
Really Cameron?

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Why didn't they just dig a tunnel underneath the tree?

Increased gravity, and gravitational anomalies that come with being the moon of a gas giant make bore mining impossible.

Any other space facts you want to pull out of your ass there, Mr. Sagan?

Yellow snow is edible on Pandora.

movie's so cringe you don't even mind for that little retarded detail

No not the heckin' hardtofindium! Where will we go to get the difficulttolocatium now? Those damn space cat indian things will have to be eliminated. Impossibletogetium must flow!

Dysprosium comes from the Greek word for 'hard to obtain'

Havesexium comes from latin, meaning "hard for you to obtain".

Really? We're just going to call a metal "Titan"ium? WTF?
Okay, that's just lazy.
Oooooh, because its "radi"oactive. Very fucking clever, you cunt.
Because it's quick, like the god Mercury? Seriously, whoever came up with this name was a neckbeard.
I take it back. Whoever named this was a neckbeard.
Okay, now we're just stringing together random letters.


no it doesent.

Dysprosium is a real element, underageb&

Great post, Einsteinium

Prove me wrong, faggot.

>Pocahontas in space

Prove yourself right first, faggot. You ever been digging on the moon of a gas giant before?

More like
>Dances With The Last Ferngully in Space

Digging tunnels is expensive. There's like 200 of them, do you think they bought expensive horizontal-tunnel digging equipment?

In all seriousness they should've just gassed all the natives with heavy arty from kilometers away. Sarin or VX will kill anything with a nervous system. But I bet the pussies and treehuggers only gave the troops weapons for 'self-defence', not extermination, so it sort of works.

No, but it's a known fact that large moons that orbit Gas Giants suffered extreme tidal forces that cause lots of earthquakes, high core heat and general instability. All recipes for disaster for an underground mining project.

Your turn dumbfuck.

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>with Smurfs

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it was discovered by Americo vezpuzio, so, yeah, it has a meaning.


>applying real-world logic onto a fictitious moon
Yikes. Besides, Pandora doesn't seem to suffer from any of those things. If "general instability" and "high core heat" were a problem, they wouldn't set up bases on the surface at all.

They could have just nuked the planet from orbit. They could use non-radioactive methods like throwing large tungsten rods in parabolic arcs around the gas giant to pick up speed and slamming them into the ground.

They idea was not to commit genocide. They wanted a mineral and they could have easily taken it a hundred different ways, but they wanted to give the natives an opportunity, they wanted to be fair. Honestly the "bad guys" were being REALLY fucking reasonable.

Who gives a shit? The majority are made up and/or don't exist in nature.
>lol what about oxygen bro?
Just call it air like a white person, you fucking nerd retard.

>being "fair" to a hostile alien species squatting on thing you travelled light-years for
I mean they're Americans in the film, there is no way we wouldn't immediately put them in camps.


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Wow it's almost like Cameron is a hack

>The majority are made up and/or don't exist in nature.
That's an odd way of saying "small minority"

There were no signs of earthquakes, high core heat, or general instability in the movie

Actual materials which are really difficult to acquire are often called this.

What about the sneedium (formerly kniwn as chuckium)

That nigger conflated oxygen and air, he's obviously sub-normal IQ

you know this is a real term and it's real material used by factory racing teams?

Doctorpavelium, I'm ciaium.

>There were no signs of earthquakes, high core heat, or general instability in the movie

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Why didn't they just harvest the floating islands?

They literally mention gravity anomalies messing with their instruments when they fly near the magic tree.

>Gravity anomalies
They doenst mean there is planet insatiability. We have areas on Earth that mess with instruments.
Floating islands with old looking vegetation, doesnt imply earthquakes, high score heart, or general instability. They fact the the floating islands seem stable and have been there a while implies they are a natural phenomenon rather than an indication of some problem

Why can't they just use robots?

Dumbfuck every element exists in nature in some quantity. Most also exist on earth.


First one to talk gets to stay on my periodic table.


You didn't move the goalposts, you destroyed them. Faggot.

As a placeholder. Like TNG writers would write in scripts and let an editor put something appropriate in.


Should it not better be called unobtainite since its supposed to be a mineral?? Cameron=Hack

Feel like the entire plot couls have been prevented by pitching the tree neural network as an avenue for immortality.

imagine the money in growing human avatar bodies and doing soul transplants.

make that mineral look like shit on your boots.

Wasn’t there less gravity on Pandora? Isn’t that mentioned in the Colonel’s talk to Sully? Like, before he starts benching 350lbs for reps?

He didn't crystallize so good.

I don't really remember anything about this movie, but why didn't they just hydrogen bomb/gas the planet and then steal its shit?

It’s salt.

yes and unobtainium was discovered by unous obtanicius a foreign space science guy.

There's no logic. Real reason: a turkey shoot isn't fun to watch.

I just thought it was what military and businessman called it and it wasnt really researched much. would probably be renamed later


they didn't want to commit genocide


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But they killed thousands of those guys and wanted to destroy their entire culture

They're not going to glass the only other planet rich in life.


Tell me about B4 N3 why does he capture the gas?




Why not?

Did you see any deserts?

>why didn't they do X on this fictional world?
>"because X wouldn't happen in real life"
>we're not talking about real life, faggot.

Neck yourself.

Why didn't they just low orbital ion cannon all life from the planet and then sieve out the ubobtainium?

burnite, lmaoite

Why didn't they send the eagles to pull the tree out of the ground?

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Why didn't they introduce the idea of capitalism and pay the Na'vi to dig the stuff for them?