>Acclaimed filmmaker David Lynch reportedly tested positive today for COVID19. The director was working on the set of his upcoming netflix series in Australia when he complained of a fever and shortness of breath. He was taken to a nearby hospital where doctors performed tests and found him to be infected with the virus. He is currently being held in quarantine.
holt shit bros press F
David Lynch (74) tests positive for Corona virius
the moon will save him
His quinoa diet will keep him immune
Are we going to have to hear about every fucking celebrity that gets this shit?
>in Australia
why did you try to use this to sell your post? Do you think tom hanks got it because he was in australia? No retard, he got tested because he was in Australia. Basically everyone in california has it and nobody knows because your tests were faulty
>started eating quinoa after seeing that video
>found it goes perfectly with my homemade basil pesto sauce
If this was real he'd be dead in a week. Dude smokes 2 packs of Natural American Spirits a week.
admit it, i made you google him
>a week
more like a day
this is the only one that matters
Tom Hanks had it and is now recovering. Plenty of people have had it and are now recovering. The only people dying are poor Americans who can't afford treatment and eastern pig people who dont wash and eat monkeys.
Literally just a flu.
True. Can we ban anymore infection announcement threads after this one?
Solve the fuckin puzzle
>Netflix series
Expert bait, you had to know about David Lynch hating binge watching and insisting The Return be weekly in order to know this post was fake.
I still want emergency NEETBUX from the whole thing
Rich people don't die from treatable illnesses
He deserves it for eraserhead
This isn't treatable. You can take medication for the symptoms but your body has to fight against the virus alone.
God I hope your right this stuff is tearing me apart. Every night including right now I feel like my throat is starting to hurt a little bit but when I wake up I’m fine. I don’t know if it’s just my mind messing with me but it just sucks ass. It’s just a constant emotional roller coaster where I feel like one day I’m gonna wake up and I’m sick, completely at random. It’s the waiting and the uncertainty
Dumb famous cunts thought Australia was safe just fucking stay in your own shithole countries
>tfw Australia is about to get an influx of Americans looking to get free health treatment
>Acclaimed faggot OP reportedly tested positive today for HIV/AIDS.
press f bros
Lynch is elderly though
SARS can't mar lungs full of American Spirit tars and scars
Fag he literally has a contract to release 25 one hour installments every week for 25 weeks on Netflix
200 mg Advil every 4 hours got me through it. I don't need no fag test to know when I had 'rona. I was around a ton of Chinaman all spitting everywhere.
In my attempt to make David Lynch sick by thinking mean thoughts about him landed me in the hospital due to a fairly damaging seizure. I was in the hospital for 3 days only thinking a happy thoughts about me and stealing any sort of medical equipment I could find and I have about two bags full of hospital equipment now. Tonight I am back home and I will hook up all of the hospital tools and start thinking negative thoughts about David Lynch again. The 3 days should have rested me and tonight I will use these heartbeat monitors and toilet things to have extreme negative energy.
Just posted about having it and Advil. I went out in public today and almost vomited 20 times because my body thinks disease is everywhere and us trying to expel it. Nose running eyes watering.
You dumbass you're still infected, you where supposed to down a bottle of 91% isopropyl alcohol to cleanse the body
Why are you taking female libido pills?
Ibuprofen, Bozo.
i thought he quit a while back
finally. i'm so close to outlive that overrrated hack
Pleb filtered.
anti inflammitories are bad to take during infection. gotta take tylenol instead.
Reducing fever beats the shit out of the virus causing your SARS
You don't get infected with a virus your get inoculated. They gave me 800 mg ibuprofen pills when I had a kidney infection from the stone.
That's karma for that garbage Twin Peaks
I hope this kills of the david lynch meme
You made me look it up, you evil cunt
FUCK laura is so fucking based
You bawl like the baby in eraserhead
>getting loosh farmed
press S to spit on his grave. S
Has anyone got a webm of this scene? Hottest shit ever
No you didn't faggot you've been making these gay threads for two weeks now with the exact same format. It's predictable and lame.
$50 says you are 15 or under.
Gordon did, David did not
They were filming a movie
F, even in jest I refuse
A flu that will clog all the hospitals and people will die from literally anything usually treatable + die from Covid
This. The hysteria is just fed by the media to sell clicks and by the political establishment to experiment on the populace with corona as an excuse.
Key word here, not
david bat lunch lol
2 packs a week is 5-6 cigs a day
Not great but not terrible
>True. Can we ban anymore infection announcement threads after this one?
Guys, its OK
This is FALSE, I've just looked up on Google "David Lynch" and there was nothing, I say again, NOTHING, about David contracting that godforsaken illness
So do not panic, David Lynch is OK. God bless you all
>tfw I’ve been doing this to people I hate for a year now and they all ended up with moderate to severe injuries within months
That guy from /x/ finally did it. He accidentally started a pandemic, but he did it.