End of movie shows sequence of events that infect patient 0

>end of movie shows sequence of events that infect patient 0
>It's a bat in a chink market that shits into a pig pen
>poor chink hygiene practices exposed from market to the table
This movie is from 2011, how the fuck did they know?
It's scary how relevant and accurate this is to what is happening lately.

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And how is like a full hour of this not cut out? I know there's a 3 hour extended version. That montage absolutely reeks of it.

Bats and China have started plenty of deadly diseases. It's not a far-fetched guess.

Bat meat has caused outbreaks in the past.

I'd rather die than sit through this boring non-cinema ever again. What a pile of shit.

Its because bats have a super strong immunity that lets viruses build up in them until they get really dangerous.

Stop fucking posting this movie

What are you scared of?

I prefer Outbreak.

Whats bad about it? It's a decent movie with decent performances


Way too much was cut. That montage is so obvious. I want the 3 hour extended version.

The writer and director conferred with experts in the field, the same experts who passed their knowledge onto world governments, who did nothing, because...

Why contain it?

really makes you think
but really we got lucky this time with the fatality rate

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Are you retarded?

interesting video made 6 years ago

in short, humans should stay the fuck away from bats, let alone eating them

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they combine the compatibility of mammals with humans and the spread capacity of birds, of course we should stay away from them

That montage is so obvious. Its actually filled with the actors delivering lines! Whats your point?

Uninspired trash. Felt like a way too long Law and Order episode.

and not just that but technology. At least 2 huge advancements have happened. Plasma transfusion apparently saves people and then 3d printing supplies.

are bats the chinks of the animal kingdom?

Slants are notorious for this sort of thing user

if youve read world war z the shit starts in china aswell
so personally im just waiting for the corpses to reanimate

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The fact that they're talking isn't important, it's just showing how people still act normally when they don't know they are spreading a deadly disease. It comes full circle with the opening of the movie

I'm saying its important to show that those scenes were supposed to be fully in the movie which got ripped to shreds apparently and I want the 3 hour extended version. Its also suspicious that the movie comes with zero actual bonus features as I recall. Its all unrelated bullshit like with Poltergeist

Chinks are the chinks of the animal kingdom

In the movie its South Korea right?

Covid wasn't even caused by a bat but a pangolin.

thats not what I heard

chinks are the chinks of the animal kingdom

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Don't get your news from here.

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I dont. This is actually the first day I've posted here in a long time.

There have been outbreaks similar to corona before. They just managed to contain them before they got too bad.
The movie just took those outbreaks and extrapolated what an uncontained outbreak would be like.

It was caused by a leak from the Wuhan bioweapn laboratory right next door to the meat market. The bat was simply a lie to obscure the truth.


Don't lie to me Tom.

>This movie is from 2011, how the fuck did they know?
..Because lower standards of living, coupled with undomesticated animals that have not been around people enough have always combined to breed rare plague shit. Jesus christ where did you get your education?

> he thinks it's the first time chinks generate a deadly virus on their wet markets

im sorry

No and as I recall the report is published and youre free to poke holes in it. It is 100% not man-made and the bat is about 95% confirmed.

(((They))) knew

How come Soderbergh made such an average shitter here when he's capable of making kino like The Knick?

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let me guess, it's a bioweapon?
back to /x/

no thats just another animal. Its like an armadillo. And man-made isnt too crazy because it had to be officially investigated and addressed.

its predictive programming, op
(((they))) always know

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I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. If the Jews save me, then hey, at least I'm not dead.

>pure luck goy

what are you talking about? Its obvious this movie was hacked to shreds and there is a 3 hour extended cut waiting for release.

too late anyways. This thing will all be over in six months with 50,000 dead.

Because that's what literally happened with SARS, the last coronavirus outbreak we had in 2003. This is nothing new.

>If the Jews save me

Chinks are the chinks of the animal kingdom.

Kek no. A vaccine won't be ready for years. We still haven't made a vaccine for SARS and MERS, since pharmas just give up once the outbreak is over.

C'mon, y-you wouldn't just let me die, right rabbi? You know all those things I said about jews were just jokes, r-right?

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>china bad
You need to go back to Re ddit. No need for retarded contrarians here.

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absolute tinfoil hatter

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>infected million
>100-200k dead


Mexicans aren't people, you silly goose

Yeah but on the other hand it's way more infectious than anything on that list with a higher fatality rate than it, so it's going to end up with a lot of total deaths. Also fatality rate has been updated by WHO to 3.4%.

Millions of Americans agree with you

oh shit we find out today if we get a tax extension! Anyone else an enlightened gentleman like me who only pays the minimum during the year and then pays the rest at the very last minute? IF YOU GET A REFUND YOU'RE RETARDED AND ABOUT TO GET BUTT FUCKED

No idea where they got the 1 million figure, it was 60 millions in the US alone.