Cast him in the inevitable biopic

Cast him in the inevitable biopic.

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*rubs hands*

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Larry David
Also it's a semi historical comedy like The Death of Stalin was.

Larry David

The Cuckold

Idris Elba

>joe biden is a great guy and can beat trump

it true he's a plant and isn't trying to win?


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he's there to rein socialist retards in with false promises and then direct them to vote for [generic neolib] when the party has had enough bread and circus.

Literally only Yas Forumschildren remember this even happened, let alone actually think it was an actual big deal kek

Bernie Sanders: the guide to losing

>Death of Bernie
I would pay to see this in theaters, Death of Stalin was the last funny comedy I've seen in a long time.

Why would you make a biopic about a somebody who never accomplished anything?

Most people remember something about him that makes them not want to vote for him.

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>berniekids don't remember a few years ago
>it repeats itself
Now that's funny.

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>Oy Vey they took my mic AGAIN

What the fuck was Bernie supposed to do with those idiots? Fight them and come across as a mean old bully?

does he have NO security? what an embarassing faggot

larry king when he gets old enough

not be a disgusting beta male
that's tall order for a socialist though so I guess you can go easy on him

What any sane person would do.
"Excuse me mam, this is an organized event and you are disturbig it. Please stop or we will have to call the police".

But he did try to do that and it obviously didn't work.

He should have had his body guards remove them.

Obviously he didnt or the harassers would be arrested.
Instead he validated them and look where he ended up.

Sean Penn of course

>Fight them and come across as a mean old bully?

nigger chimpouts arent as popular as you seem to be implying

Seems like Sanders is promising a great deal of change and help to actual common folk instead of pandering to the rich. Even just the healthcare and removing all the middle men insurance bullshit.

Wonder why the stupid boomers are always gullible after Biden or Trump who give no fucks about them especially since they're the ones that will need healthcare coverage. Can't count the amount of patients I've had that have been financially ruined by simple procedures. Even just a couple days of stay in the hospital can destroy a lot of folks. Funny enough the drug crazed homeless junkie has better government insurance than the poor sap white or blue collar worker especially if they don't have a union to protect their jobs after being on sick leave.

That would.never happen to Biden

who the FUCK is voting biden?

Non-burger here did he win or lose yet?

blacks and people that don't pay attention to politics but are still smart enough to hate Bernie.

*tips yarmulke*

Did he rape Biden yesterday? Forgot to watch

Boomers and blacks.

the fuck is a yarmulke?

"ayo its the obama guy" *smacks lips and votes for Biden*

He was deployed this election to get leftoids thag fell off back onto the Dem wagon.

Imagine doing this to a guy that's trying to fight for your interests
Libs will never cease to amaze me

>defending yourself is being a bully
absolute state of zoomers


Established Democrats. You have to remember that corporate democrats have profited as much as corporate republicans from globalization, there's a significant number of democrats that are doing okay financially and for them the social issues take precedence. Biden is the cardboard cutout for a neoliberal and he's got Obama street cred' which means any colored person that wants to make the leap from poor to middle class, the alphabet people and urban women see an image manufactured to appeal to them.
One devoid of substance but hey, that's show business.


Burger here, he lost before the race began.

This. Corporate elite prefers Biden, but they will take Trump, too.

>Seems like Sanders is promising a great deal of change and help to actual common folk instead of pandering to the rich.

Why do you think the MSM (even Fox, whos a part of it) push the narrative that old people wont go vote for Sanders? All they have to do is keep saying that and it becomes true. A self fulfilling prophecy.

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Not really an excuse, remember all the "end of trump, trump can't win, it's over" articles from 2016? Guy steamrolled his party and clinched the election with everyone working against him. Why can't bernie do the same?

I don't get it, do you redditfags really believe anybody outside of your little cult likes Bernie? Talk to random people on the street most of them hate Bernie.

because no one wants to vote for a weak old jew

He won by like 40k votes in three key states combined. It was actually pretty close.

Keep eating the MSM slop

Can you fuck off with that commie?
Yang was your last chance, not Sanders

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They're deluded, even though Bernie can't even win his primaries once Berniefags still call his campaign "the peoples revolution" despite majority of people hating bernie and his followers. I'm trying to find that video of the berniefag calling the niggerberniefag a racist for his shirt but funny enough it's near impossible to find. Unlike any video of a trump kid smirking which you will find everywhere calling him out for smiling but a berniesupporter calling a nigger racist and fighting him at a rally? no that's not news apparently and these berniggers want to cry the media is against them.

He's winning states and people are enduring long lines with single polling locations. If there wasn't voting suppression he'd probably be a lot closer to Biden than you think.


Listen man, consider hard that Biden and Trump will cut off social security and healthcare at a whim and consider Sanders wants a fair system for all. I'm fortunate to have a strong union in a demanding field which guarantees healthcare and job protection. With your mindset I hope your doing better than most of us here and not one of those temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

Yang's a politician through and through. He was cozying up to Sanders and quickly jumped ship to Biden when he realized the party favored the old Biden.

It's not an actual election we're talking about, the DNC is really the one choosing the candidate. They're not going to accidentally choose Bernie when Biden better serves their interests.

people vote on personality, not on platform. no one wants to vote for a weak old man

He’s essentially a professional loser at this point. I’m almost certain that it’s going to be very profitable in the coming years

>Guy steamrolled his party
Trump exposed the risk the GOP placed themselves in by gerrymandering their own primaries, all it takes is a consistent 35% of the vote in every district to take the nomination. It was top kek all the way.
>and clinched the election
Lost the popular vote by 2 million and only won the purple states by 40,000.
>with everyone working against him
Except wall street, the koch brothers, Israel, FOXNEWS, the FBI and Russia. Other than that he was surrounded on all sides.

>voter suppression
Yeah needing to wait in line to vote is a paaaaiiiinnn i'm being suppressed!! Bernie supporters really are the lowest of the low. Also don't cry about being called reddit when you support the reddit candidate and type with reddit spacing you attention hungry faggot.

That seems incredibly inefficient, since otherwise socialists would mostly just vote for the dem, and like 1% would vote for the green party or some dumb shit like that.

Now like 20% of Bernie's base is probably going to no-vote in the general elections.

nope, not at all, Bernie. Yet Bernie attacked Biden many times

the popular vote is meaningless

So they choose the incoherent one in Biden? All Trump has to do is yell HE HAS DEMENTIA and Biden's done for.

They're going to do another Hillary and we'll get another Trump era. Gonna be funny when Boomers cry over their piling bills and cut benefits.

>m-muh russia
Nobody in the history of the world has received more negative press than Donald Trump and saying otherwise means you're blatantly lying or a moron.

One polling place, opens extremely late, closes early. Sounds fair. Like I said, I hope you have a great outlook on your employment and benefits. I won't be affected by election results. Hope you do better than me user.

neither one is gonna beat trump

>implying that the Republican establishment wanted trump

>all that spacing
>gonna laugh when people vote against their economic interests
It's like you're a parrot incapable of saying anything that isn't just repeated again and again.

>What u say to me you white ass cracka bitch fuck you motherfucker give me that mic
Yea good luck talking to those people

>despite majority of people hating bernie and his followers
Just going to throw some unquantifiable statements out there ESLanon?

Better Sanders than babbling Biden.

The parties really are not the same.

>wall street, the koch brothers, Israel, FOXNEWS, the FBI and Russia
holy shit dude