Ever noticed that in horror movies the catholics are always the good guys, exorcisting demons and ghosts...

ever noticed that in horror movies the catholics are always the good guys, exorcisting demons and ghosts, while protestants are always crazy zealots or evil cultists

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the catholic church and us military own hollywood. you cant get any film rated in the US without going through them.

>catholics own hollywood
>not jews

i doubt that, source?

Television & Film

Catholic priests are easier to write than Protestant pastors. Everything is centralized and hierarchical in the Catholic Church, which means writers can borrow the same tired tropes about superiors and institutions that you find in other films. There are numerous, accessible resources available for research on the Catholic faith, which makes it easier to portray Catholic priests semi-accurately. Catholic priests are also very easy to identify visually; there's no real need to establish who they or what they believe once they appear on the screen.
And, yeah, Protestants make up the majority of the USA, which makes them a target for people invested in dividing and conquering the country. Can't have a unified populace under one faith and all that.

Based and truthpilled

Go watch 'this movie has not yet been rated' rather than eating any old shit uncle Yas Forums feeds you. The film ratings board of america must always include two representatives from the US arm of the Catholic Church and the United States Military to judge the film. And you want to film scenes in the big cathedrals/churches in the big cities? or get military hardware or film on bases/airforce carrier vessels for free? well you gotta pay the toll.

Just like in real life.

It's almost like "muh jew" is a Yas Forumsbaby boogeyman that your gullible ass fell for?

>the catholic church and us military own hollywood. you cant get any film rated in the US without going through them.

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>ever noticed that in horror movies the catholics are always the good guys
I don't think you watched The Exorcist...

because if a non-catholic/anglican(non-homo one) priest conducts an exorcism bad things can happen

Outside of horror movies, Catholics are the character who rape children. It's only fair that they get to be good guys in supernatural movies.

What's really supernatural is that they manage to fight demons without succumbing to the urge of raping little boys for entire scenes at a time.

le epic pedo joke number 45412321

He's unironically correct. The largest film lobby in the US is actually an extension of CPAC and CPAC funding. A black being in a capeshit doesn't change how religious conservatives actually run the media and most of the government that matters.

buh-buh-but da internet told me it was all joos and im no sheeple getting psyopped!

t. ranny

This was only true before the 60's

I accept your concession, brainlet. Reminder that CPAC also runs the largest national news broadcasting system on fucking planet earth.
>it's okay you can admit it....

>Go watch 'transparent millenial propaganda'

No thank you.

jews are catholics you dumb fuck

Yes, and I appreciate the accuracy desu senpai

cringe and unbased

are you still using meme terms like "millennials" like a retard? You know they are in their early to mid thirties now, right?

>The film ratings board of america must always include two representatives from the US arm of the Catholic Church and the United States Military to judge the film.

Yeah bro and they those supposedly hyper-conservative censors slapped their big "OK" stamp on every piece of utter degenerate trash Hollywood has belched out in the past 50 years, huh?

The Rituale Romanum. It's what protestants are instructed to use in exorcisms. Otherwise a catholic priest will carry it out. Isn't it funny?

A couple minutes of research reveals that the MPA has been led by a Jew, a former Democratic Senator, and another Jew since 2004. Why are you guys lying about who runs the MPA? Don't you know it's wrong to lie to people?


>Leftists trying to pain conservatives as the REAL censors that hate art and censor everything


Attached: Leftists are Pro Censorship Article.jpg (1001x652, 247.59K)

see I'm going to let you in on a little secret, being marginally related to (insert boogeyman here) doesn't mean that by design, an entire system supports them. You faggots have always been completely bufoonish when it comes to baby's first conspiracy. By your own metrics, there would be millions upon millions of Jews involved in your cabal.

Again, the largest lobbyist group in Hollywood is conservative. So either it's a psyop and they are all run by secret Jews to pretend they have no influence, or you're an insane person.

If you watch The West Wing you see really clearly how Jews in the USA side with Catholics against WASPs. It's just divide-and-conquer. In the early 20th century in the USA the WASPs were the establishment and the Catholics were considered somewhat outsiders, so the Jews instinctively sided with the Catholics to try to break the WASP power hegemony. (The tipping point was Kennedy's election as President, proving that Catholics could "make it".)

>hurrr durrr da jooz dindu nuffin

Like that in real life too
>protestants vote for Hitler
>catholic provinces only places where he doesn't win

>conservatives as the REAL censors that hate art and censor everything
Yes? Some literal who defending censorship on twitter isn't really helping your argument here. The President literally tried to urge Congress to pass more restrictions on violent video games that made is peepee hurt, like it's the late 90's again.

Before your time, conservatives cried about heavy metal music, then hippie music, then jazz...

you're obsessed with them, retard.

How’d that ban on violent video games go?

>according to this fictional show...

>Before your time
but during your time, gramps?

terribly, but it was proposed by Republican members of Congress. The party that does shit like that on a monthly basis. I know you're likely an underage zoomie with liberal parents but they have a track record for censorship.

there are quite seriously posters on here who weren't alive for 9/11 and think liberals (despite losing all of the elections) somehow and of course, secretly, run the universe.

Yes user, art imitates life after all.

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My point is that the MPA's leadership is non-Catholic, non-Protestant, and liberal. We're not exactly talking about right-wing overlords here, which was your original claim. Stop sperging out every time you hear the word "Jew."

And CPAC lobbyists don't run things. They try to represent various groups' interests. That's what lobbyists do. The Democrats have lobbyists as well. The people who actually run the ratings board are, as I said, drawn from non-Catholic, non-Protestant, non-conservative backgrounds.

and you think conservatives do run the universe?

>My point is that the MPA's leadership is non-Catholic, non-Protestant, and liberal.
That doesn't translate into "the entire MPA is a liberal paradise" smoothbrain. The original point is always fucking stupid.
>Stop sperging out every time you hear the word "Jew."
Maybe if you took a rest from crying about them every day, I would.
>And CPAC lobbyists don't run things.
oh fuck me, you're a retard.

Are you Jewish?

>win more elections
>win more seats
>GOP in the White House and had a Senate majority for almost 4 straight years
>have the largest lobbyist groups
>have more Wallstreet goons as friends
>have more banks as friends
>run two of the largest media companies on planet earth
no you're right, it's actually moobie producers and underage Hillary supporters though.

Don't be silly, I'm not citing the story of the show as evidence, I'm citing the attitudes and assumptions behind show itself.

It's written by a Jew and the Jewish characters are at the top of the moral pyramid and then next come the Catholics, and the WASPs are almost literally portrayed with little horns and hooves and tails.

That’s a big baby

no, I just want you to go back.

Buddy, conservatives have lost on just about every culture war issue imaginable, they bleat about it but nothing changes. All attempts to censor things like heavy metal and violent video games went nowhere, meanwhile the left has dedicated extra-governmental organizations like the ADL, ACLU, SPLC on top of allies in the media and corporations to censor and blacklist anyone that dare offend their ever growing list of protected minorities. You are not convincing anyone that Jews and progressives don’t have influence in public discourse

>I'm not citing the fictional show I'm just citing the fictional show

Nobody can even reason with you faggots, your entire worldview is the complete opposite of how the real world works.
you're a trained monkey with monkey responses.

>Again, the largest lobbyist group in Hollywood is conservative.

But how many are there? That's like saying FOX is the biggest news station and it's conservative, completely ignoring that pretty much every other station is ideological opposition.

If he died for your sins, would you have eternal life?

Not an argument

>are bad because brown people bad
>beep boop

You said Catholics control the MPA. MPA leadership is liberal, not conservative, and it has never been led by a traditionalist Catholic. It's currently led by a Jew. There's no argument against that. All the insults in the world won't change that.

And you haven't actually proven that CPAC runs Hollywood. If CPAC ran Hollywood, Hollywood would skew Republican. Instead, it skews Democrat. Use your head, boomer.

Sounds pretty based and accurate to me.

>conservatives cried about heavy metal music, then hippie music, then jazz...

OK but do you have anything that has happened in the past 30 years?
Last I checked people are being censored everywhere online at this point, and all the censoring is being done by seething, tight-assed pink-haired leftoids. And it is worse than it has ever fucking been.

Nothing you said was an argument either, you're so brainfucked by instant entertainment that you think Hollywood fucking matters, to the point where the central thesis to your entire ideology props up goddamn movie studios and silly actors who play dress up for money.

This & based

Actually they’re bad because they’re run by Jews, not brown people

>muh 90’s
>conservatives were censoring video games and music
Imagine having an opinion on a subject you know this little about.


> it has never been led by a traditionalist Catholic
Or, rather, I should say it hasn't been led by a traditionalist Catholic in the past 16+ years. I don't know what Jack Valenti's religion was, though given his association with Lyndon B. Johnson, I think we can assume he was a liberal.

That's true to life though.

You claimed Catholics control the MPA. You are objectively incorrect. Stop crying about it. Don't lie and then cry like a bitch when people tell you that you're lying.

>MPA leadership is libera
I don't know why this is hard to grasp, but that doesn't change what the MPA is...
>Hollywood skews (to my boogeyman)
Most republicans are not your goofy "social conservative" Yas Forumsnigger like you are, majority of them are more or less fine with basic left-of-center positions now like gay marriage and "it's okay to hire black actors". But on the whole, conservative media is a literal golden cow industry that makes more money than capeshit.

So explain that for me please.

Catholicism= Christianity if you are protestant you are a paulian freak and will go to hell.

Stop raping kids, bishop.

Why do Catholics rape kids and why are majority catholic countries crime-ridden shitholes?

The majority of members on that board are right-leaning though. Were you also under the impression that Al Gore has been a democrat all his life?



Actually they are bad because they are corrupt, dishonest, censorious and run by insane people. nice projection though.
Be sure to go cut yourself another slice of cheesecake and shove it down your maw for winning another fight with "online hatred", Tumblr.

>no argument
>just ad-homs

I can HEAR your fat-rolls knocking together in rage.

Protestantism is the original folk religion of the US, that's why Jews hate it.

>OK but do you have anything that has happened in the past 30 years?
How old are you? do you think there aren't recent examples?
>muh internet censorship
it's mostly a big meme and it's private organizations getting spooked by advertisers not to host certain opinions. I don't have to agree with that, sure. But that's never been "le censorship".

>all the censoring is being done by seething, tight-assed pink-haired leftoids.
Do you hear how ridiculous you sound?

Go back to worshipping beads or statues or whatever your backwards sect believes these days.

Catholics are all democrat progressive lefties in America and they were the first to accept homosexuals in their ranks. They are loyal footsoldiers for jews.

I’m not even talking about just movie studios you illiterate retard, do you just not know the extent of current cancel culture or have you been living under a rock and truly believe conservatives still have power in the culture war?

The argument is that you are so laughably gullible that you fell for a literal "intro to conspiracy" class on Yas Forums. Pic related is how powerful them ebul Jews are.

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>do you think there aren't recent examples?
Apparently there aren't because you can't name any, and the "recent examples" of leftoid censorship outnumber them hundreds to one.

>I'm entitled to film movies on aircraft carriers for free

Imagine being a catholic and thinking that praying in front of idols and blindly obeying a bunch of pedophilic gangsters in expensive robes is “the one true faith” and everyone else is wrong.

>muh cancel culture
>muh culture war
cancel culture is another meme. Why isn't Chapele violently removed off of Netflix then?

Truth always sounds ridiculous to the brainwashed.

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I've already disproven your claim that the MPA is run by Catholics. You haven't provided a shred of evidence for your other assertions. Go ahead, let out a futile stream of invective. Angrily stomp your feet at the Yas Forumsstrawman. It won't change a thing.

Yet the Nazi party started in the most Catholic area of Germany and a the majority of its leaders came from Catholic backgrounds.


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Protestants are not Christian.

Horror movies in themselves are for the most part generally Satanic in nature. To save time, focus on the supernatural horror genre (large portion of the horror movie industry) These movies contain situations where Christ is not present or not powerful enough to vanquish the evil entity. While that in itself is propaganda, they also at times have plots where the spiritual 'good-guy' is a Catholic priest. This is done to psychologically associate to the viewer that the Catholic church is what Christians to believe are the true authority to God's word (or any authority, for that matter) and are representative of the Christian faith. These things are false. They do this because the Catholics are in fact not real Christianity. The Vatican, which has been controlled by the Jesuits/Knights Templar are the old roman pagan government, they never truly left. They are, to make a long story short, Satan's controlled opposition of Christ's followers (the real church, the fellowship, not any one organization) to make the world hate Christians and Christ, and the word of God. That's why they are responsible for the centuries of atrocities that Atheists and critiques blame Christians for and use as proof of God being morally unjust. It's also why they mix false doctrine and ritualistic, pagan aspects into their religion: to further defame real Christianity.

So to tie this back into the movies, they also use repetition to hammer into the audience to think that all protestants are crazy cultists and evil, to future demonize Christianity. So either way you look at it you're stuck with a version of Christianity that is either false, weak, ineffective or actually bad itself.

This is done to get the audience to either: not believe in the supernatural entirely believing it to be ridiculous, believing that Christianity is just one of many different man made religions that are more or less just as bad/good as others, believing that Christians are stupid, evil and crazy.

The nazis were cucks and trannies who outlawed animal abuse because “muh fee fees” and encouraged women to open up their legs to every single man they met.
Of course degenerate socially liberal Catholics would side with them

>the MPA can't be run by Catholics, if they employ literally anyone besides Catholics
You sound ridiculous.

>It's not censorship if it targets my ideological enemies!!!

Every fucking time with you people.
It's not "censorship" until they're censoring your "correct" opinions.

not all prods are the same doofus

>The MPA is Catholic despite not being run by Catholics or having a strong Catholic presence.
You sound delusional.

How is this an argument though? Everyone cries on the internet, you can petition anyone to do anything..it doesn't make it fucking real. You can petition MasterCard right now to sell ponies, that doesn't mean anything you faggot.

None of your unsourced infographic actually addresses the argument at hand you seething queer.

Except that isn't what I said, schizoid. It's not censorship because I'm not being prevented by the government to say things, I'm being kicked off of a privately owned space, that I don't own.

That literally isn't censorship.

Holy shit I can HEAR Google's dick in your mouth you fat, raging homo.
Call me an "incel" next. You're already seething and resorting to baseless projecting as your kind always does.

Funny how you cucks claim to hate corporations and yet you're the first to eat their shit so long as they are censoring your opposition.

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The argument is that you fell for Yas Forums disinfo about Jews and were too stupid to figure it out.

Because he’s black, duh.

>while protestants are always crazy zealots or evil cultists
The Vatican does its best to contain the crazies, whereas any baptist can pitch a tent and scream fire and brimstone.

The medieval european Catholic Church did partake in what can be called "demon rituals" for cleansing purposes, which basically means they could summon Satan to fight him if they wanted to.

>It's not censorship unless a government does it

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>Call me an "incel" next
incel. ;)

>Yes Leftists are lobbying to get banks to censor people. But that doesn't mean Leftists support censorship!

Holy shit you cannot be this shit-eatingly stupid. No wonder you're a Leftist.

>It's not censorship unless a government does it
I mean, yes. That is objectively true.