*accidently makes cooking kino*

*accidently makes cooking kino*

Nothing personell, kiddo.

Attached: Binging-With-Babish.png (1000x667, 275.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:



This faggot looks like a vegan

he made the thing from the show I watched and consumed and now I want to make it and consume it!

I had to watch some reddit fag cook an egg 50 different ways, my friends are very cringey and reddit.

that's not Townsends

>Binging with who?
>Bro I only watch Chef John on Food Wishes

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65.13K)

>not a professional cook
>no cooking-related training whatsoever
>becomes an 4-Star Chef de Cuisine

How does he do it bros???

The patrician choice

Attached: A05D7695-A7FD-4D1B-9AE0-C60076B89AFC.jpg (686x526, 78.66K)

Hes a good chef but recreating those fictional food items like krabby pattys almost never results in a particularly good recipe

his recipes are fucking trash, seriously

I could put up with all the reddit jokes if the end result was decent but just about the only thing he can make well is some variation on a smashed burger

>sips on something
>"I like it" or "I don't like it"
>call that a """""""review"""""""

It's like you've never watched an unboxing of 90 year old rations


Attached: Claire Saffitz.jpg (640x502, 26.8K)

Man I want to bend her over and ram my big zoomer cock in her ass

This Picture always triggers me because she looks 100% like my first GF.

It triggers me hard, please stop posting her.

>That's the best ration cigarette I've ever had
Steve is trash

Attached: 1581271818830.gif (286x250, 477.91K)

What's she eating? A cookie?

Hello it's chef John from FOOD wishes dot com WIIIITTHHH....
"Hosting a better YouTube cooking show than that fag in the OP"
That's right, all you need is some folksy charm, some FRESHLY ground BLACK pepper, and excellent recipes and technique and even you can have a superior cooking show to that bald aids-riddled faggot

>hasn’t actually watched or paid attention to what he is bitching about the post

>has the subhuman gene where he can't taste cilantro properly
oh no no no

I love this picture she's so flirty in it. I want to make sweet love to her in the kitchen; we have flour all over our naked bodies.

I can tell everything from just a picture of the guy

You're trash

Townsends just makes sense.


Attached: 4BE85363-E94E-4F8A-AED8-B6F516AFB3A6.jpg (400x325, 25.69K)


Attached: internetshaquille.jpg (1280x720, 125.55K)

I'm frustrated.mp4

i hate his name
i hate the word "binge"
i hate the alliteration in his show's title
i hate his look
i hate that he's not a real cook
i hate that he's so completely devoid of imagination and creativity that all he's capable of doing is recreating dishes from products he's consumed
i hate how reddit he is

He got so buttmad about the shitshow that episode timing caused

>not bingeing
made a fool of me many times


Is this that faggot with the horrible speech pattern?

Why do tattoo faggots always have to show their stupid tattoos?

>cooking thread
>50 different anons post links to their personal favourite youtube cooking videos

Let me stop you right there. Repeat after me:



Attached: pepe annoyed.jpg (281x179, 6.92K)

They think its pretty cool man

All good choices. I raise you this


Attached: starving.webm (640x800, 2.87M)

Hello lebbit, you have to go back, i bet you're the reviewbrah autists too.

>söying with reddish

people who hate cilantro are the ones tasting it properly. Literally perceiving more of the compounds in it.

chinks are the fucking worst

>no cayenne
u fucked up

explain cooking shows to me
I have 0 interest in them
I cant eat or even smell what they make, why should I watch it?

(((Binging with kosher salt)))

if it looks good you make it yourself

if it tastes good, bang, you got a new recipe

>tfw just want to eat with my family
>tfw half retarded son orders the only item on the menu that sounds like dessert
>tfw at least he will appear happy for the short time he is eating it and i can pretend my life is fulfilling
>tfw you expect some ice cream on a brownie or something
>tfw they bring out this astrocrag bullshit that takes 5 minutes just to serve
>tfw the whole waitstaff has to make a huge ordeal about it
>tfw you just wanted to eat

Am i on reddit?

He tricks consoomers into learning some skills

>Townsend's and Wife's Son

>Today i'm going to recreate le epic burger from this show/movie
>I got this recipe from this guy on Reddit™
>finishes it halfway the episode
>it's shit
>spends the other half of the episode making a different burger

Attached: 1583182315202.jpg (700x769, 86.08K)

did he suck his bull off offscreen?

She doesn't look anywhere near as cute in literally any other shot, though.

>50 anons posting cookingkino vs 1 angry incel

There is always one

He should just stick to his science videos

Do white people really?

Attached: Rice in burrito.png (1133x578, 1.01M)

That 80s show with young Gordon is kinemography defined.

Attached: EDRCOcUXkAAxfZa.jpg (1200x675, 83.28K)

Is she a unit or something? She looks beefy.

She's juicy

Nice, but she's still no Emilia Clarke.

Thought that was Vsauce from the thumbnail