Scenes when you found out you were witnessing true unadultering kino

Scenes when you found out you were witnessing true unadultering kino.

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why didn't he just give Walt the plate when he knew Walt was letting him go
or toss it somewhere else or something

>pacman symbolism
>pac man
>program and control man
>show is about walt taking control of his mediocre life and finally doing something with his life after cancer diagnosis
bravo vince

Because he was still going to kill walt.

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When they revealed she was the mole.

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the series never hit the emotional peak of this or the first two seasons ever again desu senpai

Is that gun CGI??

I think falls short when you think about how he discovered it. You’re telling me could tell a shard was missing by simply looking in the trash can? Would have made more sense if he attempted to fix it with glue and realized it.

you total FUCKING moron, the pac man metaphor is about the helpless pacman constantly running away from the ghosts of his past, but once he takes the pill ("red pill", hello!) he turns around his life and starts to kill those ghosts and take back power

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Still hasn’t been topped.

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It would have been funny if Walt killed Krazy8 and after he was done with him, he sees the last piece of the plate sticking out from under a cabinet or something.

24 coming hot of of 9/11 was amazing TV like we will never see again.

No, you brainlet. He suddenly had a suspicion that a shard might be missing. The thought crossed his mind. Then he went to confirm it and it was true.

if pacman took a "red pill" it would probably be a seconal tablet, and he'd probably pass out right after.

when i saw this for the first time, i can't exactly explain it but something inside me deep down knew this was kino

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Everything S1 to 5 is kino of the highest order.
The absolute culmination of the entire show is Logan slapping his wife.

Nadiene losing her memory and reverting to age 17

The exact moment this show went to shit.

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>could tell a shard was missing by simply looking in the trash can
you cant? \

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True, but it's the beauty of being the most KINO moment and the DOWNFALL at the same time. If the show had stopped right there, it would have been the best series ever.

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hell yeah

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the gun and the hand look real but superimposed

Because he actually wanted to kill Walt.

its just the compression and low bitrate making things looking weird


>suddenly had a suspicion
Give me a break. He had plenty of opportunities to investigate the plate. Only did no when he it was in the trash.

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But he could have done that after


That scene in a scanner darkly where Keanu hits his head and realized he hates living like a normal person.

You are being autistic.
He didn’t suddenly decide to investigate the missing pieces because “they were in the trash”. It dawned on him that the guy he was talking to is a stone cold murderous criminal and that it was probably worth double checking to make sure a fragment didn’t end up on his person.

I've always wondered how many plates production had to break to get that one knife like piece...

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I completely disagree. Walt throws a can away in the garbage and the plate is clearly visible almost put back together. He then gets the idea to put the plate back. It in no way dawned on him that he should investigate the plate because the guy was a criminal.

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recently rewatched this god damn

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it took Vince 4 seasons but when Jimmy said Saul Goodman i stood and started clapping

This has to be bait.

It's because he threw it in the trash and then that led to the realization that he was going to discard it without at even checking if it was all there.

He knew because he could tell at a glance that a huge ass chunk of the plate was missing.

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My man! A Scanner Darkly is pure kino.

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>being this autistic
take your meds

You're a fucking retarded fat faggot.

kino of the highest order

Go rewatch the scene and do some critical thinking. Don’t even bother replying me. No wonder why I stopped browsing this site.

big oof

The shot used, when the plate broke, didn't break in a way that would give that piece.

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>don't even bother replying
(you) utter fool, (you) got blown the fuck out

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How did walt know to check again for a missing piece?

That first season was so real... then it devolved into a cartoon.

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He was looking for any reason to trust Krazy 8, and he double checked the plate as a final reassurance. Lingering doubt, rather than knowing.

This stance just OOZES confidence

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