It was recently Friday the 13th. I finally got done watching all 12 movies for the first time ever...

It was recently Friday the 13th. I finally got done watching all 12 movies for the first time ever. I see you horror spergs arguing all the time over it so here's my preference to the franchise. Feel free to mock me cause I'll never watch these again


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> 8 over 7 over 6

Whys that wrong I'm an uncultured F13 faggot

4>2>5>3>fvj>1>6>8>the game>7>Hell>remake

haven't seen the rest

Where's 5?

Whoops. I'm a raging faggot. Probably after 4

Please post favorite boobs from movies now


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Understanding that the first 4 are the best. Understanding that the remake is dogshit. That's a double based from me son.

I don’t get the hate for the remake. Mears is a great Jason and the cast was pretty likable.

Here's 4chans official ranking of the series for those interested.

1 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 5 > 7 > 6 > 8 > FvJ > Hell > Remake > X

I have a hard time believing fans would rank the original as the best. It’s alright but it’s certainly not on the same level as the original Halloween. That said, it probably has the best atmosphere due to being filmed at a real camp.

Mears is great I'll give you that. The cast is meh but then again strong characters have never been the series strong point. I don't dig the remake because it tries to both be dark like the first four while cheesy and fun/funny like some of the later sequels and i dont think it really succeeds in either area. No creative kills. No sense of atmosphere of dread. Bland as fuck cinematography and music. Horrible pacing. It's not a long movie but it does something none of the other films did, it bored me. It's just got that assembly line coat of slickness that all platinum dunes horror movies had at the time, especially the horror remakes. Other than Mears and the sex scene I don't get the love honestly.

That’s fair. I agree with that ‘Platinum Dunes look’ being an issue. It’s too polished.

But most fans are faggots that worship part 6 so fuck em. The original is absolutely not as good as Halloween admittedly but it's still an out and out classic. Like you said it's that atmosphere man. I really think the atmosphere is CREEPY which is something the series would never recapture save for perhaps the daylight scene at the end of 3 and a moment or two here and there in 4. One pretty much has a sense of dread throughout especially when it starts raining. Little things like the lighting in the bathroom when the killer walks in through the door. The first has a ton of little moments like that. Plus i think it was Manfredini's best work by far.

At least you got one thing right

Yeah they never quite got that backwoods feeling back once they moved production out of the east coast.

>3 as best
>FvJ dead last

3 is so comfy and fun.

FvJ is horrible. If I wanted to watch a Frankenstein movie I'd, well, watch a Frankenstein movie. Kirzinger is hands down the worst person to star as Jason. So uncharismatic. Everyone who ever played Jason brought a little something different to it to make it their own. Kirzinger just lumbers around slowly. He did a few minor stunts in Part 8, and you can definitely tell when he's on screen compared to Hodder. Dull, stiff, heartless.

FvJ doesn’t hold up. The Jason costume looks low budget and it generally just feels like a cheapo Canadian production.

4 > 7 > 6 > 2 > 5 > 1 > X > 3 > FvJ > 8 > remake > 9

The way Hodder turns his head first then pulls his body to face that direction is cringe as fuck. Basically how Reddit would play Jason. Go fuck yourself Horror Is Dead.

On the contrary FvJ has slick and probably the highest production value of the series (6 is the only thing that could compare). Jason looks great, way better than the absolute joke of a costume he had in 6 and 8.

8 is trash

It's a trash series.

Even this series noob rates part 6 low, because he recognized it was shit. Whatever will Jason Lives fags do?

I never said Hodder is my favorite or that he should have gotten FvJ. Fanboy cope turned up to 11.

4 is the most overrated and it's also just a bad movie. Fuck Corey Feldman

You're not fooling anyone.

Fuck off Wolfpack.

I used to rank 7 a lot higher until I rewatched it. It has the most generic group of teens in the whole series and that’s saying something. It also really only features a small handful of locations. Feels like the whole thing was shot on a small, acre sized lot. Jason looks amazing though.

You're a faggot for putting 4 so high

7 coasts on best Jason makeup and Tina. Besides maybe Melissa, all the other characters are shit. Even if it wasn't neutered by the MPAA, it would only rise like one notch at best.

Monica Keena’s tig ol’ bitties were kino.

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The professor was fun and based but if someone puts 7 above the mediocre line on their F13 ranking it's an easy way to identify them as a smooth brain zoomer who's first F13 film was Part 7.

Why the fuck would 7 be someone's first F13? And how is a '88 movie zoomer?

zoom zoom zoom

Katherine Isabelle gets naked in that movie, without her Ginger Snaps tail. You think it was a body double?

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7 was either my first, or near my first, Ft13th movie.

Either it was due to the others being rented out or the cover/back looking interesting to me. Eitherway, it was a fun, but weird, Ft13th movie.

Checked and based. Part 7 also has that opening that recaps the whole series.

Hopefully it was her. She’s an underrated horror qt.

My first exposure to the franchise was the final chase in Part 3. Remember those big screen floor model TVs with the vinyl screens before HD was a thing? I caught the end of it at a friends sleepover. I was, and still am a fat fuck and went downstairs for more pizza. My friends dad was snoring in his chair but had the movie on the TV. It was cable. Can't remember what channel. But I froze and stood there for about the last 15ish minutes of the movie plus commercial breaks just mesmerized and obsessed. After that it was over for me. It was the first time I saw any of ANOES, TCM, Halloween, F13...the heavy hitters. And it turned me into a Friday fanboy for life.

Anyway, my first fully viewed movie was Part 7. Again it was on cable. I believe it was USA Up All Night. I watched it and recorded it on a blank VHS tape in my room on my shitty 15 inch tv that the color barely worked in the 4th grade. Fucking memories, man. Wore that tape out. I love Part 7 but I definitely recognize its flaws now.

Did the Dad wake up and sodomize you and then suck his cum out of your butthole and vomit all over you and your friends open birdlike mouths while he himself was shoving a football up his ass and shouting "TOUCHDOWN" through all the vomit, shit, blood and cum while you and your faggot friend jerked each other off with barbed wire?

What did he mean by this?

Haven't seen them in years but I remember Part 4 was technically the "best" one. I always enjoyed Part 6 and Part 2.
Part 3 was definitely not the best though, that's retarded.

Lmao no. Yas Forums tends to like 4 and 6 the best, with one guy who is in love with 5. The alternative opinion tends to be 2 or 3, practically nobody puts 1 first.

Hot Take:
Spaceman Jason was the best one

I only reached over and tickled his balls a little. I was afraid. He stayed asleep but giggled while dreaming. The whole experience made me a Jason man. Also a ball man.


>Part 3 was definitely not the best though, that's retarded.
Says the retard who thinks 6 is anything other than overrated dog shit.

Sleepaway Camp > 6 > 3 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 5 > The Burning > 7 > 8 > FvJ > X > Remake > 9

>This contrarianism

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BASED: Appreciating Sleepaway Camp. Including The Burning. Understanding how shitty the remake is.

CRINGE: Thinking so highly of 6. Not having 1 at least in the top 4.

Do you dislike part 6 because it's popular? Or are you upset there's some humor involved?

Part 6 is comfykino. Part 3 is just goofy and cringe. Only good bit is when that nig get clubbed and then chopped up later.

Did anyone ask for these blogposts?

>bunch of kids running around screaming and being kids
That's not comfy. Characters in 6 were garbage too. Boring movie.

>>bunch of kids running around screaming and being kids
Is this bait? That's FT13th in a nutshell.

Learn the difference between kids and teenagers

I thought it was pretty neat to finally see Jason at a fully functional camp. It helped that it was shot at an actual summer camp instead of obvious sets.

Some of us have attention spans and appreciate film discussion which sometimes includes how one came to discover said films. Fuck of low attention span twat.

I'm a contrarian for saying the original film is atmospheric? I've known people that still hated the first but recognized the fact that it's easily the most atmospheric film of the series.

No, that I agree with you on the first film. Your hatred of 6 seems like that though. But I may be wrong

1, 2 and 3 are really the only F13 movies with atmosphere.