This is the ideal Star Wars movie. You may not like it, but this is what peak kino looks like

This is the ideal Star Wars movie. You may not like it, but this is what peak kino looks like.

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Star Wars has never been good.

I can't disagree, OP. ROTJ is the most misunderstood Star Wars film, and it's probably the best conclusion to any film series ever. Yes, even LOTR.

The Luke/Vader story arc is concluded magnificently but that comprises like 20% of the entire movie, and the rest is dogshit

Regardless of any flaws it may have, the throne room scene is peak star wars.

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Nonsense, the whole movie is kino.

Rogue One is the best SW movie outside of the original trilogy.

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Its my favorite.

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>Pacing issues up the ass; the movie starts like four different times, the first 45 minutes are spent resolving the cliffhanger from the last movie, then the entire movie has to start AGAIN to setup the Death Star II plot (yay more death stars) then they fuck around in the teddy bear forest for an hour before they have 3 different climaxes going on at once
>Most boring direction and cinematography of the OT
>Production design is drab and uninteresting
>Slapstick humor for toddlers
>Merchbait characters
>Half the cast clearly doesn't want to be there
>Only character with an arc is Luke

This movie is shit. He let it go to his head.

Half the movie are fluffy teddy bears and the other half is a mash of the previous movies. The throne room was nice though.

95-110 IQ detected


>literally no argument

Listen, I know you probably have some nostalgic attachment to it, I don't know, maybe it's the one you watched with Dad the most on VHS, but it's the worst of the OT by far. I don't know if I would go so far to agree with people who say Revenge of the Sith is better, but it's close.

>look mom I'm so contrarian!

It's by far the weakest OT movie.

I disagree with most of your opinions. It's not like you backed them up so I don't have to debunk them. You're welcome to your opinion, but it's nothing like mine.
I've also defended ROTJ many times on this board and gets boring having the same argument over and over.

i dont know how anyone likes this fucking movie. It definitely LOOKS like star wars but its holy fuck boring. I've tried watching three separate occasions and fallen asleep every time. who could give a fuck about any of these characters? The story was told so much better in jedi knight.

Perfect end to the series. They made many more films after this one but they were all shit.

>who could give a fuck about any of these characters?
Are you retarded?

The scenes regarding Luke's personal journey are the higher point of the Saga and some of the best fantasy cinema ever made.

I recognize Star Wars and Empire Strikes back are better movies but Return of the Jedi has always been my favorite since I was a little kid. It was the first one I watched and I thought the Jabba's Palace was the most kino thing I'd ever scene.

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Mark Hamill was relentlessly handsome. Hayden Christensen is relentlessly handsome.

It totally is. I just about shit my pants as a kid when R2 throws Luke his saber and starts killing everybody.

If they went to wookie planet instead of teddy bear planet this would have been the best SW movie bar none. Unfortunately, it ends up being only better than NuWars movies.

I agree

I don't get the hate for this film.

it's where star wars the franchise for little kids overtook Star Wars as an outlet for creative expression through the medium of film

Loved the Jabba's palace sequence.

The Ewoks are in the movie because George wanted to sell toys and also because he wanted a low-tech, Vietnam-Esque final conflict. Shame he didn't use Kashyyk - could have sold He-Man style Wookie figures and had Kashyyk been a planet-wide equivalent to a slave revolt.

Man that shit would have been kino

It's not better than Revenge of the Sith

>The Luke/Vader story arc is concluded magnificently
Brings me to tears every time. It is a literal masterpiece.
>that somber imperial march that plays when luke unmasks Vader
>the face luke makes when he sees vader

this pleb got filtered, hard

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Should have had more scenes of Rebels liberating planets and shit

today I will remind them

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>Rogue One
because you liked one scene in it?

>Star wars ROTJ was the most disappointing thing since my son

you can pretty much instantly dismiss anybody who likes the vader hallway scene as a fake star wars fan
its the most cringy edgy teenage reddit shit in the entire franchise, and that's including the garbage sequels

Idk probably because of Scariff because you know it’s like Endor with actual stakes

Was a great scene demonstrating that to the avg person in that universe he is an unkillable monster. Death in carnate, everyone who saw him knew they were fucked and were shortly after.

I thought the movie had its moments, the braveheart speech sesh is overused garbage though. I have yet to see the....what are they called? last 2 in this last trilogy. Was clear it was an unwatchable dumpster fire besides the effects.

>Was a great scene demonstrating that to the avg person in that universe he is an unkillable monster
we already had that in literally every other movie Darth Vader was in without wanking him off as brazenly with this Coldsteel the Hedgehog school shooter manifesto scene

are you buddy?

Yeah it's my favorite Star Wars movie

>The shadow covering more and more of Luke's face as the anger builds up within him
>The music building up as Vader's threats reach their most sinister
>Luke's desperate "NEVER!" as the shadows now totally envelop him signifying his fall to the dark side
>The whirring music playing over what would usually be portrayed as an exciting fight scene instead paints a tragic picture of a father and son being forced to fight to the death, failing the thousands of generations of Jedi before them and the galaxy as a whole
>That shot of Luke and Vader's silhouettes as they come out from under the staircase
>Luke's formless, rage filled fighting style which totally disregards all of his previous training: he is an animal
>The ruthless bashing against Vader's lightsaber when he finally gains the upper hand which are designed not to break Vader's defences but instead as a way for Luke to release his pent up rage: the equivalent of punching a pillow when you get angry
>That look on Hamill's face as Luke realises his mistake

The assault on the Endor shield bunker is a total snorefest but the throne room scenes alone elevate ROTJ to the second best star wars IMO second only to Empire

It really is the perfect ending to Luke's story arc. And it fleshed out Luke's character and makes him so much more likeable and interesting over the course of just one film. It's a fantastic movie.

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jesus christ guys its okay to like different star wars films. empire is my favorite but I can 100% see why ANH and ROTJ can be someone else's favorite. they are all amazing and different in their own ways. hense why decades later, each new film still makes a billion dollars.

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>It really is the perfect ending to Luke's story arc.
um actually user Luke's character arc ended in TLJ when he realized his mistakes as a jedi and forgave himself for his failure
also it's her turn now

Post-ROTJ pre-new Jedi Order Luke Skywalker kino starring Sebastian Stan when?

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Empire Strikes Back was at least as "boring" as Rogue One, and it was clearly the best of the series.

You don't need constant fighting from start to finish for a Star Wars movie to be good.

Luke was totally acceptable in TLJ even if the films very existence does detract from the happy ending of ROTJ (but such is the nature of inevitable cashgrab sequels)

t. Prequel-hating, OT-loving, Sequel-indifferent Chad whose favourite movies are Empire and ROTJ

it's a good idea so it will never happen

Did you forget that ESB had characters that were compelling and actual substance?

Yes, there were early signs of cancer. You could point out many of those same "flaws" in the other films too.

Grow up, basically

it's funny, if they want to revive star wars and re-gain all the respect from fans, all they have to do is bring back young luke. literally, thats it.

he's too white and male

I'd like to recommend Star Wars The Force Unleashed as a great OT-esque story

Has very similar vibes to the OT in general even focusing on similar themes as such as redemption and self sacrifice

It is a great backstory to how the official, organised rebellion comes into existence and doesn't feel as wacky or "overly-unique" as other EU stories like Dark Forces/Jedi Knight and Shadows of the empire.

Disney could have made a spin off movie based on it and I dare say it would be hailed as kino

Recommend the PS2 version since it's a lot more fun and I find the cutscenes to be better composed than the Xbox 360 or ps3 versions but either way if you play this game you're in for some OT-tier kino

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>recommending a videogame
Go back to your room, kid, grown ups are speaking here.

Enjoy having only the disastrous prequels and the hopelessly disorganised sequels as your only options for star wars kino beyond the OT, motherFUCKER

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Say what you will about the prequels, but they did give us a great period for Star Wars games.

There were hundreds of books and comic books in the EU, dumb zoomer kid.

And the majority sucked ass

Not to mention you aren't getting a full cinematic experience complete with visuals in motions, deliberate pacing and cinematography, music, etc

Oh absolutely I can't argue with that. Battlefront, Republic Commando etc are all classics. Prequels opened up a ton of creative possibilities for the franchise. Just a shame that the films themselves fell flat Imo

Life doesnt stop at 25, and that's what virgin SW autists who never grew up fail to realize

you have to have an IQ under 70 to think The Force Unleashed was a good Star Wars story
Fun? sure I'd agree with that, but it's the ultimate batshit retarded piece of EU garbage ever made, and it's no hyperbole to say it makes the sequel trilogy look good by comparison, because the story is really just that fucking bad

You're retarded. Tell me that Jake Skywalker in TLJ made sense compared to what we've seen of his character in the OT.

This made me wonder about why the sequel trilogy hasn't had a similar effect. The prequels almost brought a sort of renaissance for star wars material.

I think the biggest issue is not that the sequel films are bad, "politicised" or overly-girl power like most losers would tell you, rather it is the fact that the aesthetic and vibe of the trilogy is too derivative of the OT.

Think about how different the prequels and OT are. The prequels present a seemingly limitless galaxy full of technological wonders and beauty. Meanwhile, the OT presents a more grounded and run down galactic society with far less crazy elements typical of science fiction e.g. cloning. There is a stark contrast between the two trilogies. Meanwhile, the sequels aim only to be an extension of the OT. There's not much difference. The empire and rebellion still exist in the same form they used to. The society is the same.

I think it would have been interesting if the sequels aimed for something akin to Blade runner's world. You could explain that with the fall of the empire, all structure in the galaxy has been lost and is in the process of being rebuilt from the ground up by the new republic. As a result, technology has regressed to an extent and things like inter planetary travel can't be abused as much. Issues of racism and racial segregation could be explored since there's less interaction between alien species. Over population could also be a focus. We might see a seedier side to the Star wars galaxy with crime and drugs etc thriving.

I think such an approach would have not only given the sequels the unique identity they sorely needed but could also have allowed for more interesting stories. You can have your Rey and Kylo Ren conflict, but instead keep it on an incredibly small scale, to the point that the story may even take place on a single overpopulated planet. We don't need two warring galactic-scale armies. It could be gangs or individuals.

Just a thought

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>I know you probably have some nostalgic attachment to it, I don't know, maybe it's the one you watched with Dad the most on VHS
ya got me

They gave exclusive game rights to EA EA has only produced three Star Wars games since then, and they're fucking Electronic Arts. That's why it's so dead. Well done Disney.

>Nooooo muh childhood hero was perfect and pure and would never think about doing bad things ever noooo

Doesn't explain the lack of books, comic books or even fan made material like cosplays etc.

That's not kotor

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Kotor is great but an example of material that gets slightly too crazy to the point that it doesn't mesh as well with the movies

>what is reading comprehension

There's actually plenty of that. It just doesn't sell very well. Thank you Chuck "winter is coming motherfuckers" Wendig.

There were good prequel video games not because the movies were better, but because George let creative people at LucasArts basically do whatever they wanted with the SW license with unlimited funding.

I think Lucas is a hack fraud filmmaker but he was a very generous patron of the arts.

This is also a good point