers? Japanese people are literal retards and take stereotypes as fact 99% of the time and must be convinced otherwise, so shouldn't they hate blacks?


temeera is plural


Asian needs to either trim his nose hairs or blow his nose.

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For your own sake, get off the internet and socialize.



>messy pantlegs and loose shoelaces
why can't they do anything right

Japan is being flooded with Nigerian and Jamaican immigrants atm. it's driving the women wild and they're falling head over heels for black cock. their desire for a mixed black child is through the roof. their men have become increasingly sheepish over the past few decades so they don't care

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that's fucking hilarious
didn't answer my question
>driving the women wild
So they're raping the women. Got it. Only part of your post I believe is Japanese men being cucks and letting this shit happen.

lmao literally the only place those nigerians have in society is being shady fucks who act as muscle for shakedowns in gambling or prostitution rich areas where they'll try to aggressively take advantage of the naive, they are not accepted in any other way by any of the native population

not cucked if it's true, and i was literally responding to an user who was asking about it you dumb esl retard
>So they're raping the women. Got it.
whatever helps you cope
>my entire world view is based on anime
really pathetic mang

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I want to smash your fucking skull in

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i know you were betting your incel livelihoods on a stereotypical, demure Asian female to take care of you that you can emotionally dominate but it's time to live in the real world now white man


I'm an incel but I hate Asian women.

>whatever helps you cope
I am curious, Ryuto, what's the crime rate for blacks overseas? Our blacks keep making a mess of things, I wonder if it's genetic.

Based little nip kids

it's socioeconomic, not genetic. that's some incredibly grug thinking there champ




>it's socioeconomic, not genetic
Ah right the whole "They're not apes, they're just poor" argument, despite the fact they commit more crimes and act out more than any other poor demographic. Right.

based japs btfoing that nigger

Reminder that the wealthiest black neighborhood has more crime than the poorest white neighborhood

>didn't answer my question
It quite literally does.

When you graduate high school 10 years from now and enter college you'll find out that not every answer will be derived directly from your books.

Fuc, why did this make my white penis harden?

>still making a mess of things and Asians are based enough to profile them and not apologize
Just about what I expected.

I wish the mods would go back to banning crossboarders. Yas Forums is really stinking up the place.

>you'll find out that not every answer will be derived directly from your books.
I don't see what point you're making, but I'm not seeking out an answer from a book, I'm asking people, which is socializing albeit over the internet. And furthermore, my question was "How do Japanese people feel about blacks" and your response was "go socialize". In what way does that answer my question you room temp IQ fag?

>Thinks people know jackshit at college age


same but crossboarders from Yas Forums stinking up the place with their open wounds and/or unwashed legbeards

>literally confirms he's 21 and a pseudo intellectual
Literally clockwork

>stinking up the place.
i.e. truths you don't wanna hear


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>Still misuses literally to try and be emphatic
>Accuses others of being a pseud
Project harder.

damn.. I did not know this. Now I know the true sate of japan.

Based Nips

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Are you a angry chink/mutt or a far left cuckold who votes bernie and spams blacked all day long?

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>the monkeys high-fiving

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lmao did you just accuse someone of saying literally of trying to be a pseudo intellectual? Holy shit you're actually retarded, say something else dumb

>say something else dumb
Your parents are proud of you.

>I don't see what point you're making, but I'm not seeking out an answer
>didn't answer my question

Look young man, I know school is closed for you because of the Corona virus, but that doesn't mean you should be wasting your time and others' time by being a retard.

>inb4 I was only pretending
>inb4 the I'm not pretending I'm actually a retard

He's not wrong though. Inferior genetics only breed inferior beings.

>the BLACKED posters are actually shiposting aussies/kiwis
>mfw it's making Yas Forums users literal schizophrenics by making the "BLACKED poster" the new "Yas Forums boogeyman"
>mfw retards don't know it's a meme to trigger 90% of Yas Forums users: white incels
BASED. jews win again.

Honestly this place would be a lot better without white people.

t. white femcel

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If anyone actually believes this fake shit then the IQ and average age for the site have lowered considerably.

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Real or fake it's still funny.

The fact is says "famiry" makes me believe this is, of course, fake.

Actually when it's not some hapa incel it's literally Ugandan troll farms being paid to do it by Russian interests seeking to inflame racial tensions, google it

Like your mutt ass?

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There are multiple people who do it, we should just list information from these kind of people like their means or organizing, names and home addresses.

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>Like your mutt ass?

Woah there calm down white boy. I'm probably more white than you'll ever be. I just learned to accept the truth.

Cope. Please.

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based japs

Scrawny kike or asian? I've doxed lots of redditors and I haven't seen a single cuck poster in shape.

>Scrawny kike or asian?

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>I'm probably more white than you'll ever be.
lol why do goblin mutts always feel a need to say this all the time. Massive cope.