Is She-Hulk going to be varbie kino?

Is She-Hulk going to be varbie kino?

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>Alison Brie rumored to star
It's going to be green Batwamyn

Varbie is discord tranny bullshit and I bet these retarded foids eggs don't work anymore

Liking muscle on a girl isn't gay if they're not rocking a man body with pumpkin delts from anavar.

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This is true,

>>gives handjob

finally a woman who can squeeze my dick like it owes her buckets of cum

Bruh imagine the calluses

If you can cover up the face/boobs/cunt and what's left looks like a man, it's gay.

>is hollywood gonna do a musclegirl right?
Have you not fucking seen wonder woman?

lil nigga looks like a dbz character kek

Why won't Hollywood cast real athletes?

Attached: running back from the store with your 2 gallons of milk.webm (640x900, 1.79M)

1. Athletes can't act.
2. DeepFake is too costly, please understand!

*blocks your path*

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>swn bully your penis

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Pregnancy gives you tits. Cool

looks cartoonish
that also can't be healthy

What's anavar?


God I wish that were me


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that's fucking disgusting.

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You JUST KNOW that the baby is a nigglet.

unfortunately kevin feige is a fag and she hulk will not wear the classic comics suit

a type of "workout supplement". stuff that would make the doping committee of the olympics freak the fuck out. all kinds of steroids and hormones, legal and "legal in some countries".

>mfw she squeezes my nuts right before I COOM.

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Her son is white and will be given god genetics, the complete opposite of a scrawny chink like you.

Women need a lot more than just anavar to look like a DBZ caracter.

I bet her clit is bigger than my dick

What does that imply?

>See jacked girls online
>amazon looking hotties
>meet them at pro show and arnolds
>5'2 and only look big in photos
She hulk needs to be tall and big. Better do it with CGI

Some miracle drug instathots take that turns sticcs into amazons in a couple of months.

Basically, I've seen women with arms twice as toned and veiny as mine but they're only half as big and strong as mine

What the fuck? Why doesn't she use a better bra? Are these real? I have so many questions...

How is that possible ? Biceps everyday ?

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She's on gear, so probably has more test than majority of men, looks tiny, so muscles look big in proportion and she has a pump

Would fucking that make me gay? I think they have more testosterone than me. Where do we draw the line?

Nije im dugo trebalo.

Do you not know what tits are for?

I need to know how big her clit is

>would fucking a qt grill with a tight bod make me gay?

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def big enough to suck

need a name

>that also can't be healthy
This fucking site is so far gone that your average user now looks at a tremendously athletic bodybuilder and thinks "that can't be healthy". Absolutely surreal

veins literally popping out of your body = healthy?
fucking retard


if you've ever worked out in your life maybe you would know that veins do pop out due to exercise
note how these kind of .webms are always recorded at the gym

asking the real questions

She, like most/all bodybuilders, is clearly undergoing a bit of dehydration to make her veins show more prominently for her pictures, but aside from that, YES. This is what a HEALTHY, ATHLETIC person looks like. This is what LOW BODY FAT looks like. Notice her pinching her skin in that first clip? To show the tightness of her skin and the low fat? She's in good shape.

By all means, feel free to post a pic of what YOU look like for comparison as you sit in judgment of her health.

she's dehydrated and looks disgusting, and I like muscle girls

best thing about roiding women are the huge clits

Yeah, just like anybody from outside of the internet and even people who've been IN bodybuilding in their younger years would tell you. I bet you think bodybuilders are all super strong too?

It should be but it fucking won't be

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Varbies are the horniest things walking the earth and require real men with stamina to handle them, you are fucking discord tranny shit

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That is not a healthy fat percent

>roids are healthy
i bet her clit is bigger than you dick

You can only pick one

god you sound like such twitter whore with the word caps
veins showing under skin is a good thing sure, but not as much as that slut is showing you fucking moron

Sexy sells

>post a pic of what YOU look like
ah yes, the retard argument

based and varbiepilled

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How the fuck do I get a Varbie gf?

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>mad fatties
dont you have burgers to eat?

go to the gym and ask for roids

Excuseme while i go vomit in a bucket.

>tfw no Isabela Moner varbie gf

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Name now

Do you realize that becoming that muscular without drugs is literally impossible for a woman? They have like 60 to 80 TIMES less testosterone than an average man.

Are you retarded? Steroids cause a shitload of issues, especially in a woman, she's essentially a FTM tranny. Also, a lot of bodybuilders and strongman are basically obese due to the amount of muscle mass they have and often deal with the same issues fatties deal with.

Imagine the pressure she could apply squeezing those buttcheeks together

like putting your dick in a hydraulic press

>How is that possible ?
Chemical infetterence
You know how in cartoons and stuff they have like a supersoldier serum that mutates people into hulking monsters overnight, for women that's real, it's called Anavar

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swear to god dudes that are into muscle girls are closeted

you won't even get Biel's level

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>look at me look at me! I can take steroids too!!

how do i stop cooming to muscle girls, 2/3 of fap sessions consist of them
>inb4 get out of the closet

Project more fag

What's more gay, liking chicks with massive biceps and small, withered boobies or traps

I would propose traps are less gay if it's a good trap because then at least 80-90% of the person looks like a cute girl, whereas on a varbie it's down to like 40-50%

Muscle girls are straight for the same reasons as tomboys.

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>thinking roids are disgusting means you're fat
ok retard, you can stop posting now
everyone knows you're stupid already

>how do i stop cooming to muscle girls
You don't.

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An Da jeong

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Yikes cringe and nope