Is it kino?

is it kino?

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what was anyone thinking casting this manlet?

There's a contrived effort to produce something weird rather than just producing something sincere which becomes weird (or not) as a result of one's sensibilities. It's not a bottom up generation of a unique style, it's a top-down imposition of a pre-existing one (without the requisite lucidity be a pastiche). It tries to appear be erratic and shockingly violent through completely synthetic means; listen to the language just in this trailer 'skizm, random psychos, weirdos, crazy, skizm, some psycho, totally suicidal'. Their idea of "crazy and violent" comes from playing video games, not from actually observing real life. Liberian warlords are both stranger and more shocking than the best these filmmakers can come up with, but because they lack any culture beyond their pop-bubble, and because this film is made for thirteen year olds (and those of equivalent taste) they're left to cribbing off of Waititi, John Wick, Hardocre Henry, Fortnite etc.

Do you think anyone who made this film has ever spent time with violent criminals, or inside an insane asylum, or even just read much about them? Or was their inspiration playing Far Cry 3 again?

The people who write these films and games have no life experience beyond films and games. This incestuous enculturation is cultural dysgenics. It's imitative not creative, obnoxious not interesting. Cringe, cringe and more cringe.

Advocating escapism based entertainment media against accumulation of "real life gritty experience". Just how pseud are you? Yes the movie is bad but let's not pretend like it matters how realistic the themes are when you are engaging in escapism, the antithesis of everything you're arguing for to begin with. At least these idiots have an excuse, they're retarded, what's yours hypocrite?

it was very reddit

what is with directors making emma watson and other famously british actors affect stupid american accents? what is the fucking point? just make the character british. it's fictional. or just cast one of the 8000000 actual american actors instead

Couldn't get through the first 5 minutes.

Quite honestly giggling to myself about how proud you must feel having typed all that out. You are a fuckeen ruhtard my friend.

You're gonna have to wait. He's too busy replying to me with an elaborate rationalization about how his double standard delusions make sense.

Stop thinking about video games all the time or go back to Yas Forums

I just watched the trailer and it looks pretty stupid. I was just curious if it was actual kino like Hardcore Henry or something

>dude what if you had to like play Edward 40-hands but with guns lmao
Unironically how this movie was conceived.

1. Don't put "real life gritty experience" in quotation marks if you're not quoting anyone.

2. The rest of your post doesn't make much sense and isn't a response to what I'm saying. I'm not "Advocating escapism based entertainment media against accumulation of "real life gritty experience""

3. It being escapism invalidates no criticism of it whatsoever. I really don't understand what you're trying to say; something like don't complain if the food makes you sick, it was meant to?

>double standard delusions make sense
You either don't understand what I wrote or don't understand what those words mean.

Its a fun movie with nice over the top action scenes.

Also him being a shitposter felt good, it was basically a ‘Nice he is one of us’ moment.

This movie makes me think of them. I haven't played any since 2012.


The movie made history

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one of the characters even calls him edward gunhands

I thought the twists were dumb I liked some anons theory that the bum was the main bad guy

Pretending to be other people is a pretty fundamental part of acting

british actors are cheaper and work harder

Tell me about theory.

Pleading ignorance is not an valid way to defend what little of an argument you made to begin with. I called you a hypocrite and a pseud, your argument lacks validity and is a double-standard, you expect a certain variable to be inherent when it can't due to it's nature. I'm not going to paraphrase it again. If you lack the reading comprehension to understand what was being said to you then it's not up to me to break it down in lesser, more understandable terms specifically for you.

Everyone's taking the piss out of you but you're right. It just might be intentional - the movie was made by and for people who got their life experiences from video games.

Note when Harry Potter kills the drug dealer he goes on a brief sad internal monologue while looking into the dying man's eyes about "this is the real world, there are no 1-ups, game over"

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Where is the double-standard?

Escapism based media cannot inherently immitate life, regardless of the creator's experience. Your entire argument hinges on the opposite.
You want dark and gritty, live life instead of waiting for it on the screen.

Waifu of the year 2020

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She makes my peepee hard for a reason unknown to me. Her normal look is qt as well desu.

It looks like dumb fun that doesn't at all take itself seriously. "Kino" might be a little much

>There's a contrived effort to produce something weird rather than just producing something sincere which becomes weird (or not) as a result of one's sensibilities.
This seems to be a common feature of work made by people who idolise B-movies and indie content without really understanding it. The weirdness of low-budget horror movies and the like which go on to become cult classics is born out of a sincere but misguided effort to make something good, not a conscious effort to create something weird.
With guns akimbo it's like they tried to skip the middleman and aimed for instant cult hit.

Its more or less that.
Basically its about a shitposter who gets tracked by a couple gangsters after he shit talks them online.
They abduct him and put him into their underground battle royale, where they put one one of their best against this guy.

His accent is fine I wouldn't know he wasn't American if I didn't know who he was.

1. That's not a double-standard. It seems you actually don't know what that means.

2. Again, it's in no way a refutation of my criticism.

3. It's escapism into cartoon violence masquerading as something more intense and transgressive than it is.

4. I never even talked about escapism. You're the one assuming it has any validity to begin with.

>You want dark and gritty
I never ever said that.

I think you are reading too much into it, its basically a dumb action comedy with slight social commentary about how people are bloodthirsty and actually want modern gladiator fights.

It's rare you can find a true auteur like Ed Wood or Tommy Wiseau that can be so sincere and fuck up so badly

Agreed here basically.
Helps that I actually don't mind Radcliffe, he clearly has range and talent, he just needs to be with a decent director.
I actually can't think of anything I dislike him in. There are bad movies with in it but it has nothing to do with his acting. So, "Will Smith Syndrome"

No but 'tis fun

I hope you realize you have just posted what amounts to "turn your brain off bro."

That could be a reference to the eponymous film rather than the drinking game, but it's still too on the nose given the whole movie's comedy is based around him having guns he can't take off which is the same reason the drinking game is novel beyond just pounding 40s.

It's a style choice in Akimbo, for sure, not the product of trying to make something good and failing but it becoming more than what it is BECAUSE of how shoddy and haphazard and unintentionally funny parts of said film become because of how the scenes were done.

That said, there is something about movies dong the stylistic thing that , if done right, can be endearing and although I have not yet seen the film, from the trailer it seems like this is one of those cases. I agree with you in some cases just not this particular one.
Shit like stuff Korine tries to do bothers me more because there is this air that the actually believe the gimmick of whacky and weird and strange film will work, but they have this "Nolan-filter" over it where he can fool the average pleb into thinking it's more than it is. You look at his stuff and think you're not going to get schlock until you watch the full movie. You look at a trailer for something like Akimbo, you're immediately aware this is schlock that know it is schlock and isn't try to be more.

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Not him but, given the content of the film that seems to be what they want. Yes, turn it off and enjoy zany action with comedic elements and weird filmmaking choices for the sake of being weird and edgy.

You have to do that for some movies:
John Wick
Fast and Furious
Star Wars
Most any film with time travel
etc etc.

Well said. This meta bullshit all started with Tarantino. We're in the post-creativity phase of mainstream filmmaking.

>Escapism based media cannot inherently immitate life
This is nonsense and so is your whole argument. Escapism can go into romance, history, friendship, art, anything. It doesn't have to be into puerile violence.

>Yes, turn it off and enjoy
Brain off: unenjoyable due to how forced everything is
Brain on: unenjoyable due to how forced everything is and why, resulting in You need to grow up a little bit and realize that people are actually capable of not enjoying things without "overthinking" them. The point is we've seen better movies that better accomplish what this movie was desperately trying to do, without feeling like they were desperately trying to do it.

There is always a better movie, maybe should just stop having hobbies altogether and collectively kill ourselves.

I wish Nix had her own movie. She seemed more interesting than the main character.

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You’re just saying that because she arouses you.

Was great ...then the third act happened and they tried to cram in as much shit cringe humor as they possibly could.

>There is always a better movie
No, there isn't. This is the type of shit bad filmmakers say to themselves to feel better about being shit.

another problem is she was the main character of the movie, and they exhausted literally every iota of material they had for her, and brought in harry potter as filler.

Exactly right, any critical analysis is just an articulation of the immediate impressions something provokes in you when your brain is 'turned off'.

i liked it

Deconstructing my replies into bullettin board strawmen still doesn't give validity to your argument. Not to mention that point 4 and 5 is outright false. There was a dichotomy presented and I have pointed out to your hypocrise, don't reply to me anymore because frankly I keep getting surprised you're still here or that this thread keeps popping up to the front.

it had its funny moments tbqh
the movie wasn't amazing, but not terrible


I kept thinking who the fuck is this movie supposed to be for? It all kind of clicked when I read this.

wait hold on this isn't daniel radcliffe?

But user, you're the one who kept inserting "escapism" into the discussion, when it wasn't present at all. faggot's original point was how disingenuous the movie felt, and not because it was "too weird," but because it was trying to be "too weird."

Yes, cute girls with trash aesthetic does arouse me.

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>A double standard is the application of different sets of principles for situations that are, in principle, the same,
There was no double standard in anything I said. Don't use terms you don't understand.

>Not to mention that point 4 and 5 is outright false.
Point out where I said anything about escapism or about 'dark and gritty'.

>Escapism based media cannot inherently immitate life
This is nonsense and so is your whole argument. Escapism can go into romance, history, friendship, art, anything. It doesn't have to be into puerile violence.

I think you responded hastily to what I said with out having read it properly, with a remark that was neither relevant nor valid, and have doubled down on your made-up quotes and poorly considered argument, rather than admitting you were wrong.

These people actually understood what I was saying rather engaging in verbal sciamachy with the strawman in your head:

A fellow man of culture.

Yes there is, everything has been done already. There is nothing to improve in film.

There are very few good modern erotic films.
For me, that's the new frontier.

No, it was predictable trash that hoped to be relevant by adding unwanted/unnecessary politics, like...

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Erotic movies are inherently shit, if you want to jack off just watch a porno.

No, the majority of them are shit, which was my point.
I do watch porn when I want to jack off. But when I want to feel passion and desire and longing in the cinema, there is nothing for me.