Post pandemic kino
Post pandemic kino
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is it kino for americans to shart in the mart?
Based Estonians, fuck jews respirator masks
i bought 4 carts of food and necessities and this is the kid of look i got. fucking normalfags. i even quit my job. i'm not the kid of boomer who will succumb to a flu.
>i even quit my job
youre already infected
Srsly mate youre just a schizo
>i even quit my job.
I'm in a legal MA state, I'm going to make a plague doc bird break just like that now but stuff it with my dried lowers. Breathe those terps to kill the rona.
I hope you're already infected.
Are people under the impression they think they can just wait it out for a few months, and then resume their life like normal having avoided it? It's not going away. It's contagious as shit and it's gonna getcha sooner or later. Social distancing would have to be in effect for years to "flatten the curve" enough for it to be manageable. Better get used to no sports, no movies, no socializing, working from home, online classes, etc., because it's gonna be a while.
how come I don’t get banned when I try to use the Jim Profit trick?
based retard
>no sports
I only watch UFC very occasionally and I can do that from home
>no movies
Can watch movies from home
>no socializing
>working from home
I can't do that anyway
not much will change for me, I already spend most of my time at home and when I work its not around a lot of people
Are they planning to eat the toilet paper?
you should definitely go make all these predictions using your real name and not look at how cringeworthy it is a year from now
The whole toilet paper thing is fucking stupid. They're not going to close stores long enough to where you can't shit. Worst case they'll close fucking Walmart for 72 hours but that's it.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Have fun watching old ones because nothing new is being made/held for a while. You or your coworkers will catch it eventually.
kek what's unrealistic about my post? In America roughly 10% of the people who have tested positive for COVID-19 have required intensive care, and the US only has 2.5 hospital beds for every 1,000 citizens.
Why don't you burgers just use a fucking spray or bidet
That's a commodity, not a currency. It still has a use value.
i've ascended to always taking a shower after.
you just can't beat it.
it's just the flu with a bit higher mortality rate, everyone is buying media kikery because they've never seen a real pandemic in their entire lives
this is a good pasta
I like it
nice bait, but what use is TP if you have swamp ass and no moistured TP
Reply to this post telling the sickness to be gone or else you get the good ol' wuhan flu
Grammy is poopin tonight
the fucks wrong with him
No, your pasta is garbage
America is grim
Exponentially higher mortality rate; Flu is about 0.1%; COVID-19 is about 2%..
Also more contagious. Only 8% of Americans get the flu every year. CDC estimates 40-70% of Americans will get COVID-19 this year even with social distancing.
Sickness be gone
Also based episode
If shit really hits the fan and stores run out of what I need then I'm just going to go house to house with a ski mask on robbing the people who hoarded all the good shit. I will especially pick on families in lefty areas.
don't make fun of me. we'll see who's laughing. i have enough money to not go to work for years. you zoomer faggots will just kill yourself after your mother dies.
How do you know what the mortality rate is?
just use a bidet bro
Based retard that's gonna get himself shot by cops.
Be gone from me, sickness. BE GONE FROM ME
>non whites fighting
White america wants these fuckers out of the country or dead. They have ruined the country and the US would be paradise without them.
do you know what exponentially even means?
This was in Australia
>shit hits the fan
>shot by cops
He clearly means in an anarchy type state, hence the shit hits the fan. No cops to protect you then.
fair enough the entire New World is grim
why wouldn't I just kill you and take your shit?
fucking ignorant euros dont know shit about anything outside their muslim infested shitholes
>White america wants these fuckers out of the country or dead.
And what is White America doing about it, exactly?
It's not concrete as it's still in the very early stages of the pandemic. Some are throwing out as high as 3.5%.
Actually kino episode
percentage of people who die vs people who don't?
I have terabytes of old stuff I haven't watched and enough money coming in that I could survive with no work. Even though it would be pretty meager.
i have more guns than /k/. try it faggot. i'd go full tarrant on your family if that happened
>non-whites ruining every country
Not shocked. Why can't the act civilized?
Can't do anything but bid our time. (((They))) have most brainwashed and saying anything that can be misconstrued will get you attacked by every feral animal within 100 feet.
No shit, the flu has a vaccine that millions take every year.
There are enough movies made in the past decade to last you more than one lifetime.
yeah fudd? do you have enough people rotate to 24hr watch too?
Sickness be gone!
>mutts have to pay for virus tests
>mutts have to pay to take the ambulance
>mutts have to pay to not die from something they didn't choose to get
Yas Forumstardetteronies WILL defend this
china absolutely mogging the virus if these values are true
Sickness be gone!
you can say it's an order of magnitude higher but not exponentially higher, growth is exponential
Guys I’m sick :(
fat people finally can buy as much as they truley want without fearing social shaming.
America is literally the only country left that isn't socialist. We will NEVER succumb to globalism.
>0.4% of all coronavirus are under the age of 47
>of that 0.4%, the vast majority were already immunocompromised or infants
Yeah, it's way overblown. I'll take my chances with my immune system that only fails me 2 days a year.
>niggers get everything for free
>not socialist
sickness be gone!
they'll end up creating a corona shot just like the flu shot
this is top secret G5 confidential information btw
harsh truth pepehands
I've heard many healthy people will present little symptoms to no symptoms. So how could we know all those people are being factored in? They are carrying it and so should be counted in calculating the mortality rate but it seems wildly optimistic to expect authorities to be able to do that. That's the mortality rate among the most symptomatic people at best.
Duh, but I don't see how sufficient data could be collected on that.
i know this is bait but it takes me like 3 months to use a roll. is this normal?
Elect me president after Trump and I'll fix that right.
What game?
make an email address and i'll send you my address. try me faggot. i'll fuck your corpse legally.
onion link for email address
The problem is you're spreading it to people who will need who need hospitalization but won't be able to handle all the cases. It's extremely selfish. You're basically murdering people.
>So how could we know all those people are being factored in?
That's a good point. You can't know, but keep in mind it's still flu/cold season, and they could have something else entirely. I just got over a common cold last week. All we can base numbers off of right now is people who test positive.
ok bootlicker
Women use a roll a day because they piss all over their pussy flaps every time they go pee pee. Disgusting creatures.