All women are whores. They live life on easy mode and never have to face up to their whorish behaviour...

All women are whores. They live life on easy mode and never have to face up to their whorish behaviour. All they have to do is just literally talk about themselves into a microphone and lonely male losers will pay them money. They just need a camera and a microphone and they can make thousands of dollars each month. Women will never know the struggle of being homeless as men will always be there to pay for a woman's mistakes and incompetence. The majority of men have to work a back breaking 50 hours a week whereas females can just pucker their lips and wink at a camera to earn a comfortable life without ever facing adversity or hardship. Only men can get drafted for war and are expected to die for the comfort of females. On sinking ships husbands are expected to drown while their roastie whore wives get to survive and go on to have guilt free sex for the rest of their lives. Divorced men have to pay 100% alimony and child support even if the woman has a job and a new husband. Men are more likely to commit suicide because of 21st century pressure while women continue to propogate the myth of the wage gap and gender equality. All women desire is instant gratification and narcissistic validation. A woman's greatest strength and weakness is a mirror. It reflects their vain and self obsessed need to idolise themselves but it also shows them for what they really are. Whores

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Other urls found in this thread:

have sex seedcel

I really despise how this "crossed eyes and tongue out" anime girl expression got popular. It's not sexy or cute, it's fucking obnoxious and makes me want to curbstomp these stupid broads. Anime was a mistake, weebs were a mistake, women were a mistake, social media was a mistake.

so what are you gonna do about it, fag?

Bernie supporters look like THAT?!?!


Post the pic of her without make-up

that's a man

It's the simps who are the problem. Women are just exploiting spineless men.

>All women are whores. They live life on easy mode and never have to face up to their whorish behaviour. All they have to do is just literally talk about themselves into a microphone and lonely male losers will pay them money. They just need a camera and a microphone and they can make thousands of dollars each month. Women will never know the struggle of being homeless as men will always be there to pay for a woman's mistakes and incompetence. The majority of men have to work a back breaking 50 hours a week whereas females can just pucker their lips and wink at a camera to earn a comfortable life without ever facing adversity or hardship. Only men can get drafted for war and are expected to die for the comfort of females. On sinking ships husbands are expected to drown while their roastie whore wives get to survive and go on to have guilt free sex for the rest of their lives. Divorced men have to pay 100% alimony and child support even if the woman has a job and a new husband. Men are more likely to commit suicide because of 21st century pressure while women continue to propogate the myth of the wage gap and gender equality. All women desire is instant gratification and narcissistic validation. A woman's greatest strength and weakness is a mirror. It reflects their vain and self obsessed need to idolise themselves but it also shows them for what they really are. Whores

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dont care LMAO

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She's cute but literally go to any college campus and you see girls same tier or better.

Why is she popular? is it because she's online?


Nice source please


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She shilled for an open borders Jew, so leftist incels flocked to her.

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you will never have sex

It's a shame there aren't more people who are economically left but culturally right

My stupid whore ex wants to be an influencer and dumped me to pursue that. I have more instagram followers than her now and her Botox is looking weird. Plus she’s 26 going on 27 and that’s basically sour milk

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>all women are whores
>but OP still can't get laid

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Anyone can have sex, just get an 8-Ball of Cocaine and hoes follow you like they're dogs and you're waving a steak.

That's literally the Jews' worst nightmare. They can't have their capitalist oligarchs like (((Bloomberg))), or socialist brown-pandering bureaucrats like (((Bernie))) otherwise.

asian women aren't whores

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OP and all the incel BTFO how can they recover from this

you will never be a real girl
tick tock tranny

Yas Forums - Television&Film&Mother's Issues

They look like they put those fuck-me-silly silicone fucktoy butts in their pants

why is everyone screeching over this cunt again?

Another fine Yas Forums thread

Makeup. Carries so many women lmao

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She looks better without the makeup


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some of them are, but they're cuter about it than girls of other races

She's still cute, she just has a big forehead, so she hides it with bangs (which are a top tier hair style anyway)

Asians aren't people

>soijakposter is an onlyfans simp
Kinos about stunning plot twists?

that's a straight up fucking lie lmao, she's not going to fuck you bro.

what is wrong with her face proportions?

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schizo soijakposter isn't a phoneposter


Stay mad incel

Makeup is seriously one of the biggest problems. Too many 5s and 6s shooting up to 8s and 9s because they learned how to use makeup properly. I remember the first time I saw the girl I was seeing years ago without makeup on and I couldn't comprehend for a moment how fucking different she looked. Felt like I was robbed but also too invested to leave over something like that.

>makes tick tock video
>leftist simps flock to her and she gains like 100k followers
>turns out she also a twitch whore and its mentioned she has a bf
>loses like 70k+ as fast as she gained them
>tons of clips surfacing over this cunt being typical entitled leftist whore pretending to be poor when shes loaded


They fuck black guys

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woah tradgirls look like that?

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Why cant the left meme? Soijack doesnt work when you are faggot like yourself

Lol asians are some of the biggest whores out there. They will kill their own men just to sniff some white cock. It's pretty pathetic in all honesty.

I can't get sexually or romantically attracted to women who use makeup at this point. There's a 6/10 qt I see that doesn't use makeup ever that I'm falling over.

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Is that indigo white? She's got a lot of good trump related leads.

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All women are whores, you gotta just accept that and learn to love the whore for what it is. Remember, don't save her she don't wanna get saved.

have money

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I agree 100% and I hate them with every part of my body except my penis, even then I mostly jerk off to tv or movie characters or anime girls.

How the fuck does makeup make collarbones appear you retard?

They look like they fuck dogs, no you cannot compete with the big know lil black boi

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No she doesn't and most women don't.

is that her daughter?

its a tranny you retard

God I wish I were a whore who lived life on easy mode

Let me tell you about something, this special thing called:
>The Wall

At some point, the easy mode goes away for them, but if you were vigilant and worked hard, you're going to keep ascending. You think belle delphine would have exploded if she was 27?

What movie?

Asian women are just as much whores if not worse than their white counterparts. The difference is they put more effort into seeming less whorish in the public eye so as to make up for not looking as good.

i hooked up with a girl like that once. fakest thing i ever spent time with. fragial, daddy issues, cant actually fuck well, keep trying to immitate porn, keeps swtiching positions every 5 fucking seconds. might have been a one off but that put me off trying to score with a makeup'd whore again. also fucking expensive bitch ordering $18 cocktails

Ah, here's the based thread. Glad I made it.

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80:20 rule

spend less time on this site

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Have you ever tried being a man instead of whatever pathetic creature you are now?

>hasn't met asian women
stupid weeb

I love this shit. Its like bizarro Yas Forums

The only good thot is a dead thot stay mad simps

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They definitely fuck dogs

A post wall women still has more smv than a person who posts on Yas Forums prove me wrong.


Hope she sees this bro

Men call out the elephant in the room and thots and simps are a major problem these days

based and redpilled
all women are whores

>women are very picky about who they fuck
>but they're whores
Not how it works retard

>insecure retards sound alike
yeah no shit

Wish I was asexual

what is lighting you fucking mongoloid?

>that manface
>those shoulders
definitely tranny
notice how he doesnt show his hands
thats how you can tell because you cant mask man hands

>Lighting will make collarbones appear and neck shrink 3 inches in circumference
Sure retard

An Incel is Born

Sounds like you envy them. How bout you wear a little outfit like that and I put you on a leash. First you're gonna give me sloppy head, then I'm gonna pound your ass.

Yes it is. Women can and do dress like whores, act like whores, and then save themselves for an elite sample of the population. Yas Forums pioneered this research.

they are whores because they would rather devalue themselves for a one time with a chad then going for a man on par with them

The black man is right but he should be directing this to the man instead of the woman. He's white so its actually his beauty that's being sacrificed for inferior offspring.

>t. spanish conquistador

Dangerously redpilled thread

shes literally the girl on the left of

I'd appreciate it if was done correctly. That is the pic would be taken when their brains are being fucked out. But instead we got the latest iteration of duckface.


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20% of the male population is still 700 million dudes you white knight cuck

>bizarro Yas Forums
All races hate seeing the other gender racemix.
Even white roasties that would never give sexpats the time of day show contempt towards them.