Former Bond girl Olga Kurylenko has tested positive for coronavirus

Ukraine-born actress and model Olga Kurylenko revealed Sunday on Instagram that she has tested positive for coronavirus.

"Locked up at home after having tested positive for Coronavirus," she wrote for her 567,000 followers, posting a photo showing a view through a window of her home.

She added: "I’ve actually been ill for almost a week now. Fever and fatigue are my main symptoms. Take care of yourself and do take this seriously!"

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>Ukraine-born actress and model
>became actress and model in France
>Lived in France for many years
>is French

Olga Kurylenko is French

My kisses will make her better.

Aren't you late to your daily muslim anal drilling, Jean?

lmao sure

Did the wall infect her when it smashed into her?

Live by the roast die by the roast

Why would you advertise that you have it, especially being a celebrity?

>Islam bad

she's 40, she looks great

Sympathy and publicity.
Are you twelve?

Celebrities hunger for relevancy.

she's a woman and needs to be raped

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Celebrities getting it is the only way the disease feels like a real threat to a lot of people

>noooooo muh jews gays and roasties

Have any virgins tested positive for Corona?

Helps spread awareness that anyone can get it. America only took it serious when Tom Hanks got it. Also it's free attention.

is there a list of famous people with coronavirus?

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She looks pretty banging for being 40 and infected with a deadly virus. The Wall has spared her only for The Corona to claim her.

>America only took it serious when Tom Hanks got it
It’s literally only just a flu, though

Depends where you put them.

She'll get better this thing is easier on women than men. A shame though, just a few weeks ago she was playing facepaints with her son now she can't touch him.

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Would still bang

>Bond girl
Why is “pump and dump” a compliment?

>>noooooo muh jews gays and roasties

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Classic mericuckold goy

regardless how severe this may be, seems like its a good time to bust one out for old times sake

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you don't own any stocks?

You're a saint.

88% of americans dont

>muh stocks
unless you were about to retire or are stupid and sold/transferred then it will have no impact.

>NPCs selling their assets because they think it’s not a flu makes it not a flu

>investing in securities and not cryptoshit
Are you some kind of boomer?

really the best we can do

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>born in Ukraine
>parents are Russian and Ukrainian
>spends her entire childhood in Soviet Union
>none of the movies she is famous for are french
>still speaks with Russian accent
>literally named "Olga Konstiantinivna Kurylenko"

>b-but she lived in France and she has french passport this makes her french right?

The eternal frenchman appropriating other country's celebrities.

Don't talk about my waifu like that you degenerate coomers >__

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sorry user
she has been my prostitutefu ever since I saw hitman, not sure how to take this news

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why would I?


free press

>don’t put on makeup
>I are sick guise pls feel sorry 4 me

quiet nigger

Imagine spending your whole acting career to be known as a bond girl lmao

why the fuck not

>France made Olga Kurylenko
>Olga in only Ukraine would be alternate universe where this Olga thread would never exist because she is nobody

France made Olga. Olga is French.

make me

stupidest man alive

This only needs grug pic and it is perfect.

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i completely forgot she existed
can totally still get it

Olga isn't french. Proof:
- she doesn't have a giant nose
- she isn't black
- her boyfriend isn't black
- she never starred in some degenerate nu-arthose with naked underage children
- her name doesn't have 15 silent letters

On her face and mby her girl pp so long as it's not too smelly

Olga Kurylenko has been away from Ukraine for many years. She is no longer Ukrainian. She is now French in the brain. She looks Ukrainian, but she is really a French person. Same with Irish being Irish and not Englishmen. Same with Serbians being Serbians and not Yugoslavians.

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>mfw no coronavirus gf

Explain your reasoning


She'll definitely live no doubt about it considering she's still fairly young.

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