Star Trek Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Posting TOS babes
A Star Trek kids show that teaches kids STEM and critical thinking skills.
Would you be OK with that?
No I don't need to watch Sesame Street for adults
>Posting in the boomer bump limit violators thread
bros rec me some Treks to watch before the coronavirus apocalypse next week
The vast majority of children are mentally incapable of critical thinking. Only about 1% of whites and 0.1% of Asians actually possess the mental capacity for critical thinking. There are a handful of individuals who appear black capable of it but in every case it's because of white or Asian admixture.
The success of the human race is basically the story of the X-Men where the exceptionally rare mutant gene is the one that allows critical thinking rather than controlling the weather or being a dick that can shoot lasers out of one's eyes.
Posting in TOS thread
>we will never see Assignment: Earth
god damn these are some sweet pics of grannies you found on google
Here's some good deep cuts
TOS - Spectre of the Gun
TNG - Time Squared
DS9 - The Visitor
VOY - Course: Oblivion
ENT - Future Tense
Real new for /trek/ers who don't want to watch a guy tos post to himself.
/trek/, if you are seeing this comment, it means you attempted to create a thread war while the generals' self-destruct sequence was engaged. That will not be permitted.
Original Trek did everything better.
>Are we still on for hasperat tonight, Commander?
I thought we'd stopped with these faggot thread wars already?
We ignore the first thread, then we ignore the second one; I can't keep up with what one to post in.
based riker9.jpg poster
Where's Valley Forge?
Just keep complaining in the one you hate so it bumps higher then the one you think should be the real thread.
Hes making sweet love to Corona Chan
he's back in the secure unit and her internet privilege has been revoked.
This is the real thread, though.
Looks like this is the thread, trek deserves spam and tripfags. Regposting on Yas Forums ends up in better /trek/s than /trek/
Getting ready for the apocalypse by marathoning Fear the Walking Dead and painting Fallout miniatures, probably.
Also this.
Cool, go Regpost on Yas Forums.
I'll go play sto, someone dump some more spicy TOS grannies up in here.
So how come the Jem Hadar easily dabbed on a Galaxy class starship with only a few ships, but later in the show Jem Hadar ships arent that deadly?
STO is old enough to be a spicy granny now
What's a Jem Hadar?
The Federation had levelled up since their last encounter.
That's a good point but I think the galaxy class ship was protected people on a planet or something but idk if that's a good excuse also after that they got a jam hadar ship to study so maybe they learned something from it.
>10 years is getting up there
Okay chief.
When I typed jem hadar it auto corrected to jew then jam
>those sweet delicious playstation 2 graphics
>that astoundingly unique world of warcraft copy paste
>those thrillingly repetitive go fetch quests
It's only been ten years?
People don't realize that the absolute worst "O'Brien must suffer" episode is where his wife turns into a cunny physically but not mentally and it would be entirely proper for him to fuck the shit out of her but he never gets to because she's such a bitch about it.
>the absolute state of phoneposter funnies
Well you clearly never played.
If you had you would have at least tried to rag on the nickel and dime F2P model.
I am still your wife
kill yourself
You should have never let us get a hold of your memes.
Oh right
>only makes money from players who want to show off how much they enjoy sucking their own dick
>I am still your wife
"But I poop from there!"
"Not right now you don't!"
>STD poster thinks nutrek memes are real memes
bros I gotta get a perfect star trek gf
Exactly, Now if /trek/ could make money off tripfags like that the place could probably be spruced up a bit.
But maybe there will be a quality fat shit war later, I guess there's that to look forward to.
Why cant women cosplay DS9?
>Deranged retard thinks nu trek isn't canon for reasons.
>Cursed thread
>Cannot hear ancestors
>Acoochiemoya has deserted /trek/
>Going back on the fire water and playing slots at the casino
This is the only acceptable nu trek meme
You ain't getting any money from tripfags until BF gives me my 20 percent from last night.
TOS is by far the cutest and most iconic of the Star Trek uniforms. People cosplay TNG and DS9 but TOS is the one that jumps out the most. Nobody really wears ENT or VOY because the people who like those shows never leave the house and are far too introverted to wear something as flashy as a costume in public.
Simply, TOS is the most exciting to wear thus you see it photographed more than the black pajamas from later series.
Why is Soji's chin so fucking big?
Somehow it took me until now to notice it, I guess they hid it well or I paid that little attention or something. Hot damn.