Just how fucked was Frodo after his journey?

Just how fucked was Frodo after his journey?

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Pretty fucked he lived in constant agony from the Nazgul blade and couldn't find much peace which is why he went off with Gandalf to Valinor or whatever it was.

why didnt they just bring some lava from mount doom to the shire?

This thumb tried to knife me, kill im!


totally fucked
he couldn't even go back and live in peace in his shitty hometown

The lava isn’t the thing that destroys it dumbass, the ring has to be destroyed where it was created, it simply wouldn’t have worked if you removed the lava from the volcano. It had to be chucked and destroyed into MT. Doom

okay mr.Smartass, if you know everything then why didn't the fucking eagles B-line them there? I know it's a meme but I want a canon answer

Frodos state after the story is a metaphor to tolkiens real life experiences of PTSD so its safe to assume despite being physically ok he had a lot of nightmares, frodo even says (albeit before destroying the ring) that he can see the phantoms and sauron with his waking eyes. Him not being able to chill, which is something caused by the irreversible taint from the evil of the one ring, makes the elves give ringbearers a pass to valinor where they can die in peace.

Theres a fucking army between them and the mountain, not to mention the fel beasts and presumably other horrible shit oh and lets not forget the fucking evil demonic presence of the land itself

they managed to fly there to pick frodo up.

The eagles would be susceptible to the rings influence as they are described as prideful and arrogant. Sauron would also see them coming from miles away and employ counter defences such as arrows, siege weapons and the Nazgul.

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Sauron would have seen them coming and deduced their plan. They had to sneak in so they could slip beneath his notice.

> why didn't they just fly a bomber to Hitler's house and drop a grenade through his window
No, it's canonically the heat that destroys the Ring, a dragon's breath would also have worked. Taking lava over such a distance would have cooled it down though.

Yeah, AFTER Sauron got btfo and his influence was broken.

The armies all died instantly in the movie

That's a popular theory, but Christopher Tolkien has pretty much debunked that theory.

not fucked at all, his boyfriend left him to start a family.

see They're big ass birds, what the fuck are some broke ass nazguls gonna do to them?

Once Sauron was DEAD and his armies in disarray, yes

Lmao in what way?

>Christopher Tolkien
Literally who?

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Did you see how fast they got there after the ring was tossed in? They were sitting on the edge waiting to fly in, why not fly the hobbits that far?


they couldve flown right over them at night, nobody wouldve noticed.

Because when Sauron was still ALIVE he would have seen them heading straight towards Mt. Doom and gleamed that they planned to destroy the ring

It was paramount that he not know that was their plan. That's why Aragorn pretends to have the ring. That's why they put up the token resistance at the black gate.


Eagles don't have fingers to wear the ring, dumbass

why werent they there guarding the volcano entrance in the first place? what a stupid story

The gaze of Sauron pierces all things, day or night makes no difference to him
He had all kinds of animals that were used as his spies, too
I assume some of them are nocturnal

yet frodo and sam easily got passed his tower and he thought someone else had the ring. yeah hes so smart and all knowing huh

just fly to the edge and let them walk the rest of the way.

>frodo and sam easily got passed his tower

Because Saurons influence is tied to his attention. Getting that close with the ring bearer on board and having the added limitation of having to land some place from wich you can reach Mt. Doom by foot would have been too risky.

>don't have fingers
what about talons, faggot

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>it simply wouldn’t have worked if you removed the lava from the volcano
prove it

Frodo and Sam, however, went back to ordinary attire, except that when there was need they both wore long grey cloaks, finely woven and clasped at the throat with beautiful brooches; and Mr. Frodo wore always a white jewel on a chain that he often would finger. All things now went well, with hope always of becoming still better; and Sam was as busy and as full of delight as even a hobbit could wish. Nothing for him marred that whole year, except for some vague anxiety about his master. Frodo dropped quietly out of all the doings of the Shire, and Sam was pained to notice how little honour he had in his own country. Few people knew or wanted to know about his deeds and adventures; their admiration and respect were given mostly to Mr. Meriadoc and Mr. Peregrin and (if Sam had known it) to himself. Also in the autumn there appeared a shadow of old troubles. One evening Sam came into the study and found his master looking very strange. He was very pale and his eyes seemed to see things far away. ‘What’s the matter, Mr. Frodo?’ said Sam. ‘I am wounded,’ he answered, ‘wounded; it will never really heal.’ But then he got up, and the turn seemed to pass, and he was quite himself the next day. It was not until afterwards that Sam recalled that the date was October the sixth. Two years before on that day it was dark in the dell under Weathertop. Time went on, and 1421 came in. Frodo was ill again in March, but with a great effort he concealed it, for Sam had other things to think about. The first of Sam and Rosie’s children was born on the twenty-fifth of March, a date that Sam noted.

but if that's the case, and the armies of man were distracting him, then shouldn't the eagles be able to sneak in?

Eagles are big, in the sky, very noticeable
two hobbits on the ground are not noticeable

this shit isn't hard

yeah he was easily tricked like a dog with a treat. if he was smart he wouldve kept his gaze on the volcano wouldnt he?

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then it would morph into a collar.


flying so high in the air would be impossible to see them.

Sauron is drumpf
Gandalf is Bernie
Aragorn is Biden
Frodo and Sam are the young people

Sauron could not conceive that anybody would seek to destroy the ring. He believed it impossible. And he was ultimately right, because in the end Frodo chooses not to destroy it. Only a literal act of God himself caused it to be destroyed.

Fly at night, natural camo, stay high up in the sky so things on the ground can't spot you, and you could get it done in 1 night, thus even if you're noticed it'd probably be too late to mobilize archers and shit to any effective degree. This shit really isn't hard.

yeah bad story writing, should have just made sauron an orc, then it would've made sense how stupid he was.

Because he didn’t know they were there and thought the ring was in the big we army at the gate

But he had a bunch of giant dragons rode by people who can see at night

its a fantasy movie for man children, logic isnt needed

okay now that is a good point. Dragons beat Eagles.

It would cool during transportation

Yeah luckily the dragons were on smoke break but the good guys didn’t know that

its called simple planning, just station guards there, how hard is that to understand?

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Because the guards unionized and were on strike

>change Aragorn wrecking all those nazgul at weathertop
>have Gandalf get dragged down by the whip instead of failing to do one pull up
>remove skateboard legolas
>change ghost army
>remove elephant riding legolas
>make Edoras and Minas Tirith look more habitable and populated
The perfect trilogy

Congrats you un-kino’d it, may as well add people with brown eyes while you’re at it

dumb orc could never threaten the world

Considering book Frodo was basically a fucking deity after he kicked Saruman's ass, then gets to go to Elf heaven and still find time to fuck prime Hobbit puss in between second breakfast, I'd say fine...all things considered.

No, dragons can destroy lesser rings, but Gandalf says it would do nothing to the One Ring.

Gandalf specifically says even dragon fire from the greatest dragon who ever lived wouldn't destroy the ring.

Give me one (1) good reason why elves shouldn't be beautiful chocolate ubermensch as Tolkien and Eru intended

Who was Frodo plowing? Sam's daughter?

thank you user, this seems more like a logical explanation

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Because they smell

>Who was Frodo plowing?
anyone he wanted, being a war hero and all

this, the ghost army was probably the most retard and unnecessary out of them

saruman is trump

Somebody with the same last name who wrote some fanfiction doesn't get to debunk anything.


sauron never believed anyone would be willing to destroy the ring
why was the 1 ring created to rule over all the other rings if not a single other ring is ever brought up or mentioned?

They’re both racist orange retards