Call me a fag but to be honest this is probably my favorite Ahnold movie...

Call me a fag but to be honest this is probably my favorite Ahnold movie. Aside from T2 it's the one I've watched the most and I think it's a better movie than audiences deserved in 1993.

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I fucking loved it to OP. Also Bennet is one of my favorite villains

>That cat is one of our best detectives.

Yeah it's great. I don't think it's better than Predator or T1 or T2, but it's hugely underrated and a genuinely clever film. Also the Hamlet scene is one of the greatest things I've ever seen in a movie.

I also really like Jingle All The Way but recognize it's kind of shit. I think it's mostly Phil Hartman that makes me remember it fondly.

I'll add that this movie is the funniest Arnold has ever been. It's a perfect genre satire.

why would anyone call you a fag? arnie films for the most part are great

It's kino
Also his most handsome and best acting

its perfect if you get rid of the kid

I like it overall but honestly if they scrapped the kid with a god ticket bullshit and just made it a JACK SLATER movie and straight up parody of over the top action flicks it would've been a true classic.

That stupid fucking kid really brought down the film

But then we wouldn't have had Charles Dance's performance and classic lines like "I'm the famous comedian, Arnold Braunschweiger"

Fine then, change the kid into a hot teenage girl who is obsessed with Arnold. Now you have more eye candy and one less annoying little shitheel

Why don't people put this on the same level as T1, T2, Predator, or Commando?

the kid ruins it, so it's shit. yea, the potential was there, but it's shit

You’re a fag. I’m a fag. That movie is kino

It's an amazing movie and the perfect culmination and swan song to the 80s/early90s action blockbuster scene.

People are gay

Last Action Hero, like T2, made me wish that Ahnuld was my IRL buddy.

This movie literally ended his career. Was a huge fucking flop.

He said fuck it and ran for Governor. Sounds like a pretty good career to me.

He continued to star in big budget Hollywood movies for another 10 years

I've been saying this for years but surprisingly few people have watched this. True Lies is a solid number 2 though.

>I also really like Jingle All The Way but recognize it's kind of shit.

same here bruh

Weird, I saw that a million times as HBO had it on replay for a long time, but I can't remember shit about it.

this, waterworld, vanilla sky. sometimes the audience and critics come in with specific expectations formed from repetition in past films, like training some cattle, and when something doesn't fit their pattern they moo

>How'd you know there'd be someone in the closet?
>There's always someone in the closet!
Gets me every time

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One of the first things that made me start to realise the simpsons was up its own ass was when someone explained to me 'magic ticket my ass' was making fun of this bAd MoVie

The boy is relentlessly handsome

This is a thinking man, a man with solutions!

>I could be doing something more dangerous. Like rearranging my sock drawers.
It's the little things that make this movie good.

Fag, imagine not picking Commando, Predator, Total Recall, The Running Man or True Lies over Last action hero. Which btw is very under rated, but still not quite top 5 arnold kino.

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True Lies got memed into continued popularity. LAH was a genuinely well made and original idea (at least for mainstream Hollywood in the early 90s) that was plain old fun to watch. I think general audiences of the time weren't prepared for it to be as much of a parody as it was and were disappointed it it not being a traditional action flick.

I'm old enough to remember the release and what happened. In 1992 Arnold came out as a (*GASP!*) Republican. Campaigned for Bush 41, spoke at the GOP convention. This was his first movie after that, and there was a very well orchestrated smear campaign against it. I saw several stories talking about how Hollywood and the entertainment industry were ripping this movie as though it were a pile of shit JUST because Ahnuld went public as a Republican.

Pretty sick.

>not watching arnies best movie

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This is actually a good movie, not a great as when I was a kid, but still good

I really like the pacing and false climax. When you feel like the movie is wrapping up it starts the real final act, but you also don't feel tired and ready for it to be over because there's an actual point to it.

I guess, but how would you do or replace arnie going into the real world and being deconstructed into an impotent hero that has to rebuild his confidence?

Eh, its fine, but for me, arnoldkino holy trinity is
>Conan the Barbarian

every goddamn thing about this movie was awesome (except the kid, and even he's not bad enough to ruin it)
>I snap my fingers again and sometime tomorrow, you emerge from several canine recta

>You suck the blood outta cottonpickin' toes I can take from you! I got the California Raisins cast is doing an all-male version of The Diary of Anne Frank doing the all-male version in my frizza sibba! Tiny Tim has stepped onto a totem, so what? You ball peen jackameenis, I'll slap the mouth-outtall the cocksuckin' tales I can take from you! Fridda feen? You know, you take the mayor in the library bush; you're never gonna azizza bazizzes down at the beach; go down to the beaches, y'know? You take the chicken out the bag and stick it UP!

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>change the kid into a hot teenage girl
Well, can't argue with that. Cast it!

The movie was ahead of its time and came out before meta movies like Scream became popular

>solid number 2

This is the actual quote

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>came out before meta movies became popular

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one of my favorite movies and had no idea it was such a huge flop until recently


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Wrong time. 10 years later it would have done great.

I disagree, Total Recall is Arnie at his most handsome.

You just reminded me of Hudson Hawk, shit movie, but I kinda like it

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It's not a bad movie. The kid ruins a lot of stuff I was enjoying though fag.

And now every movie that comes out is meta and it's annoying as hell.

you admit you poisoned the king?

you killed moe zart!

shame stupid burgers can't into satire


You watch Ahnold movies for Ahnold, and he's in top form here. Not a bad choice at all, OP.

Its commercial failure was also partly due to Jurassic Park releasing only a week earlier. They couldn't know how big that film would get.

Interestingly, the one place where it did do well was France, where I guess audiences were more ready for the meta-movie idea, and maybe less interested in dinosaurs.

Cult classic movie in Russia, my fav one. Pure Tiernan/Black kino.

May I suggest Christina Applegate?

*Pie*, you Sicilian schmuck.

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