Whose fault was it?

Whose fault was it?

Attached: 1584346102406.webm (480x480, 1.91M)

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Didn't they make a whole fucking movie about this?

lmao just leave your family behind bro

>assuming people are competent

AHAHAAHHAAHAHA 99% of people don't have any idea what they're doing and don't even know how they got their job

>dad just gtfo's without even picking up his kids

Yes, Force Majeure. Great film.

Force Majeure, its from movie

What the hell do you think the webm is from, retard

fake and gay

Yeah, with Will Ferrell and Julia Louis Dreyfus, I saw the trailer before Parasite it looks like you'd imagine a film based on a 30 second viral video would look.

Okay it has two then because I was thinking of the American remake with Will Ferrell.

>movies are fake
woah great insight

yikes hopefully she lived and divorced her cuck

Its a comedy, you are supposed to be laughing

>mother clearly recognises it's a threat
>doesn't get the fuck out of there just because hubby says it's ok
Neither of them were properly functional adults and shouldn't have had children

I guess it goes to show how well this scene is done that retards in this thread think the webm is real

global warming

>leaves the kid

Its not real?

apparently the original danish movie was based on three youtube videos that the director found by chance

I too, am browsing Yas Forums

Did they live? Fuck that Im never going to a skiing resort. Between avalanches and micheal schumaker shit its not worth it

>middle of the night in relevant land
I thought you europoors and muhammads were supposed to be more sophisticated.



>avalanche coming right for them
>literally just sits there
I bet you anything they are Americans

So did they die or what?

hey guys is this real?

>An English-language remake of the film starring Will Ferrell and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, titled Downhill, was released in 2020.

is this real or a movie

>I bet you anything they are Americans


but why


spotted the american

Don't make this the new cat dancing meme

Whats the problem with running in a situation like this?
>don't run
>you all get buried and die
>you possibly survive and then dig your family out

It's Swedish.

If you guys enjoyed that I got something better for you. You ever see a dancing cat?

Attached: 1583519646974.webm (718x720, 1.46M)

that's the amerimutt remake

how can this be real??


High iq post

yoo wtf is this real?

but you wish you were


Not really.

It's a one well trained cat, my man.

not really but just a little, right


Not even slightly.

>little bit of snow
Do eurocucks really?

Why do Americans ruin everything?

>stuck in Denver traffic every weekend

epic bro

same, its the easiest board to troll, full of unironic retards. I'm smarter than all of them and I'm retarded

based retardbro

Looks actually funny unlike the OP video


Based dad!

Attached: white_man_heroically_defends_family.webm (380x650, 3M)


that guy was clearly asian

HAHAHA little fucking shit, I cheered out loud, only one who knew to run and they held him down to die 10 times

It's the quintessentially shit american remake that sands down all the edges and complexities of the original and turns it into a generic cringe comedy

Lord Jim for the married modern man.

That guy is relentlessly handsome.

Wrong, he throws the kid back so the avalanche will pick off the weakest first after holding him back from running twice

It's a movie you fuckin idiot

Did you not understand from the mass reply and one word post that he was joking, or did I not understand from the double digit IQ tone of your post that you were joking?

If you don't immediately destroy someone who hurts your child in front of you, you are a failure as a man
ESPECIALLY if it's an excuse to beat up a woman and get away with it

What's the story on this? Open carrying blades starting tomorrow. Saw someone kill a kid today, the police were scooping all this red stuff back into him like it would help. Driver had already sped off with their TP.

what the fuck was her problem?

link to the news story of the killed kid

Took any pics for the lads?

>Driver had already sped off with their TP
Anons, I...

>Open carrying blades starting tomorrow
Why not carry a mini blade launcher instead?

do you not understand it's a fuckin movie idiot

No one cop used one hand to tell me to go back and another used his to say go forward, and both used the other to scoop. Did a J turn as the fire truck and ambo rolled up.

By the time I detoured the ambulance came up and passed me, but it went so slow that they were clearly taking him to be declared dead from injuries at a hospital rather than corona hit and run on his green bike, the tire still spinning.

Coronachan is here to Wipeout society of basedmen