Let's discuss the Vietnam War documentary series by Ken Burns which is available on Netflix.
Vietnam War documentary - By Ken Burns
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Why does this guy make Americans so angry?
Because he won and they lost
>magic carpet ride plays as fighter jets drop napalm on vietcong forests
Is Vietnam the most based country ever?
>BTFO French
>BTFO Japs
>BTFO Chinks
>BTFO Mutts
I've watched the civil war one so many times but the Viet Nam one was good too.
The virgin PTSD ridden ex marines VS the chad VC who boasts about drinking from american skulls
Who would win in a fight between these 2?
Is it possible to come to any other conclusion than that America is the #1 worst thing to happen to this planet and Americans themselves are incredibly stupid after watching this?
I literally just watched it. I had no idea how completely fucking bananas the war ended up becoming. The ninth episode was like staring into the mouth of insanity.
>naked burning 9yo girl
>Jane Fonda being a retard
>Nixon lying constantly about literally everything while sowing the seeds of his own destruction
>majority of US voters supporting shooting college students randomly
>north mounts full-scale invasion
>south survives only because US bombs the shit out of them
>north gets concessions, then changes its mind, then US bombs them into accepting the original concessions
>peace declared!
all in one episode
they had to pick a Vietnamese to get mad at.
given the memes I was expecting him to be gloating constantly, but one of his interviews was him just listing how many of his family members died.
this, but france
They BTFO the Khmer Rouge commies in Cambodia, too.
incredibly based.
Does it at all go into how the whole thing was about maintaining and expanding the military budget, protecting French colonial interests and literally created a dictatorship in the south because the communist-national regime was so popular it got voted into existence by the vietnamese people who were subsequently slaughtered by the fascist government the US and French propped up?
yes that's the first few episodes, it goes into a lot of detail.
Between first hand accounts of the war, the scene at home, and North Vietnamese perspectives, it does manage to fit in the utter uselessness of the U.S Government and how terribly clueless they were to the misery they inflicted.
I don't trust Burns to go into as much matter-of-fact detail as Oliver Stone did in either JFK or Untold History
>japan attacks a military target
>US responds by carpet bombing and nuking cities
How did Jane Fonda get away with it though, in that fucking era?
Like imagine today if celebrity twat went to Iraq or whatever, met up with ISIS or the Taliban, shot a video in which they whinged about US aggression, donned a towel then clambered all over a suicide van. We, in a much more liberal age, would tell them to go fuck themselves, so how did Jane get away with it 50 years ago?
>how terribly clueless they were to the misery they inflicted
Oh based on the accounts of the people in charge of the military actions I think they knew
They just didn't care
>Attack a superpower, convinced you can beat them before they get the immense fucking manufacturing advantage they have over you into gear, because you've drank your own propaganda cool-aid and believe they're a bunch of lazy pussies who keep an immense military as decoration with zero intent to use it
>Lose somehow
she's the daughter of one of the most universally beloved all-american movie stars.
if Tom Hanks was caught licking door handles at the airport to transmit corona he'd probably get away with it too.
Yeah I'm thinking BASED
I can't get mad at this man. He was a patriot fighting for his country.
Based VC ambushing stinky american boomers and buchering them with a machete
Vietnam vets became so fucked up because they came back to a country that hated them, right?
couldn't have been the whole getting drafted to fight in a war that everyone knew they couldn't win thing
I didn`t hate this guy too much, if it was the US who got invaded, im sure most of our veterans would be talking just like him. Of course I didnt like hearing about them torturing and killing my countrymen, but how fucked up he seemed when he started talking about how many of his friends and family dying i felt a bit more sympathy.
>majority of US voters supporting shooting college students randomly
sounds pretty based actually, what changed?
>implying Vietnam defending itself from a revolving door of imperialist faggots is equivalent to isis
This is the definitive documentary. It has all the history and aftermath. One of the best made docos in decades.
because there vietcong weren't animals
they really were the actual good guys trying to liberate their country for independence, you know that thing, that thing that there US is so proud of?
they didn't give a shit about Vietnam, it was all about China, from the outset they should have allied with the VC.
Ho Chi Minh would have sided with the US and contained the chinks given independence. Theres an episode where he writes to the president explaining this.
The fact they knew the way was unwinnable and kept fighting for years was disgusting.
I lived in Da Nang for a few years recently, ironically Vietnam is the most capitalist place I've ever seen, starting a business is easy as fuck, even as a foreigner. Building a house requires minimal approvals that would take months in the West. They hate the chinks and Chinese investment. There's Trump themed bars with big murals of him on the wall. The entire country has this massive entrepreneurial spirit.
Vets live it up back in Vietnam, they all have cute young missuses, own tourist businesses and drink beer on the beach all day.
Yeah, let's just ignore all the shitty things the commies did as well.
>Mogie never made it to the top of the hill.
It had an amazing soundtrack
because we dont actually live in a more liberal age. us state propaganda has strengthened fiftyfold since the late 60s, and most of that's been in the last 20 years alone
It was so sad
Reminder that he actually shot his rifle right next to that womans head.
Pretty fucking based if true, fuck reporters.
Next time, just nuke Vietnam and be done with it.
But user... the north had independence, as did the south. The north wanted to conquer the south and impose communism on an unwilling population. Not what I'd call the "good guys".
Why don't you mutts just stay the fuck home?
>the wholesome story where the husband and wife working on maintaining the hochimin trail reunited after the war
Thank god some people made it out without being shit on
When it's a choice between niggers like bao dai, diem, and giap why make the choice at all, just stay out
Ironically most of the bad shit the commies did wouldn't have happened if the US had stayed out because ho chi min wouldn't have been made a figurehead by someone who was more hard line communist
>that part where the helicopter takes off and instantly wrecks into a tree
Meant le Duan, not Giap
What series should Ken Burns do next?
Iraq? Afghanistan? Some combination of the two under the umbrella of "The War on Terror"?
The absolute rage of Americans if they sat down and watched 7 episodes of him laying out what a shit show Iraq was based on absolute bullshit lies would ameriburgers to assassinate him
You gotta wonder if more recent vets feel a little burned by this. Boomer vietnam vets can go to Vietnam, pal around with the guys who were shooting at them in the 60s, go around getting shitloads of attention and lounge on the beaches. The Gen X and Millenial guys that fought in Afghanistan or Iraq probably aren't gonna go back to go clubbing in Baghdad in their lifetime.
Could you use actual syntax please?
Oliver Stone is a gullible retard who bilks money from people who think they're too smart for info wars but still delve into entry level conspiracy theories because they want to feel like they're better than everyone. Untold History was just an amateur take on Howard Zinn's books.
If he hasn't done one on the south korean regime and the atrocity of the korean war he really should
>How did Jane Fonda get away with it though, in that fucking era?
she's a woman and not held responsible for her actions. If Henry Fonda had supported the VC his career would have been over.
Nah, everyone agrees Iraq was retarded. Trump got the nomination because he was the only republican with the balls to say so.
What'll get people pissed off is Burns reminding everyone that thousands and thousands of people were dying and nobody gave a shit.
motherfucker I see you posting cropped Doppel stuff
amazing taste
Actually, you stupid ass fucking foreign piece of shit, the vast majority of us already know that Iraq was conducted under false pretenses and that the occupation shouldn't have happened.
Why was vietnam so /aesthetic/ bros
Everyone is against the continuation of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars except for the politicians
Those things haven't and won't have the kind of cultural impact that is what makes subjects interesting to Burns, just because they are wars. He'd be more likely to make a documentary about the decline of Rustbelt cities