2020... another year without Neuromancer kino

2020... another year without Neuromancer kino

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Should I read this?

Also, should I read Snow Crash if I’m turned off by the mystery meat protagonist?

good, it'd be shit
yes you should, Neuromancer was great.

>Should I read this?
depends how intelligent you are

There's no possibility it would be good, leave it alone.

>good, it'd be shit
Chris Cunningham wanted to make an adaption and I think Aphex Twin was onboard to do the soundtrack, but it got cancelled.

Apparently theres going to be a Neuromancer film coming out in 2021 directed by the guy who made Deadpool

Aphex twin is an awful choice for score. The in-world music was always dub based.

we missed out on a big brain movie

Both are excellent. Anathem is Stephenson's best work, though but it isnt cyberpunk.

>permastoned niggers can run a space station

I can tell you coomers never made it to /lit/. This book is boring as fuck, and if it wasn't the first it wouldn't be anywhere near the top ten cyberpunk list.

I loved Neuromancer but I haven't read much other cyberpunk. What else is out there?

let me guess. the Count and/or Molly will be a nigger.

Tons of stuff. Burning Chrome is an excellent short story collection.
Mirrorshades is another such collection, edited by Bruce Sterling.

>fuck the system
>muh hi-tech low life
Gibson is cringe

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>10 years since you've had Inception
that's the closest you'll get


Neuromancer < Snowcrash

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I'd rather watch an original cyberpunk movie instead of seeing a 30+ year old IP get dredged up by Hollywood for the millionth time.

those nigs were pretty based tho

Neuromancer is meh. Starts out cool. Second half sucks.

Reality has already outpaced it, though. The supercorporations won, and the individual has been defeated.

>how about an original idea hollyweird!
boy, I miss 2005-era IMDb

this book aged poorly

unironically the scariest thing I've ever seen

I've been revisiting all of the Cyberpunk 2020 tabletop RPG books, and the technology is astonishingly laughable, except for the cyberware. Computers, phones, and cameras are a fucking joke compared to what we (meaning White end Asian engineers) actually developed.

That only makes the genre more pertinent than ever.
This shit has gotten far worse since 2005. Don't deny it.

Maybe the Wachowski Bros could have a crack at it, they've been out for a long time and we're overdue some kino from him.

Not that brainlet but what about Reamde?

it was already a tired and unrealistic complaint in 2005. greenlighting untested IPs simply wasn't a risk most studios were willing to take after the 90s

2007 was the year that the Internet was officially ruined by iphones and modern social media. You know it be true.

I’d rather have another decent adaptation of anything by Philip K Dick over this. Ubik or Valis or even Flow My Tears would be great

reamde was commissioned gun porn for the NRA.


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Mah nigga

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If nothing else, Neuromancer gives some fun insight into the origin of Cyberpunk.

It's a short read too.

Don be hatin' on da son's of Zion mon

/Lit is a group of ponderous neckbeards who get high smelling their own farts while stroking their bookcases of obscure literature and philosophy they'll never read, but take endless photos of to score more euphoria points than everyone else. Like most of Yas Forums, they strip any enjoyment out of reading and make a dull, plodding grind.

>Wachowski Bros
>decent adaptation
oh i am laffin

>t. tessier-ashpool

maelcum was based
marcus garvey was based

A Ubik adaptation could work if you find a director and screenwriter willing to stay true to the source material. Look at A Scanner Darkly. That movie was almost exactly like the book aside from combining two side characters. I u derstand Ubik would be much harder to adapt, but it could happen

Not the user you’re responding to but you sound like you’re projecting. I’ve seen some really good discussions on /lit/ and only a minority of them are anything like you describe

There's plenty. Rudy Rucker is great, Sterling is really good, all of Gibson is worth reading, especially the Bridge trilogy, etc. Headcrash by Bruce Bethke is a comedy cyberpunk book that's worth finding. Stephenson's Snowcrash and The Diamond Age are must-reads.

The problem with all Gibson's works, good ideas, mediocre plots

I'm not saying I don't want it.
I'm saying I know better than to hope or imagine it in Current Year + 5.

Seveneves is better, IMO. My favorite is The Diamond Age. I like all of his books, though.

I've tried reading it a couple times, but didn't really got into it. Maybe I'll try again in isolation.

Count Zero was way better than Neuromancer imo

>Maybe I'll try again in isolation
you've got the coronavirus?

Readme was 'aight. The idea of a story set in an MMO was done better in a now-obscure book called WYRM by Mark Fabi, that's hilariously outdated now but was a well written book.

Guess we'll just have to watch this again to tide us over

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That's also how I felt, the writing style leaves a lot to be desired too. Also, just like original Blade Runner, it did not age very well, since every single Sci-Fi/Cyberpunk movie/book ever since has been influenced by them in one way or another.
Not that it's the creator's fault for making a genre defining piece of media, but that's just how it is.

Agree, but it would make an even worse film. Mona Lisa Overdrive has the messiest plot of all, however.

t. Servant of Babylon

The only part of Neuromancer I enjoyed was the stuff in the Sprawl. Basically half of the second act

definitely need more PKD films.

"More fully articulated, it would read, ‘The male spore, my dears, is as we well know tireless in its half-crazed struggle—against all sanity and moral restraint— to reach the female egg. That’s the way men are. Right? We all realize it. Give a male (sic) spore half an inch and he’ll take seventy-two-and-a-sixth miles. BE PREPARED! ALWAYS READY! A HUGE, SLIMY, SLANT-EYED YELLOW-SKINNED MALE SPORE MAY BE WATCHING YOU THIS VERY MINUTE! And, considering his almost demonic ability to wiggle for miles upon miles, you may at this moment be in dire, severe danger! To quote Dry-den: ‘The trumpet’s loud clamor doth call us to arms,’ etc. (And don’t forget, ladies, the handsome prize awarded yearly by Zoobko Products, Incorporated for the greatest number of dead male (sic) spores mailed (pun) to our Callisto factory in an old Irish linen pillow case, attesting to (one) your tenacity in balking the evil damned things and (two) the fact that you’re buying our lather-like goo in one-hundred-pound squirt cans. Also remember: if you are unable to adequately prepare yourself with a generous, expensive portion of Zoobko patented goo in the proper place, ahem, in advance of marital lawful pawing, then merely squirt the spray can with nozzle directed directly into the grimacing fungiform’s ugly face as it hovers six feet high in the air above you. Best range—”

>Rudy Rucker is great

why are all of Rucker's protagonists overweight mathematicians with a drinking problem?

>Seveneves is better, IMO

yeah! i can't wait for the second book, where he finishes the story he began in the first book.

Wait this is the universe where Neuromancer (1988) was never made? How the fuck did I end up here?

How do I realign my QPUs folks?

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>mfw trying to imagine the descriptions of the matrix and all that shit

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the whole fucking thing is unadaptable because gibbson is a hack, what the fuck do you want?

/lit/ is years ahead of Yas Forums in quality, even the shitposting has more thought put into it