RIP theaters

RIP theaters

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good. fuck theaters.

Just die as a whole.

is there a statictic that can show the rise of suicide since corona? I can imagine quite a few family business are going to get closed because of this and make some people hang themselves. Imagine loaning money to open a business and then something like this shits on you.

maybe if studios didn't take most of the profits

This is why you need a drive-in near you. I have one near me. You get to watch two movies and can watch them multiple times back to back. It's comfy as fuck.

I think that’d actually be pretty amazing if drive-in theaters made a comeback because of this shitty virus, it’s definitely the safest way to watch a movie.

They will reign supreme once more.

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AMC deserves to die.

They sacrificed theater capacity for retarded recliner chairs. They threw out your right to watch a film uninterrupted so fat cunts could have waiters walk right in front of you to deliver pizzas. They threw out variety so they could have 90% of their screens all playing the same retarded capeshit.

Fuck AMC.

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>safer than watching VOD at home

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>tard friendly theaters
Jesus christ, why even bother showing a movie? Just let them scream at each other for two hours.

Theater chains have been fucking movie watchers for decades. Fuck them. I hope they all crash and burn.

I've gotta say, I could not handle having a retarded or even fully autistic kid. I just don't have the energy for it.

fuck modern media, all just the same sjw shit again and again

About time. Fuck theatre chains.

Excellent, this 'thing', this abomination we're all living in needs a hard reset.
It's at critical Sodom and Gomorrah levels. We're at that point where God's finger would come down and crush us into dust.

They say airlines are going bankrupt too which I wholeheartedly welcome. Too much travel going on, too much exchange in nationalities and people. These weirdos from who the fuck knows where are swarming all over the place, strange motherfuckers from the other side of the world. Then there's the whites who behave like a plague infecting the globe.. it all has to stop.
Everybody go home, settle down, live normally, be with family and friends, work things out in your respective nations. You'll be happy

I don’t want to be a shut-in forever from this pandemic

>tfw local AMC theater used to be a normal one but had a nice, small, upscale 21+ restaurant built into the side with a private screen that seated about 24
>tfw will never have that comfy experience again and all the food from their new restaurant tastes mediocre as fuck while being super pricey
Watching The Grey while drinking a glass of Chardonnay with a nice salmon dinner was one of the comfiest movie experiences I ever had.

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>family good
>other people bad

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AMC > cinemark

Lay off the amphetamines and corn syrup. You've got brain cavities.

You've got things to do that you've been putting off time and time again. Fix them. Going to the movies to escape isn't a priority, traveling to avoid responsibility isn't going to solve anything.. you'll only burden your hosts.

The drive-in's more fun user. There's also arcade games there and you and your frens can hang-out at the concession stand. There's also people who tail-gate there like it's a sporting event.


well duh

user it’s a movie theater trip not a fucking flight to a temple in Nepal.

That's because AMC was bought out by the Chinese awhile ago

>10 bucks popcorn
you had it coming


when your alone, there is a higher risk of hanging myself.

movie theaters then:
>sorry, we're sold out.
>that's okay, I'll see the next screening in 20 minutes

movie theaters now:
>sorry, we're sold out.
>that's okay, I'll see the next one.
>next one is in four hours
>uh... I guess I'll go somewhere else then...

i just realized they're gonna cancel all the gay pride parades. thank god.

>c a m e

It's gotta go either way, just look at you. You're fiending for a fix of the garbage they're shamelessly slathering over that screen. Fucking superman and X-men.. it's made everyone stupid. You've seen the news, they're buying truck loads of toilet paper.

It's only a theater trip like a "hit" is to crackhead. You've got attention deficit disorder and this has become the norm. Grown men acting like kids, I'm sure you can find more constructive things to do. You ever try reading a book, repairing your house, talking to your family.. no, you've got to go out and spend-spend-spend otherwise you'll die.

I do wonder how many subscriptions will Netflix and its like gain during all this.

This is a good thing! We can pool our money, buy one of these theaters, and create our own kinoplex! Complete with crab legs, showers, and manlet pits

Maybe they should stop funding The Walking Dead.

>he says while shitposting on Yas Forums

Hardly enough for them to stop losing money. More importantly, there will be more seeders.

>sorry all our good assigned seats are sold out, guess you have to sit in the front row
I fucking hate how theaters feel like going to a goddamn airline these days, the fact that they encourage everyone to buy their seats online ahead of time while charging an “inconvenience” fee for it drives me nuts.
Fuck I just want to buy tickets at the theater without the goddamn selection hassle.

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Dumb boomer

>not appreciating assigned seats and prebuying tickets online to avoid lines

lol kill yourself faggot

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They are doing quantitative easing type stuff, I'm sure to help banks etc. I wonder if banks will help anyone or they still need their 75%+ magical out of thin air numbers back right in time.

So much this, I just want to enjoy movies in the comfort of my own home.

I wanna buy the icee machine

death of the big cinema chains will lead to a rise in small artsy movie theaters that are more involved with their local community and help support small and local film makers (their success will ultimately lead to them being purchased by a big theater chain and we go full cycle.)

nobody wants to go to a faggy fucking theater anymore when 72 inch TVs are like $300

Those dine in theaters only have like 4 screens that serve food when the other 20 screens are regular or recliner seats, and the recliner seats are pretty comfy

Everyone is addicted to binge watching tv shows.

>Oh, I'm sure I'll find another job user, don't worry about me... I don't know much about these streaming websites like Netflix, but I'm sure they need ushers too!

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>Happy to see me, Robert? That will have to wait until they dim the lights.

the crazy thing is if they just made good quality movies this wouldn't be an issue and people would go to the theater like they used to

instead they pump out garbage globohomo SJW shit and wonder why nobody is buying tickets

I don't get how 2 months of no business is enough to shut so much down. Like... didnt yall make money. Cant you save it and prepare for a rainy day?

As a projectionist for AMC, I agree. Company treats its workers like shit, only cares about their fucking rewards card that the shovel down your throat. The worst part is the free version gets you the $6 tickets on tuesday, but they want you to get the $15 a year version that offers no real bonuses over the free version. Yet they bitch at us every month because the numbers are down, and they don't understand why.

Lets not forget the fact they upsell their food and drinks at a 300% increase, yet somehow can't give their employees more than a 10 cent raise every two years.

>t. AMC Employee for 9 years.

you seem highly successful and motivated user, what's your secret?

Google wage slavery and read a book

Cocaine, and a side job working on computers that ACTUALLY pays the bills. AMC became a side job for spending cash long ago.

>AMC became a side job for spending cash long ago
tell me more
which book?

So much of their model is pure profit. Unionize AMC now.

Baby brain

what did he mean by this?

Family stands above else. Religion, race, and nationality is for brainlets

Not much to tell. Spent most of my time selling tickets and listening to old people sperg out over ticket prices for 9 years straight. Went through 7 managers and 4 GM's in a 2 year period because they got this crazy idea that "moving management around would help bring new ideas in". Instead they had major revolts and HR complaints from the crew for destroying morale, and bringing in literal slave drivers from time to time.

Most companies are built on debt and function paycheck to paycheck. If their debts aren't repaid on time they get fucked

>not wanting the coronavirus to rip through their entire immunocompromised population

High IQ post