Any kinos about an autist who started with nothing, gained everything, but in the end through it all away?

Any kinos about an autist who started with nothing, gained everything, but in the end through it all away?

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Does he have fire elemental in his arms or what

the more important Q is why does his left nipple looks so kinky

Where is the rest of his neck?

right here

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Early Ice Poseidon was the top of Twitch kino.

TTD he would have been stabbed or shot if he kept on rl streaming but he is stupid for not at least try streaming from his room

Does he still stream?


Name a more kino antagonist

On mixer

*I hurt myself, today...*

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>literally knocked out all the fire Ice had for streaming and replaced it with fear
why did he do it, bros?

>fucked some Korean cuny
>is wanted in France and forbidden to enter the EU due to vandalism
>surrounds himself with retarded sycophants who blow smoke into his inflated ego / ass
He can consider himself lucky that he has some autistic hacker working for him or Chris Hansen would’ve torn him a new asshole


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I miss the TriHard song requests

>robs ice of his earnings for 2 years
>convinces him that he's not making any profit and is doing it entirely out of the kindness of his heart
#1 sycophant here. classic jew

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Can you twitch zoomers just fuck off please? You're on the same level mentally as women who gossip about tabloid rumours all day long, fucking pathetic runts.

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outta my way ngmi plebs

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>he doesn't like nigger song requests with runescape in the background

It's just unbelievable how much of a fuckup this guy is. He was making tens of thousands a month, to the point where he was renting $8000 apartments in L.A., and yet because of stubbornness and laziness he can now barely afford to make ends meet.
He thought he could lie and manipulate his way through everything and quickly found it doesn't work when your life is filmed 24/7.
I'd feel bad about his manager stealing everything, but literally every person warned him for years and he STILL signed a moronic contract.
Once in a lifetime opportunity blown.

Yeah, to an audience of bots.


I remember being so amazed over how much of an idiot he was right before everything went to shit. Would stream like 1-2 days a week and just sleep, smoke weed, do coke and jerk off instead of earning thousands a day.


What would you do when you realize that all of your viewership watches your only because you are a lolcow, a class clown, something that will be immediately forgotten once a bigger lolcow has been found? Why would you even build a career around that? I personally couldn't sleep.

This guy is a closet homo, just the way he talks, walks, dresses

what is he up to nowadays?

ice had a lot more respect than a typical lolcow like pic related, believe it or not

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>IP2 ice obsessed hater
Yawn. Paul did nothing wrong.

crying constantly because Mixer won't partner him

This, but unironically

why'd he have to die? The internet died with him

you didn't have to donate to song request to ice when he started streaming :)

Ice Poseidon. He was a Twitch streamer that got big off edgy content (for example people would donate "racist" songs for him to play). He slowly transitioned from games to real life, filming himself on the street with random strangers and viewers that were trying to find him (to get their 5 minutes of fame), all live, every day.
Eventually he got banned on Twitch, forced on to YouTube, and that's where he got really big. Had 50k+ watching his streams at some points, making ten of thousands a month.
Through ego, stupidity, drugs, etc. he got a big head and made a series of really stupid decisions, one after another. To the point where he got raided by the FBI and his manager ran off with all the money. Today he streams to like 500 people, the majority of them paid bots (to boost his numbers).

Ice never did coke

are you stupid

>when he started streaming :)
spot the zoomer donator

He never did, it's just a Reddit meme, fuck off. Everyone around him has stated they never saw him do it, but it was there being done by others

You must be one of the zoomer viewers who believe his lies. Ice did drugs 100%, it's not even up for debate.

you seem confused. I have never donated a cent to a streamer :)

He might have done coke a few times, but what's wrong with that? Most people have.
He wasn't some addicted coke head blowing all his cash on cocaine though.
If he was, it would be obvious more so than just rumors.
Seriously, fuck off back to Ieddit faggot

>he didn't do coke
>well he might have, but who cares
Ice, is that you? Why are you posting on Yas Forums?
Drugs fried your brain and you still haven't learnt any lessons. Wake up!

just give up kiddo

different person here. A coke habit is pretty easy to spot, and believe you me, there were plenty of people around him during that time that would have loved to expose him for it, but nobody did besides "salmon andy" the homeless insane person who camped outside his residence to annoy him.
you guys bought into one too many IP2 reddit memes

>Surrounded by drug users, multiple people have said he did it, accidentally streamed himself live multiple times with evidence of doing it, became more and more unhinged as time went on...
Yeah bro, it's just memes!

Doing coke every now and then is a normal thing. If this was the case with Ice, who fucking cares?

But nope, the losers over at IP2 insist if you've even done coke a handful of times you're a full blown addict.
Fuck off zoomer retards

nice projection there kiddo

your early undiagnosed schizophrenia's showing

do you remember the people who said he did it btw? I already gave you salmon andy, so that's a freebie. Any other credible sources you got?

>ice fanboys still exist in 2020
Imagine the IQ. Room temperature levels.

Just this week hyphonix came out and said he saw everyone around ice was doing it.

That faggot warski or whatever his name was. There's been a few others that I can't remember off the top of my head, but I'm not bullshitting.

>he believes everything the reddit hivemind IP2 tells him

yes. I know you really think you aren't bullshitting. But think for a moment. Were any of these people risking anything by lying? Were all of these people gaining something by pandering to IP2. Were all of these people drug addicts?


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>obsessed over a dead reddit
Either you are Ice himself or one of the last remaining Ice fanboys, either way it's incredibly sad. Ice got exposed every step of the way thanks to the community, as much as he tried to shut it down. There were always bootlickers like yourself that never questioned anything in the hopes you'd get a piece of that IRL money. Too bad, that ship has sailed.

And Hyphonix in the same video, specifically said he never saw Ice do it. Fuck off back to saidit faggot

That argument goes both ways though; the people that said they "never saw him do it" had incentive to keep the lies going since they were leeching viewers from him. It's also a bad look to admit to associate with drug addicts.

Yeah, I have done coke a handful of times. So what?? Are you such a sheltered Ieddit retard that doing coke at parties gets your panties in a bunch?

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Zoomer low IQ retards itt
Daily reminder they are tourists and spend most of their time on reddit/saidit obsessing over live streamers.
Post gore

Never seeing someone do something is not the same as someone never doing something. It's obvious that he was under the influence on his livestreams towards the end of his career. You may disagree but that ok because you don't know shit.

is this guy still in jail?

Ive never seen my friends jerk off but i know they do it.