
All Hands, Wash Your Hands Edition


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Assuming you are the one who made that Reddit post.

What are you, 16? Entertainment industry does not understand inequality and minorities and oppression, they cannot and don't want to help those who are on the low of social hierarchy in any way. SJWism in Hollywood and entertainment is just a popular trend, they are mostly rich, privileged, white (Jewish) elite who lives in their golden bubble isolated from struggles of the rest of society, their knowledge about social, political or otherwise problems is on a child level.

Their very own social group is much more sexist, racist and hates the poor more than the rest of society, when they criticize something they criticize themselves and their close kin (Harvey Weinstein).

If they really wanted to help they would have spend billions on charity, free education for the poor, free alcohol and drug rehabilitation clinics and abuse prevention programs and so on, instead of making preachy movies that no one likes and turning their circlejerk oscar ceremony into political rally.

TOS is more politically charged than STD because modern entertainment elite is more culturally isolated than in the 60s. If you would want to make a political propaganda movie or a show, first and foremost you would make it entertaining and popular, make your political message subtle and not obnoxiously preachy, make the audience actually go and watch your movie to begin with. Hollywood SJWs entertain themselves with their virtue signaling and roleplay political activism, instead of entertaining he audience. They don't send any message, they larp as political agitators.

>Are we still on for hasperat tonight, Commander?

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They carry around a moral stain for "not doing enough" in the late 60's, when they (or their parents) remained bystanders. Same as most moderates and conservatives, actually. Only, there are far more Jews in liberal elite and Hollywood circles than in the middle or lower classes, which are predominantly Christian or adhere to the Christian ethos. To these folk, moving forward in a "fair" way is enough because Christians practice unconditional forgiveness. The Jews do not. They are not in the position to be forgiven until they atone for those sins (and it doesn't matter who pays).

Thus, we have the situation we have, which is popular culture being "sacrificed" to atone for #MeToo and racial disparities and all sorts of other sins. The "common sense" approach would be reforms, stop all the fuckery, present an enlightened, transcendent message through our media perhaps, and let time heal the rest. The "elite" approach, however, is what we're getting: drag everything down and scapegoat whomever until the debt is paid.

*I should add that this goes back often much further than the 60's. See Ben Affleck finding out his ancestors owned slaved, him freaking out on PBS, and threatening to sue them if they ran the special in which it was discovered. Their "progressive" posturing is 99% massive COPE.

I think, regardless what fresh hell Monday delivers to the civilized world, at the end of the day, for me, it's still going to be Irish Romulan Cougar Elf Detective.

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Why didn't Picard take her with him on his quest? She seemed capable warrior. She's Tal Shiar veteran, no?

She was too pure to be subverted.

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where do I get started with Star Trek?

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If the girls wear JJ-Trek uniforms then they're camwhores/fake geeks.

>posting with pinkskins

It's like STD. You spend, or better, waste the first two episodes establishing characters that are not used afterwards.

>where do I get started with Star Trek?
TOS by production order (which starts with "Where No Man Has Gone Before"). Don't fall for The Cage meme. Watch it after "The Menagerie" or later if you want. Most fans didn't see it until the 1980's or later.

I thought Seven of Nine will be a single episode cameo.

Hard to say with this shitty show. From what I gather, It went through a lot of editing changes.

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>Implying anyone on the Enterprise gave a fuck about Yar

F for Romulan fuck toy.

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Why would nuPicard get smart people around him for his adventure when he went out of his way to not get his old crew from the Enterprise days?

Did it? Please don't say you heard that from a clickbait YouTube channel. Honestly, it has to be the writing. The foundation is too shitty for it not to be that. Everybody sucks Chabon's dick about how good a writer he is (books are gay). Not here, but everywhere else. But this show is just hack. Bad dialogue, bad cliches. Alison Pill's character is the perfect example. Is she an adorable goofball or a back-stabbing cold-blooded murderer. She can't be both. Obviously.

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Not that user but I do remember that the initial story and character descriptions were different than what we have now in STP.
Also yes, Chabon is a hack. Having the Pulitzer means nothing, he wrote the "Discovery AI wants to get BLACKED" episode of Short Trek FFS.

The reshoots were common knowledge, admitted by Frakes and some others I believe. The show went through extensive reworking as it was being developed, which explains (in some part) why so much doesn't make sense and you can pick out little visual easter eggs that pic related which are probably related to dropped plot elements. The character fuckery (like Pill's) can probably be attributed to literally splicing two different versions of the show together.

The show doesn't follow any kind of act structure. Instead, they refer to them as "blocks", with the first three episodes being the first block. This is why so many people get frustrated by episodes that seem out of place or pointless and disposable or you hear people claiming that "the series could have started with episode 7". They're pretty much right. Each "block" tends to re-iterate the story through exposition over again as new characters or situations show up or existing characters, like Soji, learn new information. The series was originally only eight episodes, the two added episodes were probably their own "blocks". Nepenthe was confirmed to be one, which is why the plot is re-iterated upon meeting Riker and Troi and the ending feels like "we're finally getting started on our journey" for like 4th time.

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>The reshoots were common knowledge, admitted by Frakes and some others I believe.
True. I think the episode with Riker and Troi really felt like if it was shot way later into the production.
I want to bet that Seven of Nine wasn't supposed to be in this show either and all of her stuff could have been written for Hugh, since he knew everything about that particular cube, including the queen's room and the portal.

I miss him

>you two stay here, look after the grapes
next episode
>i need some muscle, better find a samurai elf

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>i need some muscle
Well, this one is certainly useless.

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You know nothing of grapes

I like his a sevens plot better anyway

I like sevens "plot" too

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Show tentacles

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Didn't even bother making a webum for this scene. Failed to realize this might be a fetish for some of you degenerate fucks.

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>when Sara Ryder activates the Remnant structure

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Why cattle pretend to like this?

fucking lmao

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>we want the Iron Man aidience

I don't have the webm but in the season 2 finale of STD, there's a scene with Burnham in an Iron Man suit and they used the same effects (lighting and HUD) from Iron Man.
It's depressing to see the lack of originality from Kurtzman Trek. There's no "Star Trek" feel anymore, it all looks like a mashup of every generic sci-fi/fantasy blockbuster made in the last 10 years.

>we want the cgi normalfag audience

Lollies, niggers dying, tentacle 7of9 porn and feet. What more do you incels want from me?

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Because it simply isn't Trek, but some new drivative 2010s shit from people who own the ST IP.
How's called whe a non fan writes fanfiction?

Let's make sure history never forgets... the name... Enterprise.

Picard out.

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what the FUCK is this btich's problem?

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She's trying, ok?!? She's just awkward and clumsy sometimes! Gosh!

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she ruins an already pretty mediocre show. I would put her out the airlock the first chance. Also why didn't the EMH spill the beans about murdering maddox?

get it together man

It did, shes going to jail but probably not.

>It did
I'm only on episode 7 but this really bugged me.
Also, is it ever explained why the EMH lookslike captain Rios? If I remember correctly from DS9 and Voyager it was a pretty intricate process to make an EMH in the first place.

She'll go to prison, get a cute colorful jumpsuit, somehow be put on a starship or some place where there will be some problem that only she can solve, and which she will quickly solve, which will result in her prison sentence just sorta going away.

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You just wait until Raffi calls a meeting with all the various holograms to extract some secret from Rios's memory that the real Rios is withholding like that makes any sense at all
and then she just goes to him and asks and he just tells her

sounds like a mindfuck, like they can't come up with something interesting to fill the screentime?

Reporting in on the first day of work from my ready room.
Steady as she goes lads

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Yeah it was definitely a filler B-plot, barely anything happened in the episode

Yeah, Picard said that they're going to drop her at the nearest Starbase so Starfleet can deal with her. I doubt that it will happen, she will probably die in the next episode.

The story is about non people becoming people

The acting inconsistency of Raffi during that was the worst.
She went from angry alcoholic to bubbly nancy drew mystery instantly.

Dont fuck it up

>is it ever explained why the EMH lookslike captain Rios? If I remember correctly from DS9 and Voyager it was a pretty intricate process to make an EMH in the first place.
Programming one from scratch. Including all the subroutines and information. Yes, that takes effort. But, I assumed his are just basic, off-the-shelf EH models that he re-skinned to look like himself. That wouldn't take much effort. Just say, 'computer, make my holograms look like me'. Simple, like what you'd say as you walk into a holodeck. It would be like the difference between changing your computer's wallpaper rather than coding your own operating system.