BREAKING: Youtuber Mike Stoklasa CONFIRMED to be infected with COVID-19

Press S to spit on his grave

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Hahaha it's funny cause I watch this e-celeb reviews and I feel like a kinographer with a superior movie taste

I thought you were lying but I just turned on CNN and holy shit you're right!

>Mike would be featured on cnn
Maybe he did organize Disney Star Wars.

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mfw Mike dies

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>"Hello, o-oh hey there Macaulay, -er I mean Mack, hows it going? ... Oh wow, your going to be in Wisconsin again, what's this like the third time this month?.. Oh you want to guest on our shows again, y-yeah I suppose we can start filming a new best of the worst soon. O-oh and a re:view for.... Party Monster? Don't think I've seen that one bef-. Oh and you want to hang out again and point at things for a whole day again? Oh gee Mack I mean you sure are fun to have around the set, really appreciate Max introducing us to eachother, so any guest you planning on bringing this time or- oh the same BunnyEars guy, What was his name again, Rick? Y-yeah he's fine I suppose. Well I don't know I'll have to run it by Jay and Rich to see what their plans are and you never really,... what's that? Your already at the airport and need a ride to the studio?

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Fake and gay, like everything RLM does


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I'll spoil it for you.
>But Rich in TNG Picard was like this (show TNG clip) and he would never do (stupid thing that happened in the new show)
>No one gives a shit Mike they just don't care
>Repeat for 90 minutes

>he thinks I give a shit about what they're talking about and not that I just want to pretend to have friends for 90 minutes of my sad and pathetic life
get real, user.

RIP Rich Evans ;_;

S ource?

Gotta add in Rich defending the show with answers to Mike's rhetorical questions about the plot.

ok, this is based.

>he is survived by his wife mrs. bauman and their pet chimp dick the birthday boy.

if mike has it, then there's a 110% chance jay has it too.

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Sad, but true

WTF? Source? Is this true?

Feel better, Mike!


RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos.

I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.

They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.

They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.

Please, Yas Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.

I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.

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Spike Moldova is dead.

Haha finally. Hopefully it spreads to Jay and Doofus . I bet he's a Toilet paper hoarder too.

i wonder if jay being HIV positive will increase his chances of dying if infected.

you're mad just because they have taste and standards?
stay mad, pleb.

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>i love Jurassic world!

In all seriousness, 6 and 7 are when the show got good for me, so I wonder if they'll still hate it.

Why couldn't Mike stay away from those asian prostitutes?

u like Picard, I figure.

Maybe I should've directed you to the nearest hand sanitizer?

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Does Mike sign his posts with "-Jay" or something.

Rich will also bring up some video game shit that no one cares about.

It's real.

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Blessed digits for a blessed girl with blessed milkers
God I'm hungry


>they make fun of the movies I like REEEEE fuck them

I love how RLM triggers the fuck out of you little faggot plebs. Even if they were hacks, none of you are in any place to say someone sucks at something. I mean who the fuck are you? You're just losers lol.

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>they make fun of the ecelebs I like REEEEEE fuck them

Which one will die of coronavirus first?

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Maybe WuFlu will be what finally puts Spoony out of his misery.

It’s fake, OP and all the nu wars fans ITT suck peepee and eat poo poo on Wednesdays.

Don’t @ me

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Mike is nearly 70 so he is more susceptible

>no u

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Fuck you kidd, the decade of the Spoony has started

god, I hope Rich is ok

That's not too bad. He was already dead inside.

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Based retard

>brie laughing at mike's possible death
maybe she isn't so bad after all. i think i'll give Captain Marvel a second chance.

You aren't wrong but neither are Mike and Rich.

anyone got the webm of mike decking fools?

Mass replying should be a death sentence

Why do the people who obsessively hate RLM think they're any less retarded than the people who blindly love them?

It's so sad to see people obsessed with random YouTube reviewers, but shit at least the fanboys are getting some enjoyment out of it.

lowbrow simp


mike buddy let's take a deep breath

>look it up
>its real

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Mike will love the Riker and Troi episode. Rich will note the Mass Effect ripoff stuff from the latest episode and sink deeper into depression.

>>no u

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wtf i love brie larson now?

>tfw mike is only 3 years older then me so he cant be my dad
at least jay can still be my daddy

>tfw moved to Wisconsin to be near these guys
>now this is happening

If you aren't using a script/app that has recursive reply hiding it's your own damn fault.

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And? Getting it isn't a death sentence.