/jazz/ general

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Oh boy! another thread filled with transmisogyny to distract ourselves from our shitty incel lives!


Hey tranny, I think you got the wrong thread. The Discord is two sites down.

For a bunch of people who hate trannies, you sure can't seem to shut the fuck up about them.

Fuck trannies

you dont pass

Hello op.

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>Attention everyone I have something important to announce to the whole family!

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>2nd to last episode ends with Jazz hinting at having suicidal thoughts.

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Absolutley LYNCHIAN.

>It's important to remember that Jazz's poor mental health difficulties have nothing to do with being trans though. We're sure of this. No, stunting the development his brain with puberty blockers and cutting his dick off couldn't possibly have anything to do with it.

Attached: meltdown3.webm (640x480, 3M)

I want to save Ari, bros. I just want to get her away from that shitty family and then never interact with her ever again

When is he finally going to an hero?

You also want to have sex with her, don't you user?

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No way, fag.

The Duality of man


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The pupper has spoken

Don’t forget to dialate Jaron. Don’t want that wound to heal up on you.Also is this supposed to taste like blood and shit or is that just what degenerates taste like?

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Virgin incel hideout... yikes!

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Feels bad that Ari will age (already is) like Jeanette and grandma Ack Ack. Soon she won't be attractive enough to wear her victim status and people will realize not only that she isn't redpilled but also has the toxic femininity of her mom.

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Among the conventions of high tragedy is the ultimate climax never occurs on screen. In Sophocles' Oedipus cycle, the audience never sees Antigone's suicide nor do we see the self mutilation of Oedipus. Likewise, In Tennessee Williams' A Street Car Named Desire, Stanley's rape of Stella is omitted from the audience's view. TLC's I am Jazz follows the conventions of Greek High Tragedy as we watch a young Jewish boy, Jaron Bloshinsky, fall from stature in his attempt to defy the Gods. In accordance with Greek Tragedy, we fail to see the ultimate act of tragedy, Jazz’s first dilation session, instead the audience is fed disturbing and fractured details, such as a “swelling urethra ball” and “belly button clitoris”. These details allow the audience to experience catharsis from an apotheosis of horror, the pointless mutilation of an otherwise healthy child child into a grotesque parody of a woman. We have already seen Jazz's peripeteia, or reversal of fate, as Jazz undergoes genital confirmation surgery to rearrange his genitals into a poor imitation of a vagina. These circumstances were inspired by Jazz hamartia of believing that gender is a mutable trait that could be changed as easily as a haircut as well as his hubris enabled by his family and transgender friends. The anagnorisis of Jazz follows as he realizes she will need multiple surgeries to have dubiously usable genitalia. Jazz’s downfall reminds humans that despite the advances in medical science and technology, the ultimate fate of mankind is at the mercy of the Gods.

>It hasn't even begun

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I unironically want one of these as a souvenir of dystopian clown world.

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Shut the fuck up, Jarron.

So kid jazz can have puberty blockers but not play with this doll?

Somebody who is seething wrote this post.

6 years ago no one cared or thought about trannys. After same-sex marriage was legalized in the US the media starting pushing them. I lost my tolerance for trannys when I'm called a bigot for not dating one. And you've earn my scorn when you advocated for children to transition if they show interest in anything that has to do with the opposite sex. Fuck all trannys!

All trannies must fucking hang

Jazz can't get the coronavirus. His immune system is already compromised dealing with his wound down below.

the primordial soup of anaerobic bacteria in her "vagina" will eradicate all other microbes

Isn't there a vaccine for God's chosen people already?

Jazz kino can't end. There's got to be a spin off. I'm thinking Jo Jo will get her own show. Noelle's to depression to carry his own series and Skylar's life is too perfect, it would be boring.

>Primordial Soup

You literally would not be able to pay me enough to put my mouth near that gash.

Shut up, freak.

based incel containment thread

If you don't you'll be forced to transition

Shouldn't you be sticking a plastic rod in you're crotch wood, Lilith?

After Jazz's suicide, Jeanette will go on to host "America's Next Pre-Teen Pre-Op," a competition show for young Munchhausen bi-proxy goys to win free dick removal.
Screen shot this.

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>go to school
>see the teacher's lesson plan for the day and it's all about Jazz
what do

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ari is cute as fuck i want her to run away with me to make our own family

shoot up the school

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Every time I see a Jazz thread I struggle to believe this is real. Mutilation, child abuse, and all those miserable faces faking happiness. It's on tv like it's a cooking show. It's just so.. unbelievable.

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*blocks your path*

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Boy goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in the wrong body and what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. The Great tranny Jazz is on TLC tonight. Go and see it. That should pick you up." Boy bursts into tears. "But doctor" he says "...I am Jazz."

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um yeah, women were designed for these things to happen

What a "breakthrough"!

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these are abominations

Never went through puberty and went straight to infertility. From childhood immediately to artificial cronedome. His parents made him evolutionary useless on purpose.

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So you're a transphobe because you saw a few weird tweets and people want kids to be happy too

For a bunch of dudes who pretend to be women, you sure sound a lot like men.

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I was worried, half an hour ago there was no jazz thread. Don't play with my heart Yas Forums.

Not him but Jazz has a literal baby penis because of hormone blockers so no I don't support that and I don't think it makes me transphobic either

The trannies are the incels.

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>His parents made him evolutionary useless on purpose.
So..? what a bunch of eugenicist creeps you are

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Yes, stand up to these chuds

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Yes it does make you transphobic. Her genitals are none of your business.

>thread in which nearly everyone is against child castration
>"You're the eugenicists!"
The tranny cries out in pain as he hits you

I know it might be hard for a micropenis owner such as yourself to understand, but having a baby cock as an adult isn't normal

Trannies' genitals are none of our business. Our used tampons apparently are Trannies' business tho. Explain this, trannies.

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