Let's tackle this straight on.
Other urls found in this thread:
Ok, its time to clear up some serious misconceptions about trans people.
I'm trans (transitioned in 2012) and I've been an oldfag dating to 2007. Believe it or not, I know at least 10 other people in the exact same position as me, people I met through Yas Forums that helped me with my transition, and I did likewise. Matter of fact, I'd say lurking for a while here actually predisposes you to being trans, at least I think so. We didn't really discuss it too often though because, duh, its a film board, so we just sort of casually went along with the bashing here and there, just to keep a lower profile on Yas Forums in general.
But ever since Yas Forums brought over the discord tranny meme its been fucking hectic, now literally every thread devolved to this shit, just for the living fuck of it. I get they can be funny sometimes but- Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in Yas Forums? I get that we tend to hold left wing views but gamergate was years ago, why bare we still holding onto the Yas Forumstard Yas Forums ideal? Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we're literally just regular fucking people, we can hold a conversation, we're funny, and we love films, that why we come here. I can't think of a single other minority that endures the nonstop barrage of hate that we do here and it sucks, it really does, but i keep coming back because I love you guys, I love the creative output of Yas Forums, and I want it to get better later on. Just something to consider.
It ain't got tackle no more!
This man is dead
user. That was below the belt.
Based grandma
the grandma is unnerving desu
repost for new anons
You are a man
How dare you?
Broken clock right twice a day. She's still an insane socialist rad fem even if she's 150% right on the tranny question.
I'll be honest lads, the "transgender agenda" would be more palatable to me if every Tranny went full Greek pilled on the matter i.e qt fem boys being qt fuck toys, 50 year old blokes in dresses however are still no Beuno.
When do you, as a late transitioner, decide that HRT won’t do much for you that it hasn’t already and just pack it in/commit suicide?
I decided to postpone suicide after my last attempt because my therapist convinced me to try HRT as a last resort, so I did, but it’s been over a year and my development has been shamefully pathetic compared to almost everyone else on here and Reddit that I’ve seen. Not only was my body naturally predisposed to being extremely tall and masculine in every extreme, but it seems to be fairly resistant to estrogen as well.
If I’m not going to ever be able to live as a woman, then there’s no point to transition. My therapist keeps threatening the effects of testosterone and tells me to just look at this as “preventative measures” but I’m not content with that. I’m a chemical eunuch, and I’m destroying my body only to never achieve what I wanted to. I kinda feel like I’ve experienced what I wanted to from life as a man, which was basically nothing, and if I can’t ever live authentically as a woman, I’m more than prepared for death. But when is it that I know “IT IS OVER.”? Should I at least wait for two years?
I don't hate trannies but I will NEVER call you a woman, that's the only issue here. Most people feel the same
Shut up, Tilly. You're a dude, so.
dilate and kys
>I can't think of a single other minority that endures the nonstop barrage of hate
Dilate and kys
>We all dilate down here, Jazzie
>50 year old blokes in dresses
Good luck, that's 98% of trannies. The qt femboys don't pitch bitchfits online because people actually want to fuck them. With the large majority of trannies it's about all the sex they're entitled to and lesbians aren't giving it to them, those nazis. Trannies are incels dialed up to 9000.
Jesus Christ lmfao these people take themselves seriously lol
Your therapist is a toxic retard and you should take revenge on him. Testosterone distribution in males starts in the womb at barely six weeks, when most women have no clue they're pregnant. It continues all through childhood and really ramps up during puberty and early manhood. TESTOSTERONE IS MUCH MORE POWERFUL THAN ESTROGEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE. That's why the retard reverse trap ftms can't go back when they regret it, they're stuck with their beards, their baldness, their masculinized features. That's why giving this shit to anyone ever, but especially to children, should be a capital crime.
Even Jaron looks like a fat boy tard with bitch tits in an abuela dress, and they got him with the anti-androgens when he was eight. It's no use, he was a guy since conception and always will be, eunuch or not.
Look at pic related. This neanderthal retard's insistence he's a woman will make people react to him like he's a dangerous lunatic until the day he dies, because he is a dangerous lunatic and he's not smart enough to not admit it.
If they didn't want to be a minority they shouldn't have identified into one.
>see blacks are discriminated against
>oh imma pull a wigger/Rachel Dolezal, it'll be great!
Trannies just have a fetish for punishment, they get off sexually on being curbstomped by cholos.
>98% of trannies
More like 100%
I can't understand how they're so fond of taking selfies and posting them online. Don't they have eyes?
Honestly I think Peppermint's support is absolutely key to I Am Jazz's character arc. So key
Good point, the qt femboys are temporary, they always grow out of it and end up bitter queens.
Why are black men like this?
So is Jessica. He's the kind of maternal figure Jaron needs right now, screw Jeanette.
I'm not a transphobe. I object to that term because it implies an irrational fear or hatred of trannies. My hatred (or more accurately, disgust) of trannies is entirely rational, and here's why: They, and their enablers, demand that we play along with falsehood and delusion, and they besmirch anyone who refuses to do so as evil. Acknowledging objective facts is a sin according to trannyism and therefore anyone who thinks that the truth is important should hate trannys. I'm not prejudiced about trannies, I'm post-judiced, if you will, and I hate them. It's only rational.
>I used to think his life was a tragedy, now I know it's a comedy.
Why don’t they get psychological help
Why not just keep the dick and be a trap? Boipussy has been cherished for millennia.
and they don't wash their balls because of dysphoria (=laziness & sloth).
Can't be a trap when you have a colossal manbeast frame or malformed face
That's reddit copypasta bro.
Also I would not put my dick in a rotten gaping pelvic flesh hole what the fuck
whats the torrent site that usually hosts new episodes?
God it must be awful to have a bad face
>if I can’t ever live authentically as a woman
I still don't get you guys. What do you exactly mean ''if''? You can be the most feminine looking person in the world, you can be fucking miss world level of passing but still you're never be a woman.
Being a woman is giving birth, it's not a role in bed or someone fucking your wound.
You're all dying alone, your parents and only people who care about you no matter who you are will die before you.
How will you look in your 60s?
It's still time, don't ''live your life as a woman'', be a faggot instead
Nora was watching this season of I Am Jazz alongside us. Was she persuaded?
Who would want to be a woman anyway. An in-shape twinky guy is far more appealing as long as you're gay or bi in the first place. I have straight guy friends who are specifically attracted to me in a "make out and cuddle once in a while" way, but they're not sexually attracted to men
how do people keep falling for this pasta?
What a fucking nut. I can't bring myself to watch this show, I just read the threads.
Cause they want them to straight up go for the puberty blocking and genital butchering.
Surgeons want their quick buck.
Big Pharma wants to sell them puberty blockers and pain medication for their rest of their lives.
Cultural Marxists want to deconstruct sex, gender roles and the nuclear family.
Progressive/liberals/normalfags just think it's very progressive.
Also they just can't backpedal on this now.
If psychology/psyquiatry can treat gender dysphoria with therapy, then it means the surgery is an unnecessary barbaric procedure and an admission to the world that being "trans" is a mental illness and not "being born in the wrong body".
This shit all started with Linetrap (Bailey Jay) becoming a famous internet sensation over a decade ago
Trannies have always been around. Bruce Jenner is why this shit entered the public consciousness though.
Always more fun when it's in Spanish/Mexican because cholos hunt troons for sport.
They've really exploded recently because we let them.
>Do you want to know how i got this scar
No father
I think Hunter's support is just as strong
'I Am Jazz' was announced before Bruce Jenner came out
Somethingawful, tumblr and 'weird twitter' like dril and his communist tranny gang is to blame for most of this, an entire generation of millennials were convinced they could troon out to become anime catgirls and Ramona Flowers. And 'I Am Jazz' rode this wave and received the green light even though Jazz is a different breed to those people (Noelle isn't though)
>You make a very strong argument, Merry, and I find myself in almost total agreement. However, I do quibble slightly and I belie that there is one thing more cucked than having a daughter: having a tranny son. You're quite right that fathers expending so much effort in raising a daughter only for her to become a pleasurable hole for other men, but fathers expend the same effort in trying to make their sons into the kind of men that mercilessly pound those sweet holes and make cucks of those hole's fathers. Now, imagine all that hard work a father puts in trying to turn his little boy into Chad Thundercock only for him to get his penis inverted and turned into a necrotic wound. He'll have a hole between his legs that is so vile that only the most depraved perverts imaginable would want to go near it, and most likely it will be too disgusting even for them. Indeed, I do conclude that it would be less cucked to raise a daughter for niggers to ravish than to have a tranny son.
The tranny boom happened because by it's nature it's a social contagion. The more we're exposed to Transgenderism and trannies the more people, especially children and teens, are convinced they have gender dysphoria. Bruce Jenner's transition being thrust into the national limelight was the event where a lot changed basically overnight.
bigoted app
It's about how we feel on the inside.
This is so hurtful.
The term transgender itself only came into common usage after Bruce. Before Bruce unless you were deep into this tranny shit from the academic side you called them transvestites or transsexuals. The most people knew about this shit was just shemale porn and the occasional joke from movies and television.
Do you believe Jazz was born trans like she claims?
based incel containment thread
This is just feminists who thought they were fighting for their own spaces running up against Moldbug's cathedral and realizing they were pawns of it all along.
Oprah Winfrey and even Jerry Springer where using the term transgenger back in the 90s. Oprah would have the old sad ones who transitioned late in life and Jerry would have the big freaky ones who's partners allegedly had no idea before coming onto the show.
Jazz is an incel, to be fair.
But trans women are legally women. They're recognized as female by law, in Britain.
Make him...a woman!
tag team