Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name

>pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name
what did he mean by this

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Other urls found in this thread:


That spells marty cohn

A reference to Sympathy for the devil by rolling stones

The Virgin Peniswise
The Chad Randall Flagg

He could see that they were puzzled by the nature of his game

(his game was the work of Satan)

M-O-O-N that spells airborne AIDS

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what was her endgame

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jamie sheridan is relentlessly handsome

A deaf and dumb bun in the oven.

why did they make Harold so good looking?

the rolling stones and the beatles were the most overrated bands in human history

It's hilarious how the Stand is blowing up because of the virus. I read the book for the first time a few months back after getting it from a thrift shop.

he is suppose to get better looking as he gets fit and the achne goes away

WHICH name?

Who else /Trashcan/ here?

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But Walter Padick isn't the devil.

>my life for (You)

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make me diamonds

>dl'nig this right now

Time for a rewatch, havne't seen this in ~15+ years.

for me, it's /ourgirl/ maya gallo

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The series is filled with prime 90's waifus

Damn Chris Chan has aged well

that is one serious jaw

where has this woman been all my life

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molly ringwald a cute, but she annoying af

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she can annoy me with those lips anytime

>i just need more time, user

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we need to clone her. those juggs must be cloned.

>i don't dream; i NEVER dream

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>moggs your entire female cast
hehe, nothing personal, gals

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was he gay?

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did Sir Stefan King invent the based retard trope or is it from time immemorial?

WTF, that shit was supposed to be acne? In the miniseries they just looked like gross moles and birth marks and I was confused why they went away.

Also he never bulked up, was always a lanklet.

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crazy skirt bitch >>> gums galore Ringwald > old hag Nadine

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bumping for high iq thread

larry's cocktail waitress > nadine > julie > larry's second squeeze > kathy bates > mother abigail >>> molly ringwald

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Who "Baby Can You Dig Your Man"?

>of course i did, you sound black

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>don't talk to me, or my wife's adopted son, ever again

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come down here and eat chicken with me beautiful. it's so dark.

what did he mean by this

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This guy wasn’t a good fit for Randall Flagg. They should do an animated series. That’s the only way to really capture the wrongness of the Walkin Dude.

Have you noticed how he sometimes tells lies?
Besides, King didn't know who the fuck he really was at the time.

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when you see it

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Rat Man Forgive You This Time




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>has Master Plan
>to see the world burn

Trash is Bane and the Joker at the same time.

The sandwich Randall describes to Lloyd to goad him into joining his circle always makes me hungry

it's pure KINO because you can see it's unintentional
this is supposed to be some maudlin scene where mother abigail prays and weeps for what's ahead; mommy susan just got chilly filming in the rockies

The devil is a poorly made up villain

Got chills all over again.

Whoopi Goldberg was born to play Mother Abigail. I’ve known it ever since The Color Purple.

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So the coronavirus is gonna culminate in an idiotic deus ex machina on Fremont Street?

He did.