Is having a girlfriend who’s sister murders her parents really that bad?

Is having a girlfriend who’s sister murders her parents really that bad?

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God I wish I had a gf

Just someone


Just stop being an incel

It's not that great. You're not missing out on much. Try not to think about it.

short answer: yes
don't stick your dick in crazy

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Hey man, get in line

Just be yourself

Don’t worry bro, I was terrified I’d never get a girlfriend, when I finally got one when I was nineteen I was relieved.

Just relax and be casual, it’ll happen eventually, just like with me

Yeah but it's just as bad to stay in the relationship out of pity or guilt.

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Explain why her crying in this movie made me horny?
Why am I this way? Her crying made her 10x more attractive.

go over to /lgbt/ and find a tranny gf

Women crying means you’ve fucked them right

why did the sister kill her parents?

the relationship was already fucked to begin with and he didn't really like her. they were just prolonging the end and then this mega shit happens where he can't dump her

maybe i'm a total beta but i would have totally been in love with a gf like Florence, even if she did cry constantly

She lost their money to those extended car warranty guys.

Never date a girl who doesn't have a stable, two-parent household.

really enjoy ur solace , having somone near is nice but having yourself wjem time is tough is nicer

Go on tinder or plenty of fish, there are a ton of desperate women on there. But I guarantee that you'll shoot most of them down because they're ugly like you

Man, that first 10 minutes was terrifying. Imagine being stuck in that situation. Nearly had a panic attack imagining myself having to pretend to happy with Pugh.

>when I finally got one when I was nineteen I was relieved.
user, thats barely out of highschool. I'm almost 26

That she's never beheaded or gruesomely killed is spineless and pathetic. Fuck this stupid movie.

>The old dude who jumped off the cliff was the dude from death in venice

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Why? Its a trope in pretty much every horror movie that one person survives.

Hahaha sure man. There’s literally no way for anyone to be single past 25 unless they choose to be

he did nothing wrong

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That's a cute lesbian

No you don’t. Women unironically suck

I’m home for the day with a 40c fever and was thinking “hey atleast I’ll get the whole place for myself I can just shitpost all day and eat whatever I want

Nope, girlfriend goes “my head hurts and I feel warm” and has now ruined my day by staying home

Unironically the worst thing he did was lazily rip off the black guys thesis idea

Don't talk to any old people for a while, corona carrier

What is so bad about two people doing a similar thesis? Its not some kind of competition and pretty much 99% of thesises dont go anywhere afterwards

Just tell her to suck your dick

the black dude sneaking into that building felt out of character, he seemed like one of the only chill ones. Guess they needed an excuse to kill him off though

It’s not just similar, is the same people being interviewed about the same thing.

Also he knew the black guy was using it for his thesis, and decided to just rip off his idea because he was too lazy to find something of his own

what would you have done in this situation?

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I think they tried to make it believable by making the black guy think he had to get an edge over the other guys thesis since they’d be doing it on the same topic and with the same interviewees

But yeah, it seemed weird because he was the only one who really seemed respectful and knowledgable of it, so he should’ve known not to do it no matter what

Usually your work needs to be peer reviewed anyway otherwise your sources would be seen as questionable

What do they use that building for in the ninety years in between festivals?

How the fuck was he supposed to know some dead tree was sacred

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Well it showed them putting the dead old peoples ashes around it and was surrounded by ash but he probably didn't notice. They should have expected the foreigners they invited not to realize a bunch of stuff but they didn't tell them

So does the cult continue their murderous activities after the festival or what? Was it implied this guys parents were sacrificed even though the last one was 90 years ago?

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Get raped, I guess

shroom orgies

He wasn’t even awake for the suicide ceremony, I feel it was kind of unfair that they didn’t casually tell him not to mess with the dead tree

Maybe that specific festival is only done every 90 years but similar Murder festivals happen every ten or twenty years

Maybe only the May queen thing happens on the ninety year one or something

They didn't tell him because they were going to kill him anyway.

Midsommar festivals are annual. It showed the wall of may queens and the dude showed Dani a picture of one in the US

Literally just the Wickerman for zoomers

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Probably a manic episode

Why did he have to go on the tree? It's not like it was hidden in a bush.

a thread about this movie with actual discussion? is such a thing even possible?

>So does the cult continue their murderous activities after the festival or what?
Aster said that the end of the film isn't the end of the festival. It continues on for some days.
>Was it implied this guys parents were sacrificed even though the last one was 90 years ago?
I don't think so. There's too much theorizing about Pelle without any sort of evidence.

Good job figuring that out bud, you and every other faggot who feels the need to point it out every single thread.

I thought it was weird how his parents both died in a fire and the cult was known to burn people alive

Didn't really feel like a horror movie. To bright and colourful.

Dancing part was the best

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Why are women so lovely lads

I want to feel their soft faces and bodies

Having a gf or any partner with that kind of horrible mental scarring is nothing but work.

My gf was molested by her grandfather for about 13 years straight, and she's currently in therapy and awaiting trial. She has times where she's just unhappy and miserable, and I'd leave if it wasn't for the fact that the times where she's happy she's just perpetually horny and does nothing but acts as a living onahole.

I'm 34 btw

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I wish Brooke and her siblings and parents were here. I would line them up in a row and shoot them with one bullet like in the 5th segment of that movie.

Damn, what’s she awaiting trial for? I can’t believe they charged her with something

>Is having a girlfriend who’s sister murders her parents really that bad?
What sister.
>the cliff vision scene.

>How the fuck was he supposed to know some dead tree was sacred
>'burnt offerings'
There are no Qliphothic shenanigans going on here at all.

>the last one was 90 years ago?
1929. Credit Anstalt Bank (after the Reserve creation by dint of war economy).

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Why was the dead sister's face in the trees with the hose?

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Drugs and her PTSD. Pretty much everyone who died's face appeared at some point.

Anyone else catch the Nabokov references?

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oh where did others appear?

Bladee's sister

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