anyone watching this shitshow?
Democrat national debate on TV
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What did the Norwegians mean by pic related?
how can anyone be so retarded they look at this bumbling mummified imbecile and think he's the right guy for the job
Very boring, tbhwy
Yeah I'm in.
I'm french studying in the US and I'm actually wondering if I should head home. From what I've seen, american doctors are a disaster. They literally snip babies' dick off.
No I'm not watching. Are they sitting down or standing up? Did they design the "debate" format so that they are more replying to other people than each other?
Go back. Please
Im debating whether to watch it
biden already called the position “president of the world” instead of “president of america”
Your infrastructure and health is shit and you have bern convinced of the opposite.
This is what they meant.
Pathetic cuck.
Yang was the last hope for burgers and they blew that golden opportunity right out their mutt asses
The U.S.A has the most ICU beds per capita in the world, which is the most important stat in a pandemic
>not waiting for a highlights video
fuck sitting through this whole thing
Shan't be doing that.
How's he doing Yas Forums?
Be brutally honest
Every debate should be audience free. It’s like a laugh track for idiots.
>biden already called the position “president of the world” instead of “president of america”
is he wrong though
They aren't allowed to mention a real third world country by name. That would be racist. So they name the one country zoomers hate.
Black people unironically
They remember Obama and because he was """black""" he was their favorite president ever and they recognize Biden as "man who stood beside Obama" so he must be good
he always makes an utter fool of himself in every debate because he's an idiot that stumbles over his words but no one ever cares because no one watches the debates
he'll win over bernie because bernie never had a chance but trump will obliterate him
Also, Biden stood up to Corn Pop. That has to count for something.
Having dementia is a lot like being black.
Bernie is such a fucking cuck, spent years fighting on civil rights issues and now he doesn't even get their vote. I bet more than once he's grumbled something wildly racist to himself.
I’m watching. It’s boring.
Damn tough crowd, neither of them are getting any response
"EBOLA" x5
Everyone is Trump or bust these days
Socialism doesn't work
Imagine being this collectively delusional about the state of health care in the USA. Because it isn't just doled out "for free".
meanwhile the us leads in R&D and medical technology. stfu fruity ass europeans BITCHES. i can't stand europeans, especially those reddit ass Norwegians. they are retddit incarnate, along with canada.
Says the most cowed, servile, brainwashed, taxed, and restricted creature on Earth.
why did they go with biden? its like they want to lose to trump again
What the fuck is Corn Pop?
And it costs $50,000 to get that bed?
Reminder that one of the presidents of the EU is a biological American whose lineage is slave owners in South Carolina.
Every European south of Scandinavia is a mutt. Over half of Scandinavia is mutt. YOU'RE ALL MUTTS.
corn and sugar passed as a breakfast food
No, a bit less than $4,000. You should really stop memeing about things you don't know.
Look at that finger. LOL
It's been working so far in the USA, Germany, UK, France, etc.. etc..
A bad dude armed with a straight razor. Biden took on him and his bad boys single-handedly.
>mfw some lefty faggot tried to shill me on bernie on free shit when i already got free shit and open borders will only let the mexicans get more of a cut of my free shit
yeah voting for that faggot would go against my interest. i want more not less.
A gang leader that Biden loved
>Trump is 73
>Biden is 77
>Bernie is 78
Makes me fucking sick to my stomach that three geriatrics are the only options this country has.
Only according to the dumbest lowest common denominator in those societies who keep voting for the perpetual rot of civilization.
That's Bernie, not Yang
Get redpilled about the world you live in
European global market share is shrinking. they are becoming more irrelevant by the day. Whereas the USA has remained constant
>knock on wood
>knocks his head
>i don't touch my face
>touched his face
Yeah where's my thousand dollars Wang?
It’s a solid business plan
You are in for some kino. Behold the tale of how mighty Biden took down the menace that was Corn Pop.
t. black
>Senator Sanders, you're literally about to die.
>How do you protect yourself?
When the alternative is a communist
based norwegians dabbing on them cringe americans
Biden is terrible but all he had to do was not seem totally senile and he’s mostly succeeding.
they're chimping out bros
>you have nine super pacs want me to listem?
>go ahead
>h-haha come on guy
>shows up at a pool opening and talks about how he nearly beat up a gang leader with a chain
>go on the youtube right now
nigga what?
bernie better cool it before he breaks a hip
I feel like Bernie is not doing so well in this debate.
Biden already won. Why are they still doing this?
and immediately gets called out on lying about cutting social security which is going to be posted everywhere
Joe's about 3 inches from going Cornpop on Bernie's ass rn
Alright, I’m on YouTube. What next?
based and witnessed
Your Government pays out more to corporations in support than any other in the world, socialist pigs.
Search for twelve year old girls doing ballet.
they may be referencing that unless you purchased travel insurance you'd be on the hook for your healthcare costs here, not that your care would be of poor outcome