Are there comfier cartoons than these three?

Are there comfier cartoons than these three?

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Gravity Falls had some kino moments but the finale was pretty underwhelming in all honestly

>no BTAS
faggot zoomer

I liked gravity falls but not the other two. I'd replace them with teen titans and and ben 10


I thought Yas Forums is where we kept out tranny Tumblr fags, who let OP in here

Over The Garden Wall is the only good one of the three.

This I'm sure there are far comfier cartoons than AT and Gravity Falls.
Actually Over The Garden Wall isn't that comfy either.
It has great music and autumn aesthetic but what happens to the boys is actually really uncomfy the only comfy episode is the last episode when it reveals what really happened and them returning to the real world.

Sarah and Duck is pretty comfy. It's for younger children but it's still comfy.

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>spongebob season 1-3
>avatar TLA
>1960s scooby doo

>children's shows

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There really aren't. The progression is what sells them.

Peak late night comfy.

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Nah, I've been rewatching Adventure Time and it's actually kino, I can't believe I let myself get memed into thinking it was bad or cringe

I'm glad this is PR ob aBLY bait.

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Home Movies
The Simpsons (1990-1998)
Spongebob Squarepants (1999-2004)

ah, I could watch this show for hours it's so relaxing yet amusing

It looks like the last one has a frog which makes it a superior cartoon.

Peak Simpsons
Peak South Park
Early Spongebob
Early Futurama

Where did American animation go wrong?

Those early Adult Swim shows were so surreal and interesting.

Adventure Time didn't really get comfy until season 4, and didn't reach peak comfy until Rebecca Sugar quit the show in season 5

Over The Garden Wall is way overrated. the voice acting is stilted and the writing thinks it's a lot better and more timeless than it is. It was a colossal waste of insanely good animation talent: Pat "Punsy" McHale, Steve Wolfhard, Pen Ward, Bert Youn, Tom Herpich, Cole Sanchez. Its problems stem from the fact that they had just started making it and hadn't worked out the kinks. Had it not been a miniseries, and could have run for a few series, I'm sure these people could have made something really really good.



>tfw you will never be isekai'd from this hellish world into a comfy farm with a comfy frog family

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>watching children's shows

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Episodes like James Baxter the Horse, Let's fix a car and Jake the Brick were pretty great. Half of the show was shit by Season 6 though.

Most /comfy/ cartoon?

For me, it’s gotta be Ed Edd & Eddy.

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it helps me cope with my anxiety, depression and no hope for a better future

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nah season six was the season with Finn's dad. that one was pretty stellar

I'm on the fence whether season 5 or 6 is the best one. just like with the Simpsons
some of the voice acting was pretty annoying. the show was going for a low key, comfy, whimsical vibe, but they botched the execution with some of the annoying touches.

You are the cancer of our society

society is the cancer that ruined my life

>needing to cope with your own failures
>blaming everyone else but yourself
Many such sad cases!

Adventure Time, has "Adventure" in the name, yet after the 2nd season it has less and less adventure and more and more crappy character drama. It eventually got to the point that Pendleton left the show and let a bunch of weirdos take over.

he let Adam Muto, who was much more suited for the job of showrunner, take over so he could do more storyboards, which is what he was more suited for.

weirdos = Jesse Moynihan, Tom Herpich, Somvilay Xayaphone, who were auteurs cranking out 11 minute kino

you'll never be 8 again faggot, give up

>shows are for children
>therefore you are not allowed to watch them

>depression and anxiety

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>1960's scooby Doo
mah nigga

it was really ironic that, Adventure Time, whose premise implied they were going to always be fighting monsters and exploring dungeons, became super mundane with emphasis on dialog and interconnected character lives

meanwhile Regular Show, whose premise implied down-to-earth situations and characters, spent half of each episodes runtime fighting monsters, and the characters were crazy underdeveloped

if they had swapped writing staffs, a lot of the shows respective fandoms would have been happier with their respective shows.

This is all pleb tier
>adventure time is kino
Not in a million years.
is more your speed

That's not my point. It's that any grown ass adult would not want to watch a children's show out of their own free will since they will get nothing from it. It's a sign of a lack of maturity and the perpetual "things were better when I was child I can't handle being an adult and having adult thoughts" syndrome that is oh so common in the modern world.

my dad loved to watch cartoons like a bug's life

Not him, but this post reeks of "enlightenment". Fuck off retard. You're attributing two things that are not necessarily attributed to each other. Is it common that the fabled manchild of today lacks the abilities and markers of adulthood? Yes. Does everybody who enjoys cartoons lack those abilities and markers? No.

You have a stereotype ingrained into your head when the fact is there are many people who have their responsibilities, obligations and priorities in order while also simultaneously enjoying cartoons as a side hobby. Enjoying things meant for kids is not indicative of a stunted mindset. Shirking your duties in lieu of said things is.

Out of his own freewill or because you, a child, were watching it? I watch children's movies and shit because my child does. Not because I like to.

>enjoys cartoons
Not my point either. I posted a venture bros character to that end that it's not that its a cartoon that makes it childish, but that its a fucking children's show on a children's network. Animation is a fantastic medium.

There still is nothing wrong with enjoying things meant for children barring explicitly infantile shit like Boobah's or Peppa Pig or something. Stuff like the in the OP is all fair game. So long as you derive enjoyment out of it as a nice hobby or whatever and don't create your identity around it and let it overtake your life, there is literally nothing wrong with watching it. I would argue it's a sign that you've still some semblance of innocence and humanity left after coming to grips with all the lies that come with adulthood.

Peak guilty pleasure. It's just so sweet and optimistic.

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Wrong? Arguably. It's wrong to be a manchild.
>muh lies
What lies? If you didnt have room temperature IQ you'd known from elementary school that the world is a hard place and youre a slave to the system.
I know you need to cope with the idea you are watching children's shows but come on at least create some kind of argument. And the fact you think watching a tv show is a "hobby" really shows how immature and confused to this day you are of the world.

>If you didnt have room temperature IQ you'd known from elementary school that the world is a hard place and youre a slave to the system. I know you need to cope with the idea you are watching children's shows but come on at least create some kind of argument. And the fact you think watching a tv show is a "hobby" really shows how immature and confused to this day you are of the world.

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>has to image fag since this point is too close to home
Coping can only get you so far

Watching and enjoying shows meant for kids doesn't make you a manchild. Revolving your life around said shows does. If you have two men, one a modestly salaried man working in a professional firm who gets his jobs done and pays all his bills, and another who works at Taco Bell, smokes weed and is 60 days delinquent on his electric bill, and both men like to Watch Adventure Time when time permits, who is the manchild?

>inb4 both

>>has to image fag since this point is too close to home?!
>Coping can only get you so far

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>and another who works at Taco Bell, smokes weed and is 60 days delinquent on his electric bill
Should have also added that he frequently decides to buy funko figures instead also.

>Batman the animated series
>avengers earth’s mightiest heroes
>rocko’s modern life
>grim adventures of billy and Mandy

Not counting anime or even adult cartoons

Guy 1 wouldnt watch a children's show. Only guy 2 would.
Why would I bet talking down about children's shows if thats what I did?

s scooby doo
>mystery is always an old man with who wants to scare people away from valuable real estate literally every time
If they left some of it up in the air and unsolved, like, say, x-files, and/or had actual monsters like the later cartoon movies from the 2000s, then it’d be watchable

>Guy 1 wouldnt watch a children's show. Only guy 2 would.
You don't know people at all then, and I suspect you're an overcompensating NEET or a variant of man 2 who thinks way too highly of himself. If this is the way you choose to discuss things, then I have nothing more to say here.

because you want to feel like an adult, when you're actually just a fedora tipping manchild

>y-you must be a manchild!
Jesus this projection to cope.

Thanks for admitting defeat, manchild.


Ahaha that projection even more. You ignored my points and made up dumb illogical stories