Miss me yet?

miss me yet?

Attached: obongo.jpg (531x411, 38.65K)

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Fuck no, you fucking criminal. People that miss you like this idiot and constantly screech about Trump are the world's most disingenuous people alive.

No, I miss Huey Long


ssshhh, it's not really obongo posting here

>Obama is a criminal but Trump isn't

Attached: 1584299497096.gif (250x190, 2.6M)

ooh ooh ahh ahh you narrow shouldered gay nigger faggot

>Straw Manning this hard
Oh wait, the gif was ironic, I get it

what exactly am I supposed to miss about you


Feel free to explore and verify each at your leisure. Reminder that Obama spent a third of his entire 8 years on vacation.

Shit president. Amazing how having a black guy as president for terms terms made America MORE racist

nice gyno, faggot

i'll redpill you: each and every president of the united states of america was a criminal

>Obama tan suit controversy

>implies guy who misses Obama is constantly screeching about Trump
>accuses me of strawmanning

Attached: 1584299690862.gif (225x255, 1.98M)

Which page is longer

take your meds and go back to /r/thedonald

Which page has more actual crimes and murder?

Oh look, he found the exception that proves the rule and won't acknowledge a single other entry. Guess Obama should be made king and every Democrat immediately sanctified

>NO! Obama controversies are real! Trump controversies are fake news and don't count!

Attached: trumpcuck.jpg (213x236, 9.55K)

>Reminder that Obama spent a third of his entire 8 years on vacation.


Attached: 4r.png (1675x342, 28.86K)

>thinks that people who unironically miss Obama the Drone Striker, Lord of the Fast and Furious, Breaker of the Arab Peace, The Red Line, Insane Hussein, don't bitch about Trump publicly whenever possible.

Attached: 1547216948863.jpg (424x554, 38.16K)

>Fallacies only apply when I say so
Catch corona and die

>Guess Obama should be made king and every Democrat immediately sanctified
How low is your IQ that this was your conclusion of my beliefs?

you just know

Attached: 1487429843681.webm (1280x720, 2.49M)

yes, we need to bail out more banks, and expand the nsa power to surveil all americans even more, and invade more middle eastern countries, and give more weapons to cartels, and corrupt the fbi, cia, doj, and irs even more, and protect that evil bitch hillary clinton from prison.

hate drone strike
hate pandering to conservatives
hate general neoliberalism

love smoking weed and darts (xd)
love reserved demeanor


Ah, jumping the gun are we? Imagine being such a simpleton.

Lets not bring George Bush into this.

Oh, my bad, he just spent nearly a year on vacation time as the fucking president, not three.

Fast and Furious. And don't say "LIKE DA MOOBIES!???" You should know what I mean. Fuck you. Multiple US and Mexican citizens were killed by Obama and companies fast and furious shit. And MANY MANY guns are still unaccounted for. Meaning who knows how many people die because of guns and ammo given to the cartel by the US GOVERNMENT with Obama's consent!

You are living during the most kino presidential administrations of all time

Attached: 106339555-1579161881976trumpthunbergrtrs.jpg (2200x1467, 173.3K)

Any competent leadership would be appreciated at the moment

Less than any other president in the last 30 years



Not an argument.

War criminal

I miss having a president with a manly voice like Obama's. Trump's voice is so...lame.

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Attached: 6MfIL.gif (340x240, 1.67M)

that's the thing. obama was g.w. in blackface.

>I was strawmanning but it doesn't count when I do it

Post your pic, fatty.

Attached: 1578264577112.jpg (500x500, 63.63K)

Nope. You're not invested in the truth, you just like media snaz. "DAT TRUMP IS WORSE THAN HITLER" right? If you bother to try being anything more than a talking head, you'll soon find very easily that Obama was the most horrifying president that has been in office since Lyndon B. Johnson, only that it is masked by a media apparatus that fucking loves him.

every democratic* president

This, while Trump is illegally killing Iranian generals to distract his 70 IQ red blooded beer guzzling tuck driver redneck fan base with "manly" patriotic explosions they have no idea he was slashing taxes for the super rich and gutting public health.

Attached: skynews-trump-umbrella-fail_4469222.jpg (2048x1152, 161.43K)

People always say this but when I ask how he was a war criminal they don't have an answer.

>thinks I'm strawmanning

Learn before you post.

>This is the first time user saw a political argument spiral into hyperbolic character attacks
>But he never once doubted that it was everyone else that started this decline in communication, while he was just being uniquely articulate.


>My version of the truth is THE truth! I know because I read it on Yas Forums!
you're pozzed hard buddy

t. bernout

Fast and Furious was based and like the Iraq War which Republicans demanded, a noble effort.

Yet all the members of the teams and staff loved this. They don't want to sit around and eat tens of thousands of dollars of fancy fucking food. And the fact that the MSM made fun of Trump for this is just another reason why the average person hates the MSM. Oh look at Trump serving these people DISGUSTING fast food. Why aren't they getting steaks and piles of delicious slow cooked pork??? Yeah, let's bitch that a bunch of millionaire football players aren't eating steak. When they'd rather eat what's there and feel more normal.

You faggot.

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Regardless of what Obongo did wrong, they wouldn't tell us the full story. Why would they make the first nigger president look bad? The pushback would be insane.

hello mohammed

Killing of civilians

isnt that what all presidents do?

Jesus user calm down

What? It was for Mexico..Obama gave the cartel machine guns. Are you fucking retarded? Shut the fuck up you false facts giving cunt.

>This person I disagree with does this thing other people I disagree with do, therefore his opinion is invalid!
that's strawmanning

No fuck this coon

Not at all

How is that any different from Obama directing extrajudicial executions of foreign and domestic citizens overseas using drone strike craft, selling weapons directly to narcos, selling vehicles and weapons to muslim insurgents, helping topple the country of Libya, increasing the powers of the NSA, imprisoning illegal immigrants instead of deporting them, all while he slashed corporate taxes and bailed out the largest, most corrupt banking houses in the country?

Why does he look like he sucks cocks?

Look to local governments. The federal government is wildly incompetent.

the ineffective neoliberal? pass

>OMG calm down!
No..and I'm calm. Saying "calm down" isn't an argument. Is nobody allowed to give a thought out response? Do you just want anime reaction pictures? Fucking moron.