Will Hollywood develop films about male body issues?

will Hollywood develop films about male body issues?

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Just lose weight or get with a girl equally as insecure as you

any kinos about how to fix this?

this guy needs to stop eating bread

all this dude needs to do is lose 15 pounds and work out his chest/arms and he would look normal

stop beer, start vodka

They have. It's called Batman v Superman

>A subtle and erotic exploration of ZACK SNYDER's own issues with his sexuality and body image. Snyder uses the titular characters as participants in a Socratic dialogue of sorts, but one in which words are substituted for alternating sequences of Bruce Wayne (BEN AFFLECK) and Clark Kent's (HENRY CAVILL) respective physiques, exposed for the viewer's (and Snyder's) judgement (and enjoyment).

>Snyder asks questions that push the superhero genre to it's limits; should one strive towards an Apollonian or Herculean physique? should men shave their chests? Are lats more important than traps? And exactly what should a man's ass look like?

>Batman and Superman are Snyder's homoerotic thesis and antithesis. As the rival superheroes find common moral ground in the fight against the monstrous Doomsday, so too does Snyder find his synthesis in Bruce and Clark's physical intersection, the distillation of traits that stoke Snyder's envy (or desire?): buff, tall, dark and handsome.

>Snyder's tastes are confirmed, both by the casting of the short, scrawny and pale JESSE EISENBERG as the villain Lex Luthor, and by Snyder's 2007 film 300, starring a legion of swarthy, musclebound Spartan warriors.

>Worth noting is the feminine presence of Wonder Woman (GAL GADOT); although she joins forces with the titular characters, her unimpressive physique sets her apart from them. She is only an auxiliary, an awkward third wheel to their intense, masculine rivalry.
>This is a clear analogy for Snyder's personal life; he is married with children, yet his wife cannot calm nor understand his androphilia, the yearning in his heart for the rugged, athletic beauty of the male physique.

i dont drink

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TMI is not a genre.

That's still pretty thin. He'd look fine with a shirt on.

this desu. carbs make more soi boys than soi


yup beer belly is real

Do Americans really?

For sure

disgusting but not beyond saving

Women love a big belly weighing on them

I've lost 21 pounds so far and I'm down to 190. Am I going to make it bros?

Do they love a belly made of fat and muscle or a belly that looks like it's full of soda and beer, and comes complete with a set of supple tits & spaghetti arms

Literally me

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What's the point of the knives if you cant get a good rep in

This, get on the Roger Sterling diet and enjoy your trip to silver fox-ville

Literally just that. Simply don't eat bread or much sugar. And no cream in your coffee.

Bro you gotta drop carbs. Sugar as well,

>I'm putting together a team

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Stop drinking alcohol, stop snacking, eat whole grain food

What's worse, OP's pic or this? I currently look like this one.

Will drinking vodka help? All alcohol is high in calories.

Here, here. Feast on my grotesque body horror tits.

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As a fat fetishist that’s pretty fuckin hot and cute not gonna lie. Everyone post your tummies. Take the fatpill.

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I was skinnyfat and this was my inspiration for lifting weights. I'm still skinny but not shaped like this, I never was in all honesty.

Wait until you see the...

Oh no no no!!

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If you want to lose weight, stop drinking entirely. If you still are looking to get drunk, hard alcohol beverages are less caloric than beer.

That one is worse as he can't fix his body with just a bit of dieting.

coltyyyy youre getting fattyy

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They have. See Thor in Endgame.

The message was quite straightforward: fat = loser

Down 20lb of fat and up 20lb of muscle in 4 months, I’d fuck you up

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Stop eating over 500 kcal a day until you are at an ideal body fat range.

Why didn't esoteric Jahansism take off?

you have klinefelter syndrome mam

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Face of a hyppo

Planned Parenthood

Out time will come, keep the fire lit brother

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Don't do this, you only JUST yourself further this way
Just fast instead

I was like that until december, than I lost 6 kg exercizimg and eatimg less. Food is overrated.

It's normal for some guys to have wider pelvis than average, it's also mostly fat on the obliques as well. I got a huge dick and don't fit any of the symptoms but still have slightly wide hips. Don't ever self-diagnose.

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>tfw surrounded by fa/tv/irgins

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Also salads are very tasty if you put protein and sauce
Caesar salad is great.

Fucking answer me you bastards

is this what Yas Forums is up to these days?

>an adult male weighs atleast 200lbs
-Mark Rippletoads

I have a powerful muscular physiqe, strong. ripped.

And yet the fuckheads at the gym try and make fun of me for being 5'.


Post body, larper

Who the fuck is Mark Battletoads

So you can jerk off to me? I don't think so, liberace.

Plus I bet I'd still get some moronic, idiotic stupid and retarded comments about my height

post dick with timestamp

Fat people are disgusting.

Hopefully they'll hang first when society breaks down in a couple weeks if we have enough thick rope.

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lol manlet scared

LMAO you lanklets are gonna be the first ones to starve on the streets while we fatchads will last months.

Just be sure to get your electrolytes.

This. Hollywood cares not for actual male issues, mental or otherwise. They only serve as source for cheap, unfunny jokes.

t. Skinnyfat manlet
SAD! Many such cases.

You know what I do to assholes who call me m*nlet in real life?
Let's just say I happen to have black belts in both Capoeria and MMA. They're left pissing into a straw for the rest of the year.

Alright you got me.

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This kino

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