Why do people still download 700mb YIFY movie rips instead of 50-70GB glorious 4K movies with ACTUAL 10/10 visual and...

Why do people still download 700mb YIFY movie rips instead of 50-70GB glorious 4K movies with ACTUAL 10/10 visual and 10/10 audio? Movies where you can actually hear the characters speak clearly and no loud explosions drowning out voices.

It's 2020. You can download 100+ GB movies if you want in just a few minutes.

Attached: download.jpg (1110x384, 44.45K)

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some internet still has bandwidth caps

it seems to me that if important dialog is going on at the same time as explosions, the movie might not be very good

>you either get 700mb movies or 50gb movies, there is no in between
hello american

same reason why people share jpgs instead of raw images
for about 1/10th the size you get basically the same image
on top of that most people are not watching movies on anything better than a 1080p display

Attached: 1578626166646.jpg (750x541, 116.85K)

and you wonder how you've preserved your virginity so well after 30 years

The image quality in movies start to show when there are fast movements like car chases.

5 GB for a 1080p movie is the sweet spot for balance between size and quality.

who the hell downloads movies?

YIFY movies aren't being made anymore after the site got shutdown, do some research before you make your next thread you dumb fucking cock sucker

>that retarded image
the least it could do is be saved as a png and show an uncompressed png side by side with a low compression jpg

what happens if you have a fast connection like this but a slow mechanical hard drive that won't keep up?

Thank god. Fuck their shitty encodes.

5GB isn't even enough space for a DTS-HD 7.1 audio track, you must be 15yr old watching movies on your cell phone if you think 5GB 1080p movies are acceptable quality

I get 3mbps on average.

Data caps

I have 3 mbps download

Download to your SSD

>M100 (Telephoto): 88797 x 22958; 2.25 GB; image/tiff
ill wait till we get 88797 x 22958 resolution movies

>watching movies
it's a mobile world now.
I rip the audio track down to 48kbps and listen at 2x speed. I can make it through the entire global catalogue in my lifetime because im not bound to a screen.

yes but what happens. does the connection slow? how does your operating system decide to deal with that?

you will never have sex

The group that took over (YTS) actually releases decent encodes for their size.

No the sound is shit.

>flexing internet speeds
>san franscisco

Attached: 1544944693700.jpg (471x388, 94.25K)

>shows the differecne between raw and jpep
>in a jpeg
might as well show me a picture showcasing framerate

people will shit on OP for explosions but it's more embarrassing that he wanted to 'hear the dialog' at all

lmao of course the retards defending big file sizes are "audiophiles"
like pottery

>download 20GB release
>dark scenes are still a blocky pixelated mess
why is this allowed?

Old Yify was dogshit and died years ago, grandpa.
People use YTS now and they are barely ok. Still mediocre compared to proper scene releases, but far better than Yify.

Zoom zooms find this acceptable. And they want sub-5GB releases. Which is even multitudes worse.

This is because of the bitrates. Even 20GB can have horrible bit rates due to shitty encoding.


look at all these brainlets arguing against the power of compression to preserve quality and make usable file sizes as if it has not been the backbone of the internet for the past 3 decades

i need that 5mbps audio bitrate like what it is on retail blu rays

Lots of birate does not mean good encode

A proper 4 GB encode with good codecs and presets can obliterate larger files done in less than optimal ways. OP is stupid, as well as this retard for thinking bigger filesize = better quality

Like if you can hear anything beyond a 320 kbps MP3. Your hearing goes worse as you get older you know.

Most audiophyles are actual boomers. I find that ironic.

10-20 gb 1080p version is the sweet spot

This nogga downloads 70gb UHD rips instead of 110gb 35mm scans
don’t even respond to me
im not gonna read what you write
you’re beneath me

I download 1.5gb to 4gb movies unless it's kino of the highest order and/or a very visuals oriented film then I might splurge on an 8gigabyte rip. Any more is a fucking waste of hard drive space, that's why.

>waste of harddrive space

Even if you're poor, HDDs are cheap as fuck nowadays. And SSDs are getting even cheaper.

A 1To HDD is still around 50 bucks

I have 5 harddrives. The largest I'll go is 4 gigs. For one, if you're installing any games on a harddrive instead of an SSD it needs to be 7200RPM. It's hard to find a lot of large harddrives with that speed. Which means it will be a media oriented drive if it's large. And if it's any larger its inevitable death wipes out too many important things. Also, I'm not going to bother installing a fucking raid card to get more either.

I switched from Comcast to frontier for exactly this reason. Comcast gave me 250/10 for $100 a month and I'm getting 500/500 fiber from frontier for 40 a month


Nope. Untouched 5 channel DTS + HEVC at around 5 to 6 Mbps regularly gives you 5 to 6 GB movies.


Internet speeds aren't even that good of an excuse for downloading Yify garbage. Even 1mb is more than enough unless you're a retard incapable of forethought.

Attached: smoke.jpg (804x821, 242.51K)

YIFY apologists are just retards who don't know that you can watch the movie as it's being downloaded if you check the "download first and last pieces first" and "download in sequential order" options.

Isn't that the point of yify though? They're the only releases small enough to be streamable for most people.

Outta the way, scancuck. Real ones buy and project their own reels.

I remember when I was the hero among my friends for having 56kB/s downstream

DVD rips are okay for older movies... why the hell would I need a bluray rip of Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo

Attached: 51Q6imIq0OL._AC_.jpg (350x500, 45.29K)

50GB remuxes take about an hour to download (if they have a good amount of seeders) on a 100Mbits/s connection, which is what people have on average according to google. And even if your internet is shit you can still download good 10-15GB encodes fast enough to watch along with the download with no problems. It's what i said: YIFYtards really have no fucking idea that such a thing as torrent streaming exists, they just want a file small enough to be downloaded to completion within 30 seconds. Oh, and the quality? They are completely blind to it and don't give a shit as long as it says "1080p" on the title.

SD resolution video actually enhances the experience when you're watching old movies that rely too much on pratical effects or early CGI. Original star Wars for example looks pretty fucking jarring in HD

For a lot of obscure old shit, you have no option than DVD rips. Good ones tend to be around a gigabyte in H.264

The people using Yify doesn't have 100 mbps connection. They're most likely third worlders and australians. Stop being retarded.

You don't need 100mbps connection to download a 10GB file in under 90 minutes.


No, you do it at 15 mbps. But still, the people using yify won't get any benefit from getting a higher quality file.

Also filesize does not equal quality. Stop this nonsense. Read this for example

>the people using yify won't get any benefit from getting a higher quality file
Yes they will, they can download a good 8GB encode from 1337x or RARBG and not have their "1080p" movies look like pic related.
Hell, you don't even need to download 8GB, even RARBG's 3-4GB encodes still look miles better than this shit.
Also, yes, bigger filesize doesn't necessarily mean better quality, but an exaggeratedly small filesize sure as hell is guaranteed to not look good.

Attached: Sorcerer.1977.1080p.BluRay.x264.YIFY.mp4_snapshot_01.25.49.494.png (1920x1080, 3.17M)

Cause I watch movies on my phone while browsing Yas Forums on my kindle