Booty-cycle Edition
Booty-cycle Edition
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>Hop in
Aaron Paul is holding my interest by a single thread. Season 2 hurt me so badly, lads..
Looks like brapposting is back on the menu.
these braps dont go the speed limit
Should I rewatch s1 and 2 before I watch 3? I havent watched either since they originally aired.
>woman looks at bike
>helmet person rides bike
>woman walks away from bike
Season 3 is obviously a different show
>another show where white liberal elites get btfo by oppressed dindus/dindu analogues, produced by white liberal elites
i'll keep watching
He wasn't ready
I would like to point out that the last OP called it /ww/, which is wrong. The correct Westworld General title is \W/.
What the fuck are you talking about? Who are the white liberal elites?
>Friend's name is Francis
S1 is phenomenal. Definitely watch it. It also is partially a self-contained story so if you just stopped there it would be worth it. S2 is probably 80%-90% garbage, though. It's a total mess It does have one good episode (The Riddle of the Sphynx) which mostly involves William and some people really like the native american themed episode.
I thought they were going to some naziworld not this rebelion/freedom shite
Her hair wasn't even messed in the slightest from being on that bike and wearing that helmet. I got flashbacks from when Danny got her dragon all those times. It's absurd.
>skipped Season 2
>can understand everything in this episode fine
Did anything there matter?
This is interesting so far and I’ll watch it for based Aaron Paul, but man season 2 was awful. First sign this is sinking to those levels and I’m out.
>I would like to point out that the last OP called it /ww/, which is wrong. The correct Westworld General title is \W/.
The More You Know...
You don't see the bike and the car in the same frame either
Did she steal that bike? Or is it a sharing service?
>takes a swim in a pool
>is soaking wet and puts on a robe
>instantly dry
How are they that size in the real world? They didn't leave on the train so how did they get unshrunk?
She literally just called her hacking service / AI assistant and was like "get me a bike" and then it randomly hacked a random bike for her, because that's a thing that wouldn't have enormous >implications in the real world. She also leased a condo or something that way right as she's walking in the building. It was basically just a play on women's desire to float through life having doors opened and problems solved for them, where the only "work" they have to do is to just show up and "be themselves" and express their emotions.
They aren't in the real world.
>falling for the Asian wife meme not only once but TWICE
He deserved it desu
>you are a fucking terminator whose skin can be changed
>super computer with big brother centralized CCTV looking for you
>you still walk around in your most recorded skin
>but you swapped your DNA and tissue for people to test you
She bought both because she stole a shitton of money, and money gets you whatever you want.
She hack the bike
Obviously, she's hacked every CCTV in the world.
I know what you are saying.
But it could be a bike sharing/rental service though.
If she can tell the eyeglass to rent a room she can also rent a bike
Oh, first episode is already out?
>Have the tech to literally 3D print superhuman robots
>Don't have the tech to fry every machine in a 200 mile radius from orbit
imagine driving behind her and she suddenly voids her bowels all over you windshield lol.How funny would that be?
While you are at it why not hack the DNA testing
When did the tech in this show cross the line for you?
>Brain scanning hats
You have a problem with that, fuckboy?
>I copied your DNA and memory and behavior pattern when you visited the park
>but I need you to press your thumb here
>but I need you to tell me about this Seraph dude
Aussie /dbt/ shit poster here her ass was a stunt double
T. Falcunt
Joke's on you faggot, I have lice
Why didn't she use her brain scanning stuff on the Li An guy
>not clenching the bike with her legs
she is an amateur
Can I watch s3 without watching s2?
Oh God how boring
Where the fuck is my nazi world
>mfw they could have had ww2 nazibots running around the future world and the real world
What a missed opportunity
Also Nolan's waifus writing SUCKS
lisa joy more like Lisa simpsoi
>men who pursue Asian women are wife beaters who fetishize them for their supposed submissiveness
True to life.
Not only you can, but you should.
So will this season redeem s2?
>No explanation for Ford being able to mind control the hosts when he was human
>Ford won't be in this series to harass people from inside their heads
Why even bother watching.
What's west of Westworld?
I was pretty fucking happy until they showed Maeve and then I just stopped caring about this shit show.
film/tv industry, brainlet
>Don't get to see her getting murdered over and over
>Don't get to see her weirdly appealing dicknipples
What a shame
>instead of the alamo 2: even lamer they could have mechahitler leading the charge into the normieworld
S2 was a brainlet filter, and I'm not surprised half of Yas Forums got savagely filtered.
How dare they show Nazis in a negative light.
Damn now THIS is some kino, I mean S1 and S2 were outstanding kino, but S3 will be even greater than first 2 seasons.
Maeve is our girl, fuck off back to pol you worm.
>evil liberal TV executives
Okay boomer
This shows pretty redpilled desu
>old white man gives carte blache control to psychotic femenists (robots)
>instead of fixing ww they implode everything
>they lash out and start killing men irl for no reason
And they are meant to be the good girls?
Gonna be funny as fuck seeing Delores fuck up future world only to still be stuck inside another simulation (referenced in s3ep1)
There is so many directions they could take it like iron sky esqe crazy shit straight out of wolfenstien but nope muh stronk maive
Even my femenist mom hates how shit this show and the women characters are she can't stand Delores because she's too skinny dollface and maive is an annoying nigger (her words)
Aaron Paul saved the show
Wish they'd dump maive and Delores
>So will this season redeem s2?
>>No explanation for Ford being able to mind control the hosts when he was human
>>Ford won't be in this series to harass people from inside their heads
What a shame
>Why even bother watching.
YO bitch robots and robo kino
Based mommy Maeve
That epsidoe where they where trying to recreate human consciousness inside the ai robot bodies was kino
Rest I forgot
She was cute in s1
Less annoying than Tessa nigger tomson lezzo in s2 and Delores
I wunna get her fat and fuck her brains out till chocolate milk pours out of her puffy milkers
>Slowly realize you're a robot over and over again and lose your shit
I wish they'd implied some sort of continuity of consciousness for the fidelity test robots, to really make a Groundhog Day hell of it.
God bless China
S1 sort of touched on this but it was much worse for the human consciousness in the robot/ai bodies/servers being endlessly rebooted simulated and failing
>They killed off the NOT MUCH OF A RIND ON YOU whore
>They killed off Snek
Why did they do the best girls dirty?
God I hate Tessa Thompson’s character
Name a better thing in this series than the couple of interactions between Ford and William. Probably because they're actually good actors as opposed to half of the wooden shitters on the cast.
i'm still mad about scardycat security man that was always going on about taking guns everywhere and pissgirl was like what is the point you just tell them to stop
and then when shit hits the fan he's completely fucking useless
and they leave him alive and reveal he's a fucking host too right at the end of the finale
I hate her
She was ok in sorry to bother you but I hate her in everything else especially this and that Rocky reboot
She has a nice ass but a busted face and horrible mental problems
What happened to the one with the giant milkers?
Where are my big titty robots out of my anime?
I cant
it's not evil to be filthy rich and produce self-deprecating art - just ironic
Bernard is pretty good as is than die newton the writing is just dogshit though.
Again even new cast members ain't very good I love Aaron Paul but he's pretty one note.
He could carry breaking bad but I have a feeling he's gonna get emasculated as fuck in this show
I like how the meat industry works. They seem to make giant robots with tits to feed calves