Words that should be banned from movie reviews. I'll start:
Words that should be banned from movie reviews. I'll start:
>nothing happened
>in the era of Trump
>in the current climate
>toxic masculinity
>social commentary
>quite possibly
tour de force
>tour de france
>in the era of Trump
>Tour de force
#MeToo era
>nothing happened
>no dub
what a cutie. any nudes?
I know people have already said lynchian which is kinda similar but this is personal.
I am fucking sick of seeing any movie or tv show which has either a monster with tentacles or some astral monster as "lovecraftian",
Like I understand most normies compare that stuff to Lovecraft because of Cthulhu since hes usually the only thing they know about his work.
It just gets under my skin when a movie that does have these features comes out, you get bombarded with shit like "HURR DURR LOVECRAFTIAN ELDRTICH HORROR"
Fuck this annoys me so much
Toit? Toit like a tiger?
Haha but it has the spooky tentacles, man.
They’re even on its face dude
>in the era of #MeToo
Where they even put in the fucking hashtag
tour de force. i don't even know what it fucking is supposed to mean,
It meant it was like the Tour de France but with lightsabers
Honestly a few years back at a spoons one night some girl tried to tell me Stranger Things was "Lovecraftian".
I was so angry.
This brave critic already wrote a list for this thread
there are like 3 girls on the planet over the age of 13 who don't have nudes out there somewhere. the question is how far are you willing to go to find them?
>I really, really wanted to like this.
>Not liking Bad Santa
im so fucking horny
>dope af
>love letter to classic hollywood
social commentary
W-why is she standing like that, bros?
tour de force
(Third one)
>the setting is almost a character itself
It’s Bad Santa 2, an admittedly terrible movie
I haven't seen the second one all I know is big titty ginger honkers is in it.
She wants the D
I am sick of movies being called a ride.
The shittiest rides at Universal Studios at least shake the seats around a bit while they shove junk in your eyes.
Tour de force, you illiterate faggot.
But how else am I going to describe a film as a "Rip-roaring tour de force of darring-do"?
This. Fuck that term.
Feel good film of the year
We should really make a blacklist for these people. Actually, I think I'll start it myself.
But not for those reasons.
Trump's America
Fresh take on __