Found this while on a walk

found this while on a walk.
what should I do with it?

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Cast it.

stick it up your pooper

Conquer the realm of man.

shove it up your ass

Destroy it! Cast it into the fire!

propose to your gay boyfriend.

Give it to me

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Take it to a Philadelphia football game. Should sort itself out.

Put it in your.. hahahaha ... haha sorry... put it on yo- hahahahahahaha hahahaha oh god sorry hahahaha hahaha put it on your cock!! Hahahahaha

have sex

put it on and use its power to defeat sauron

this lol put it on your penis

This, he even got dubs op. You are contractually obligated now

Depends. What's your tax policy?

go up in a cave and live happily for the next 900 years

Fulfill the male fantasy

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Soihumor the thread. Consoom more

...have you not seen Hollow Man?

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What was his workout routine?

Me on the left

Prince Albert that bad boy.

why would a guy want to be called a witch?

That's sauron the dark lord of mordor

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Give it back jamal.

No! it's mine!

you have coronavirus now

Deadlift evil 20x a day
Tame wild orcs 3x
Invade middle earth in second age 1x

That ain't the Witch King of Angmar you decrepit, snivelling sack of monkey cum

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>Soihumor the thread. Consoom more

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Send it back to New Line Cinema/Warner. They might give you a bunch of merch from LotR.


it all began from a simple misunderstanding during a discussion of those who had fallen to the power of the ring. "which king of Angmar?"

Put it on. Trust me user.

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based lotr threads never disappoint

So if the eye wasn't an eye, just Sauron silhouetted against some flame as shown in The Hobbit movie, was he actually just standing on top of Barad Dur all that time?

Could very well be. Gandalf was on top of Orthanc for how long?

Put it on your penis and get an erection, there's like a 90% chance that female ICU nurse will be the one touching your penis to get it off. Pretty gay if some dude ends up doing it though, not gonna lie. Do you like your odds?

Fortune favors the bold.


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throw it in the river

Elijah Wood has the one ring. Imagine how much that would auction for.

tfw they used to sell these in the skymall magazine and I wanted one as a kid every time I took a flight

Tom Brady kisses his son on the lips

you gotta listen to trips, OP

Use it to introduce progressive tax policies to middle earth (aka USA)

Six Super Bowl wins. Must be doing something right.


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Duct tape it to a drone and fly it into Mt.Doom

A really cute nurse held my dick firmly in her hand the entire time she was checking my catheter after I got alcohol poisoning

She was slightly squeezing it so I got hard, then I got soft again when she pulled the thing out since it hurt like a motherfucker

but still, I'd say it was a worthwhile experience


>The way your dad looked at it, this ring was your birthright. He'd be damned if any ring-wraith gonna put their ghostly white hands on his boy's birthright, so he hid it, in the one place he knew he could hide something: his ass. Five long years, he wore this ring up his ass. Then when he died of dysentery, he gave me the ring. I hid this uncomfortable piece of metal up my ass for two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the ring to you.

put up a sign where you found it and try to return it to its owner. It looks handcrafted and they probably want it back.

Wear it on your skinny peepee.

Get it appraised so that you may pay your fair share of tax on it.

Use it to dilate your pseudo vagina.

return it. dont be a nigger.


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Seriously though, don't you think Isildur was in the wrong here? i mean, destroying the ring could have ended all negative possibilities right then and there but thanks to men greed, he had to keep it to himself, what a faggot.
This Elrond guy looks pretty based though.

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>creates a ring of POWER
>doesn't even make it look cool
>no glowing inscriptions, no demonic aura, no edgy spikes, no infernal gems glowing
Was Saurmon autistic?

Elrond was a faggot who didn't have the balls to dropkick Isildur off the edge.